I worked with a guy once who told me that Saskatchewan was where you could watch your dog run away for two days!!
LMAO Judy....that struck me as very funny....and Kate, your comment about smacking Ryan too.
Ladies, I SO hear you about the headlights -- I may never be able to wear a non-padded bra again....though I'm still BF 2x a day - and bottle feeding 2x a day as well - though Katie has less and less interest in her lunchtime bottle, can hardly get her to take any of it....guessing that will be the first to go. I do think my boobs have shrunk a bit since going to the 2 BFs per day.
Michelle - love the pictures, Molly is adorable.
Holly - lovely pics, can't remember if I mentioned it before.
Very interesting to hear the conversation about finger foods - Katie has had Cheerios, teething biscuits, Gerber fruit puffs, bread crusts, peas, banana, crackers, and a tortilla chip the other day! I would like to start giving her whatever we're having, but we've been eating like crap lately so I'm avoiding it at the moment.
Hannah - Hope your puking goes away - do you think it's just nerves from going back to work? Emotions do some crazy things. If it doesn't stop soon, I would definitely get it checked out. Is tomorrow the day or is it next week? Will be thinking of you headed back to work.
Ankie - I second the notion of seeing you feeding Arwyn from chopsticks.
Traci - best of luck in the middle of the night. Stay strong!
Kate - glad to hear that all is well with the sleeping. Katie is getting a few teeth these days, so she's been up roughly once a night for the past few nights. Not a big deal. We do the Orajel/Tylenol as well and she's generally back to sleep. Fingers crossed that trend continues.
Anyway, haven't done the cards yet - am just getting the proofs for our pictures, and then I have to get copies, so I apologize in advance for the fact that they're probably going to get to you folks overseas a bit late. Once I get the pictures, they'll be on their way though!
Have good nights/days everyone!