Congrats Zoe. Now you won't be able to keep her from doing it all the time now. :lol: Doesn't it feel like a world event when your lo does something different that she's never done before? I think it's magnificent!!
Well, I'm not going to stress out about solids and just go with it. I've got Sharon's routine on my refrig & and also Jennifer's so I should be ok. I'm just going to give her rice cereal for two weeks for breakfast (1hr after bf) and dinner (1hr 1/2 before bedtime bf). And after 2wks, I'm going to introduce veggie & fruit during those two times. Then after about a month, I will finally introduce lunch (veggie). She had 2 tbls mixed with ebm yesterday and today she had 3 tbl for breakfast and 4 tblspoon for dinner. I think she would have kept on eating at dinner time if I'd offered. She started crying when I stopped at 3tbl so I made 1 1/2 more to make her happy. She definitely lets me know if she wants something or doesn't like something. Boy, am I in for it. Her personality is so sweet and then there are those times when she gets frustrated (can't get the toy in the exersaucer in her mouth to chew), she starts yelling and banging stuff. :lol:
She has been fussing a little for bedtime and rolling and rolling and I've been concerned that I would become a prop of patting her til she's asleep. So I talked to Matthew's mommy and decided to put her in bed and just walk away. Oh my gosh, it worked. She talked & rolled and lost her paci. I just let her roll for about 10mins and went in and without any talking, rolled her to her tummy, put her paci in and left and then SILENCE, she fell asleep without any patting!!!! No patting whatsoever!!! I just walked away and she didn't cry at all!! Wow. Matthew's mommy said at this age, she should be able to fall asleep independently and when she does that, her 45mins wake will disappear. I can't wait to see what happens this week. She also told me that after 6mos, not to go in to try to put her back to sleep before she wakes because me going in & trying to help will actually do the opposite and wake her!! I will keep you guys posted.
Jadyn loves her Einstein videos also!! If I need to iron or clean up, I will put her in her highchair downstairs and let her watch it (our tv is huge, so she needs to be up higher). She loves it. She gets mesmerized. I put it in today 3times. I felt kinda guilty though, not spending time with her. I put it in French version. Who knows, maybe she will get something? :wink: They didn't have it in Korean :wink: (I'm 100% Korean) My husband has some French in him though, I think.