I have been reading for about 30 minutes and absolutely loving so many things and laughing and crying a little bit too.
The pics are too cute. Sam and Ryan and the chopsticks and and oh I am so brain dead...
It's been a rough few days. Here's one for ya.
You know you're addicted to the bw website when your baby falls off the changing table and the first thing you think to do is post for help :cry:
Yup, I did it, the ultimate no no, I turned my back while Sophie was on the table and she fell and I watched her and it was not a pretty sight. Sorry to post such a yucky message but I had to tell you ladies. She fell flat on her back. The sound was horrifying. She was fine, after sobbing and screaming for about a half hour to an hour. I called the doc and she said she sounded fine, told me what to watch for etc. I just felt so horrible. Last night when I got into bed and closed my eyes, all I could see, on instant replay was Sophie falling and hitting the floor again and again. Ugh. :cry:
So then, this morning was the first day she was supposed to go to Amy's for "daycare". So Amy calls at 6:30am to say that her 3 year old was up all night with a fever. Thankfully, MIL is willing to do anything for us (mixed blessing?) Anyhow, I call her up and she says "Just bring her over, we'll figure it out" Speaking of the Queen of Denial, I am just sort of prentending like I don't know what that means and I drop her off just trying not to think about it.
I go pick her up at 4:15 ish and she is still sleeping!!! No bottle at 2:30...argh! Plus, MIL is at work showing a house so FIL is there alone with her. Turns out SIL took care of her through lunch and what was supposed to be nap#2 while MIL showed another house. I guess MIL called dh at work and asked him if it would be ok...hmmmm I wonder why she didn't call me??? I guess the truth is I don't know what I would have done anyway, I kind of knew that's what was going to happen and I guess I didn't really have a choice but to go with the flow :roll: or take the day off
SO Sophie was completely wild at bedtime, screeching and crib crawling like she was having a party in there. She did eventually settle....anyhow.
So, I know I should get over it but it's REALLY hard not to feel like double bad mommy for letting my child fall and for taking her to our local IL "patch it together daycare"
On top of all of that the kids in my class are giving me a bit of a run for my money. It's kinda hard to be teaching a lesson that I painstakingly planned during MY weekend and have a classroom full of kids who are either 1. bored to tears or 2. completely confused and clueless as to what I am trying to teach.
It WILL get better I know it.
Micky thanks for the card. So lovely.
I am sending lots of hugs and good sleep vibes to everyone. I can totally relate to the feeling of "now everything is going to be screwed up!" The journey towards a good night sleep is a long one.
Take care ladies.