It's funny how it all depends on your LO. I never would of imagined my late 2-1 switching boy would adapt so well to no nap cold turkey at 34 months. The thing is, if I look at how he was as a newborn baby he was a great night sleeper (5-6 hours and 1 BF over night home from hospital) and a so so napper. I worked so ridiculously hard on his naps to fit into the BW routine as each month passed, I nearly drove myself mad! I stressed out so much with the 2-1 nap, I could never get my 2 hour luxury break in the day like all his friends Mums were having and it led to early wake ups and NW's that we were not used to. Then...he started doing the long naps hooray....NOT... his night was shortened and we both were miserable yet again. He is much better with the long nights (11.5-12 on average now). Naps make him grumpy, full stop, period, the end.....they make DH and I grumpy too, we are terrible nappers and better off getting to bed early people/family. So there you are, he was right about it from birth, this is my bio-rhythm Mum don't mess with it, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree!!!

So naps will only happen in this household for illness (hope not), hangovers

, hectic schedules, anticipation of late nights like weddings or holidays or in a moving vehicle hopefully not whilst we are driving them!

Over and out all!
Aisling x