Hi there, without knowing your circumstances or your previous post, I just wonder a couple of things:
- Do you think teething might be the reason for the disrupted sleep?
- What kind of sleep props or routine do you use for getting her to sleep?
I am not an expert at all on the 2-1 nap transition, but I just wonder (this is me not knowing, so asking a question) - is 9.5 months a little early for the 2-1 transition? I don't know, just it seems that way. I know they say signs of this can start as early as 10 months...
Have you been keeping a bit of a log just to see if there are any patterns?
Anyway to answer a couple of the questions you actually asked (sorry for my nosiness) - what time is she napping now? At around that age my daughter (now 13 mo) was at fixed nap times of around 10 am and 3 pm, this was with a 6am WU and 6.30pm BT.
Form those times I have been working towards the 2-1 transition using the "15 minutes later for 3 days", today we are at 11.30 - and a 4pm catnap if that happens. I think we will stop at 12.30.
The reason I asked earlier about the teething is my LO is a bit of a late teether (she got 2 teeth in 2 days this weekend, making her grand total of 5), and the other week she was a bit all over the show with her naps and then a tooth popped out. I think the shorter naps were definitely because of pain. It passed within a few days. Just wondering is all! (I'm pretty oblivious when it comes to teething though I will admit, I think sometimes it is easy to blame things on teething so then I go the opposite end of the spectrum and almost ignore the signs... oops).
Anyway hope that helps? (It probably doesn't - but hi anyway