I think my kids would REALLY struggle with the grain free part. I guess because they are older, it would also make it that much harder. They wouldn't stop asking after 2 days.
Speaking of weird foods toddlers will eat, until Savannah was 18 months old, her breakfast was usually a mixed grain hot cereal with spinach and prunes mixed in.
Then she noticed that Daddy put brown sugar on his oatmeal and it was all over from there. Good run while we had it.
So, over the last week or so, Henry has gotten increasingly hard to put down for bed, and today he fought naps as well! I'm thinking its probably a coincidence and not something to do with the diet. I know the 4 month mark can be rough, but this is really getting so discouraging. We had more mucous later today. Oh, and I am stopping his probiotic because there is FOS and GOS in it (maybe that has something to do with him crying for almost 2 hours last night at bedtime--I read that it can cause gas). I'm really bugged that I didn't notice that on the label when I was looking at them, but it wasn't with the other ingredients and I didn't even look at the list of probiotics in it because I assumed they were all okay, just checked the "other" part of the label. the ones I got for me are okay, I think, so I'll still keep taking those--will he get any through bfing?
This feels so hard. I find myself second guessing everything I do. Tonight, he had a little diaper rash on his lower belly and I went to put something on it, and realized that I had no idea what was okay to use, so in desperation, I just rubbed some safflower oil on it--no idea if it will help the rash at all, but I figure if we can eat it, then it shouldn't have anything in it to make his gut sick.
And I keep going back and forth on making the other 2 kids try this as well. I'll start to chicken out, and then one of them will throw a tantrum about something ridiculous and I'll think that it will all be worth it if any of their irrational emotional issues would actually be helped by this. Although I do feel that the RPAH diet is not really healthy, so I would hope that it wouldn't take long to know, one way or the other, because I hate to cut out all their favorite fruits and veggies for very long.
I'm curious--I know a lot of you have your whole families eating this way. Is there anyone else who is doing this on their own and still having to cook "normal" foods for your family? Does it ever get easier? I think if I just didn't have to deal with any other foods than what I'm allowed to eat, it wouldn't be quite so tempting to cheat. I haven't yet, but the pizza at dinner tonight was really tough to handle. Luckily I KNOW that dairy bothers Henry, so I couldn't have had it anyway, so I was able to resist. And I had to make a cake for a baby shower I'm co-hosting tomorrow (which will be at a restaurant where I can only eat the plain rice--no fun.) Smelling that chocolate is making me feel very weak. I don't remember the last time I've been 2 weeks without chocolate.
My hats off to all you ladies who have stuck with this for long enough to see something happen. I'm ready to throw the towel in on a regular basis. But then I think of the wasted 2 weeks and I make it through one more meal.