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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 6
« Reply #30 on: June 28, 2013, 17:42:02 pm »
I figured we would get an OT nap. She's never been awake that long.
I'm going to give an early bt a try. On the way to the cottage for the weekend.
How long does it usually take to get on a set nap?

Offline Johnnyha65

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 6
« Reply #31 on: July 03, 2013, 13:57:37 pm »
How is a everyone doing? Surviving the 2-1?? Well we're back to 2 naps as of yesterday, managed  10 days on one nap but he was so OT and grumpy it just wasn't working, going to try and get him caught up on some sleep then probably do a mix of 1 and 2 day naps. So yesterday we had a 5.40 WU with 40 minute nap at 9.50 APOP then 2nd nap 2-3.50 and he was still tired so asleep by 6.45, with a WU of 6.10  :) best night we've had in a long time. So today I shortened the capped nap to 30 mins as I wanted him to go down early than 2, so did 9.55-10.25, he finally went to sleep for his 2nd nap at 2.00 again?? Guess its because he's caught up on some sleep. I'll see what time WU is and BT before deciding whether I need to cut it to 20 mins, that's if the time the 2nd nap ends starts effecting BT.

I hope the set naps are going better for you!

Offline Skadiver13

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 6
« Reply #32 on: July 03, 2013, 16:09:34 pm »
Set naps are much better thanks for asking. Sorry you had to bounce back to 2 but maybe once he gets caught up you can try again. I'm getting around 11-11.5hr nights mostly 11 and 2hr naps. We're doing set nap at 11:30 and set BT of 6:30 (6 if he did a bad nap). He is grumpier in the later afternoons before BT but he seems to be handling it ok otherwise. We do get the occasional Ew like 5/5:15 but with 11hr nights he's getting up at 5:30/5:45 and I don't get him up until 6/6:30 so it's sort of working. :)
My dreamed for Angel Baby DD (other than dreaded 40min naps) Born 4/30/16
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Offline Johnnyha65

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 6
« Reply #33 on: July 04, 2013, 14:03:41 pm »
Good to hear things have improved for you.

We had pm nap refusal today after a 20 minute am CN. He woke this morning at 7, that was a 12hr15 night, with 2hr15 DTS that has not happened since he was about 7 months old! Then it took till 10.20 before he dropped off this morning and after much upset he went to sleep this afternoon at 2.25! I'm not sure whether he's caught up on sleep or its developmental as we are right under the big grey cloud of a WW week 53!

Well tomorrow he has a settling in morning with the childminder & I won't be picking him up until 11.30, so may aswell shoot for no am nap and then try my best to keep him awake in the car, it will take a miracle and into bed when we get home around 11.45 ish.

If it all goes wrong again at least I know how to get him caught up again, I hope!

Offline Logansmommy2

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 6
« Reply #34 on: July 10, 2013, 14:27:10 pm »
This whole 2-1 switch stinks!  I went back to doing A times with her. She just wasn't doing well on set naps. 4h45m A time is going better for her, but naps are inconsistant at 1h20m or 1h45m. Still getting bt refusal most nights. What is a average second A time for a 13mth old?
If she has a tough night I try to do a 10min am, and then a "long" pm but with all the nap refusal it's a crap of a day.
Seeing the Dr tomorrow and hopefully I can put her back on a bottle and try a soother to see if that helps.
This poor kid is just dealing with a ton of OT

Offline Johnnyha65

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 6
« Reply #35 on: July 11, 2013, 15:15:55 pm »
I'll second that! The nap after the CM's was only 1hr35 and he woke happy but then within an hour was an absolute grump bag so I wasn't feeling brave enough to carry on with just one nap and did 20 min am nap then PM nap finishing at 4pm latest, he started taking longer to settle and started EW for the last 2 mornings so bit the bullet today and went for 1 nap! I know they say less than 2hr is an OT nap but when my LO wakes OT he screams blue murder, so I went for 12.30 nap and had to wake him at 3.30, im sure it's only a one off but was awesome today as I have a rotten cold so got some rest.
I'm really not sure on A times for 13 months as this is my first LO, hopefully one of mods will be able to advise!
How long did you do the set naps for?

Offline songbird

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 6
« Reply #36 on: July 29, 2013, 02:52:20 am »
How are you ladies going?  All on one nap now?

I was doing long AM then a short apop pm nap up until last week when DD suddenly refused to go down for her morning nap until its mid day (we went from 4 hr 15 A Time to now 5.30-6 hrs A). Is this OT or UT you think?  When I try for a nap around the 5 hr mark she is just super hyper laughing bouncing walking in the cot etc. I give up and try every 15 minutes but Same thing. Then at the 6h mark she would snap out of it if I continuously put her down and be patted to sleep.

Then the nap length is usually short 1hr15-1hr20. Haven't had a nap over 1.5 hr! I haven't really tried for a pm CN as its usually fairly late so doing EBT instead which also takes ages for her to settle.

What do you reckon?  Ot/ut? Her nights are 10.5-11 hrs....

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 6
« Reply #37 on: July 29, 2013, 07:15:07 am »
100% OT i think! Try putting her down 15 min later tgen normal A time. A junp that big in A time always backfires.

Offline songbird

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 6
« Reply #38 on: July 29, 2013, 19:06:53 pm »
Thanks!  I think OT too but just don't know how to make her sleep any earlier!

I should clarify I did try 4h30 to start with but she was just full of energy and wouldn't sleep. I then startee at 4h45 every time but she just bounced around throwing her lovey etc. It drives me crazy :( I am losing my patience with he and feel so bad for it.

I pushed her out in the pram earlier last week to make her sleep but she woke 35 minutes later happy and ready to go!

Anyway today was slightly better she slept 1 h45 after 6 h A then BT was relatively easy after 5 h ( I put hrr down earlier she took 20 minutes to fall asleep). I will try going back to under 5h. Thanks its good to have people to talk this over with!


Offline zebstiredmum

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 6
« Reply #39 on: July 29, 2013, 19:49:52 pm »
Hi everyone

I'm hopping on here coz I think we might be going through 2:1 but I really don't know what is going on!  Still at 13mo it'll be coming soon.  BT is all over the place at the mo, but DD just doesn't seem ready for 1 nap  ???

I thought it was a WW, and maybe because she'd just learnt to pull up to standing, or maybe the heat, but BTs and 2nd naps are so unpredictable at the moment.  I didn't go through this with DS - he would quite happily swap between having 1 nap or 2 nap days, and still go to bed at 7-7.30pm.  DDs BTs can be anything from 7.15pm on a really good day, to 9pm on a bad one  ::)

About 6 weeks ago she started doing longer A times - about 4.5 hours, but then suddenly dropped back to 3.5 in the morning, falling asleep in the car on the way back from nursery.  Now she seems to be in the habit of sleeping around 9.45am - I think because we're getting such short nights - only about 9 hours if she doesn't go to sleep till 9pm.

We let her sleep till 11.30am, then have to apop to get her to have a p/m Cat nap (it suits our family for her to have a long sleep in the a/m rather than p/m so we can take DS out in the p/m and DD sleeps in car or pram while out)

Some days DD will sleep from 15:30-16:00 and go to sleep by 19:15 ( a good day), other days (the majority) she'll have a 30min p/m nap and not settle till 9pm.  I don't know what's going on!!  I was thinking 2:1 and we've had a few days where she's had 11 hour night then 1 nap, but still won't settle at BT, or settles well but treats it like a 2nd nap, and wakes up after 30min wanting to play.   ::)

Could be teething but 4 weeks in and still no teeth showing through... (she has none at all still!!)

Sorry if I'm rambling.  Any suggestions / thoughts would be most welcome :)


Offline songbird

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 6
« Reply #40 on: August 01, 2013, 23:00:48 pm »
Tricky one!

We have made a mess of our 2-1 (DD was an overtired mess for last two weeks up at 430 every morning and refusing to nap until 1pm!!) So not much insight here. ... But do you notice any difference in your routines between your good days and long days? Do youthink maybe she is a bit OT overall cos that's what it usually is for under 10 hrs nights here...

But like I said we are not good at this at all! Hopefully more experienced mummies can give better advice :)

Offline zebstiredmum

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 6
« Reply #41 on: August 02, 2013, 19:41:22 pm »
Hi Songbird

Fingers crossed we've had 3 good days with 2 naps still and asleep by 8.15pm BT, but starting to get EWs now!!  05.30, but she's usually awake by 6.30 anyway, so it's really not too bad, but does mean she's only having 91/2 hour nights.  I think we should definitely be aiming for 1 nap now...

how are you doing?  Are you in the Uk?  if so it maybe the heat making her hyper - it is definitely affecting Daisy! 


Offline Jessleigh

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 6
« Reply #42 on: August 05, 2013, 21:53:01 pm »
Just a question.
My dd is 19months and STILL transitioning.

I had a week of set naps at 12. Never got more that 1hr 25 min nap. OT set in. Back to one long one short nap. Never consistent results. Need to switch to 2 but seems so hard!

Is it normal for LOs to be tired every morning when transitioning? If we're in the car for more than 15 mins in the am she'll usually fall asleep and then we're all messed up. Is this normal or could it be that she's still not ready?
So confused.

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Offline zebstiredmum

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 6
« Reply #43 on: August 07, 2013, 19:45:13 pm »
Hi Jessleigh

Sorry I don't have advice for you - just going through 2:1 with my 13 month old, and DS was on 1 nap around 12 months BUT he was pretty flexible, so when we went on holiday we put him back on 2 naps so we could have him up later in the evening.  Just doing same thing with DD - we're pushing her to 1 nap coz she wasn't settling well at BT (UT) and starting to wake early.  It hasn't helped the EWs - not too bad though, 5:45 and we're usually awake by 6.30am anyway these days!

Since 1 nap she's settling for bed at 18:30 though :) but, when we need a late night we just put her back on 2 naps and a later BT.

Sooo - does it matter if your DD is on 1 nap or 2?  I guess it's whatever works for your family - is it affecting her night time sleep having 2 naps?

DS is on summer hols at the moment, but DD was always falling asleep in the car on the nursery run, even if she'd only been awake 2 1/2 hours so I'll probably have to cross that bridge again come September... ::)


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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 6
« Reply #44 on: August 09, 2013, 21:24:21 pm »
Hi ladies hope you don't mind me joining in, my DD will be 12 months on Wednesday. We have happily been crusing along with the 2-1 with a long am / capped 30min pm nap until yesterday. I casually mentioned to the CM that she will be moving to 1 nap in the near future and that day she kept her up to 12pm after a 6:30WU then she napped for 2hrs 15mins, to be honest she will do a long nap for me after a 4hr A time but i was terrifed she would be so OT. I was away at a "team building event" what fun, with work so DH picked her up and he said she was great they even went to teh swing park on the way home. We had 1 NW at 2:30 but i just fed her (she didn't eat any lunch so i thought she might actually be hungry) then she woke at 6:30 this morning.

So here is the thing, do i do the same and stick to a 12pm 1 nap day and hope she copes ok or do i keep the CN for home days?

I really dont know what to do we see to have jumper from 4 -4.25 A to 5.5 in the space of a day and i am worried it will come back to bite me on the bum  :o

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