Thanks ladymugg, yip that's what we are doing to.
I have another question for the group...... how long does you LO sleep for on the 1 nap and how long did it take for them to get there consistently?
We've had a bit of a rough day, wu was 3:50 and with a couple of resettles and hubby falling asleep on her bedroom floor we got to 6am. cn at about 8am for 15mins and down at 11:30 asleep at 11:35. We are sitting at about 1h15 minutes and I can't resettle her for any longer. She gets upset at me trying to resettle her, I get upset at her because she wont resettle. Then we had an epic meltdown (both of us) I had no idea what she was trying to communicate, I tried cuddling, leaving her, sitting beside her, teething gel, pamol and then some frozen fruit. As quick as it started it was gone and my happy LO was back?? Think I may have started it with getting frustrated that I couldn't resettle her and her picking up on it, plus the ever present molars coming/going.
Felt like I failed her

think with 3 weeks of transitioning down to the 1 nap, ew and not long enough day naps we have an ot LO. Add to this I am trying to extend her bedtime to help combat the ew which are getting worse. Still managed a 6:10 bedtime tonight, but rubbish dinner and pretty rubbish bf so not sure what sort of night we will have.
Any suggestions? Feeling a bit stuck again.