Hi everyone
I'm hopping on here coz I think we might be going through 2:1 but I really don't know what is going on! Still at 13mo it'll be coming soon. BT is all over the place at the mo, but DD just doesn't seem ready for 1 nap

I thought it was a WW, and maybe because she'd just learnt to pull up to standing, or maybe the heat, but BTs and 2nd naps are so unpredictable at the moment. I didn't go through this with DS - he would quite happily swap between having 1 nap or 2 nap days, and still go to bed at 7-7.30pm. DDs BTs can be anything from 7.15pm on a really good day, to 9pm on a bad one

About 6 weeks ago she started doing longer A times - about 4.5 hours, but then suddenly dropped back to 3.5 in the morning, falling asleep in the car on the way back from nursery. Now she seems to be in the habit of sleeping around 9.45am - I think because we're getting such short nights - only about 9 hours if she doesn't go to sleep till 9pm.
We let her sleep till 11.30am, then have to apop to get her to have a p/m Cat nap (it suits our family for her to have a long sleep in the a/m rather than p/m so we can take DS out in the p/m and DD sleeps in car or pram while out)
Some days DD will sleep from 15:30-16:00 and go to sleep by 19:15 ( a good day), other days (the majority) she'll have a 30min p/m nap and not settle till 9pm. I don't know what's going on!! I was thinking 2:1 and we've had a few days where she's had 11 hour night then 1 nap, but still won't settle at BT, or settles well but treats it like a 2nd nap, and wakes up after 30min wanting to play.
Could be teething but 4 weeks in and still no teeth showing through... (she has none at all still!!)
Sorry if I'm rambling. Any suggestions / thoughts would be most welcome