Is MIL having her overnight or just putting her to bed? Whilst I recognise you need to be flexible with a sleep schedule, could you ask your MIL to keep to as close a time around 6.30 bedtime as she can? If not, don't stress. Have a great time out, btw
I think you're doing so well, Rachael. Maya's stretching her nap out and going to bed early no dramas. She's also doing a great overnight sleep. Things are looking up!
do I still do 6.30 even if she sleeps more than 1.5?
YES YES YES! Why don't you look at 6.30ish as being her regular bedtime now, just adjust accordingly for night wakings (if any - remember 2nd molars are looming
) Eg, my DS2 is going through what I think is a growth spurt or else his molars are annoying him too. The other night he slept 6.45 til 8 a.m. I put him down at 12.30 p.m. instead of the regular 12 p.m. and I had to wake him again at 3.15
I could have put him down later last night bc of all that sleep but I didn't, kept to regular routine and he was asleep by 7 (normally earlier but we were out). He's woken at 6.15 this morning, about 45 mins earlier than usual, but that's obviously due to the loads of sleep he got yesterday. So we're back on track now.
Do you think 6.30 is too early a bedtime or are you worried you'll be stuck with the early wake-ups? My bet is that when she stretches that nap out a bit, is going down happily at bedtime regularly and is waking well rested, hopefully closer to 6/6.30 a.m. (I would give it a while yet
) that's when I'd start by pushing her day nap closer to midday and adjust bedtime closer to 7. Don't even consider this just yet!!