Author Topic: Diary of putting my family on the RAPH diet  (Read 53456 times)

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Re: Diary of putting my family on the RAPH diet
« Reply #255 on: November 24, 2011, 12:59:53 pm »
My full IgG results should be back early next week and then I'll have a follow-up phone appt with my practitioner so I'll ask her about it then. I don't think she did test my copper levels though. What can one do to actively reduce them? I wouldn't be surprised if they are high, and I do know that I have a nickel allergy too.
Karen: Proud Mama to Marisa (8-11-05) and Matthew (6-5-09) and happily married to my best friend and love of my life since 10-13-01


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Re: Diary of putting my family on the RAPH diet
« Reply #256 on: November 24, 2011, 18:12:22 pm »
Its worth asking.  Kai and myself don't have the symptoms except I am a fairly anxious person but I have come up as borderline and Kai has it.   It is genetic though.  Some of the basic symptoms fomr memory are: anxiety, depressionm, panic attacks, mood swings, sensitivity to drugs and medications, all day brain fog, poor dream recall, ridges and white spots on nails,  family history or alcoholism or mental health issues

This is interesting, Eloise. Have you ever watched the documentary "Food Matters"? They explore high dose vitamin therapy and how it can be used to treat/cure so many illnesses, including what you mentioned above. They actually speak specifically about alcoholism and depression being directly related to B6 deficiency. Believe it or not, the founder of Alcoholics Anonymous actually discovered this about the B6 deficiency and wanted to use high dose B6 therapy to treat alcoholics. Of course, then the FDA came in an suppressed any further treatments. If you get a chance, check out Food Matters - its pretty amazing.

Do you believe that gut flora also plays a role in what you're talking about with the pyroluria? I would assume that if the gut flora is not in good health the body will not be able to absorb the nutrients it's deficient in anyways, correct?

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Re: Diary of putting my family on the RAPH diet
« Reply #257 on: November 25, 2011, 01:49:48 am »
I haven't seen the movie but flagged as a " to do"  :)
 You have hit the nail on the head.  Can I add one the symptoms of outpolled are abnormal fit flora, gut dysbiosis, IBS and food intolerances. Many of the puroluriacs I have met have hit problems.

50 % of alcoholics tested by Dr Walsh of Walsh institute ( over 20,000 people tested) have pyroluria. 40% of schizophrenia sufferers too. It  also has high incidence in people suffering depression and anxiety. My husband is getting test as he has a strong family history in these areas and he has signs of low zinc, as well as brain fog - (I thought it was dopey husband stuff!)

The experts on this condition believe it to be one of the underlying reasons behind gut flora issues because b6 and zinc are required for over 200 enzymatic processes and for detoxification
Pathways, production of musin the line the gut and proper functioning of enterocytes in gut lining. Without b6 and zinc one will have lowered immunity and susceptible to infections and overgrowths such as parasites, candida, bacterial overgrowths etc. the role of diet is paramount in the treatment of pyroluria and the recommendation is usually something along the lines of the GAPS diet. But a pyrolle needs mineral and vitamin supplementation to fix the cause too.