Nope Rachael, that's EXACTLY what you're aiming for - nap at midday (2, 2.5 hours is fantastic) then bed by 7 p.m. Wake at 7 a.m. Well, that's in the ideal world but sounds like she's getting there.
Remember to watch for her tired cues. Obviously the later she sleeps in the morning, that little bit later you can put her down - I'm talking NO LATER than midday though. But if she's yawning or goes quiet as early as 10 a.m., say, I'd be giving her a high-energy snack and then aiming for an early lunch and nap.
Based on past history, I wouldn't be pushing bedtime past 7 p.m., she should be actually ASLEEP by then
Sounds like she functions much better on that earlier bedtime.
Sounds all positive, though