Hey ladies, hoping you can help me. I have read several of the most recent pages, but am not entirely caught up. I have to say I didn't think I'd be dealing with this particular issue so soon. Hugo has always needed tons of sleep, and suddenly he doesn't want to nap anymore! I am sick and tired of leaving him in his room yelling "Need Mo-MEEEE." Most of the time he does not cry, just yells. At first I stopped him however I could so he wouldn't wake my 3 month old, but I've found that he doesn't, so I let him go at it.
Here is his schedule:
7-730 wake
130-330 nap
8p bedtime
If he goes in his room but does not nap, it is like this:
7-730 wake
130-3p in crib
7p bedtime
Sometimes he talks for a while, but when he doesn't nap (especially a few days in a row), he is grumpy, tantrumy, and crashes when he goes to bed.
Things I am wondering:
Maybe he has gotten his second wind by 130 and an earlier nap would be better?
He takes off his grobag; should I dispense with it entirely? (it is getting warm) For me, it was always insurance that he would not try to climb out of his crib.
Am I crazy, or would a big boy bed transition help? I'm not sure why I think it would, except that I wonder if giving him a little more control could help. Like some of you letting them nap in your bed, etc.
I can't let him nap in my bed because the baby sleeps in there in a bassinet. Or maybe I could nap the baby in his room in his crib?
Or do I just need to wear him out in the mornings?