Thanks KayDee, thats really good to know. I talk to other mums and you can just see that they think Im doing something wrong because M doesnt sleep well. It is a scary thought cutting her naps that much but as you say if they are low sleep needs then maybe she only needs a really short nap and we'll get longer nights.
Ive put her down at 12 because she was knackered! She is very dark eyed but we've been to the park this morning and she was fine. She's a little bit sensitive but overall seems ok even though she's had so little sleep over the last few days!
I just cant believe after a 14 hour day she still takes that long to go to sleep even with our help, you'd think she'd just crash out but she never ever does.
I think that maybe right now she's not going to cope on the shorter naps, shes had 10 hour nights for the last 3 nights! I'd like to try to catch her up a bit and then try the shorter nights in a couple of days? Or should I just go for it? She goes down so brilliantly for her naps, there is definitely no refusal.
As for BT's I have no idea what to do. Early BT's just dont happen, the best we have managed is 20 mins early than usual so I think the naps are the only way to catch her up.
I dont know what to do today!!!!
She had 45 mins yesterday and still woke at 5.30am but you said that it can take a while for her nights to become longer?