How do you make sweet sugar free muffins creations?
I think I got the recipe from mamacook (lemonthyme)
100g finely grated sweet potato (I used a mix of sweet pot and carrot as didn't have enough sweet pot)
2 eggs
4 tbsp milk
100g sultanas (I used chopped dried apricots as I didn't have sultanas - can you tell I am useless at following recipes?)
2 tbsp veg oil
150g SR flour (bare in mind this means there is some salt in the finished muffin)
1 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp vanilla extract
oven 200 - 220 deg C
MIX egg, sweet pot, sultanas, milk, oil, vanilla.
MIX flour and cinnamon in a bowl.
ADD wet mixture (do not over mix)
DOLLOP into cupcake cases or muffin tin (makes 10 - 12 regula cupcake size. I've also made some in petite four cases, very cute mini muffins)
BAKE 15 - 17 mins (around 10 min for petite four mini muffins on slightly lower oven)
They freeze well and although they are yummiest eaten warm they are ok to defrost and just eat, but you could re-warm them.
I found these quite sweet, like carrot cake, and think they could also be nice with a mascarpone or cream cheese topping added after cooking.
I haven't made any for a while, really must get another batch made. Chopped prunes are also lovely and sweet, or any sweet dried fruit really. They are sweeter if the sweet pot/carrot is finely grated rather than coarsely grated.
Yum yum