hello to my fine ladies, I can't even really begin to catch up on all of the posts, there has been about 5pages added since I went to bed last night.
I did however notice that nikki you said that Nathan was having night terrors, Jay has had some for the past couple of nights, so dh has crashed in with him so we can all get some sleep.
Wonderful news on Ri, I was holding her hands on mon. she was standing, and she took some steps, I was stunned, she has no interest whatsoever in being on all fours, she would rather be in her excersaucer thingy and bounce up and down and squeal.
Oh! and of course now she has 2 teeth, she seems to be acting as if she can now eat anything she wants, as she leans in toward food no matter what you are eating. She seems to have developed in personality over the weekend, ever since the tooth broke thru last week.
She put herself tosleep tonight too, wrapped her up after a wind down, she did her unhappy whinge and went out like a light.
Janean is doing good with them, Ri even snuggled with her when I came home tonight. She has been feeding her a half hour before pd, but I just told her Ri was to do EAEAS not EAEAES.
She is still sleeping thro the night, not quite sure what I did to derserve that treat, but I will not knock it, it will probably come undone knowing my luck.
Work is good, a litle easier today, the first day had so many passwords to learn, but today we got to look in a little deeper at what was covered.
Leaving them is still a little hard, but I guess that will come in time, good job I have lots of pics of them on my cell!!!! lol
Is any1else putting in pics with the cards, just wondering, I think I may have to send off for an extra sheet :shock:
Right my fine ladies, I will love and leave you for now, I will lurk in and around here when I get home from work, I will try to post and replt to some of them if I don't have work at home like I have the past 2 nights.
I will try to get a pic up soon, but I never remember to take one of me at 7am when I am all ready to go.