Author Topic: Sooooo confused and depressed!  (Read 27168 times)

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Sooooo confused and depressed!
« Reply #180 on: September 23, 2005, 20:59:53 pm »
I'm back,

7.00 up and milk (Oscar won't want to go straight back to sleep as he gets older)
9.30 nap - 1.5 hours
11.00 up & milk
2.00 nap - 2hours
4.00 up & milk
7.00 milk and bed

so that's 2 naps and 4 milk feeds.

When he's weaned it may go something like this:

7.00 up and milk (Oscar won't want to go straight back to sleep as he gets older)
9.00 breakfast
9.30 nap - 1.5 hours
11.00 up & milk
1.00 dinner
2.00 nap - 2hours
4.00 up & milk
5.30 tea
7.00 milk and bed

Thes are just my thoughts, not from tracy's book.

Basically what i do with Jacob is to do 4x milk feeds, plus 3x meals, so in effect he is being fed every 2 hours. ( although breakfast is really close to the first milk feed, cos I have to go to work, but it works for J ok) I don't stick to it religiously, so if he wants to sleep through a milk feed I let him and just give it when he wakes, which works, cos he likes his food, may not work with all bubs though. this then allows time for 2 naps am,pm for up to 2 hours each.
(seems like work is the word of the day! :lol: )
Jacobs not very well, got a hacking cough and I think he's just begining to wake from his nightime sleep now - he must know when I'm on the BW website!

Have to go again. I think you are turning into a baby whisperer, you just don't know it yet! And yes it's fine to ask more stuff, if I can't answer it , i'll tell you :)  xxx
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Offline oscar10405

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Sooooo confused and depressed!
« Reply #181 on: September 24, 2005, 00:10:45 am »
Thanks Cheryl - I find your 'schedules' easy to follow!  Oscar had the perfect day yesterday - everything timed nicely - 2 x 2 hour naps, a 45 minute nap late arvo and in bed at 8.00pm!  Of course the night wasn't great but hey..... :)

He's now hungry again when he wakes (i woke him up at 7.15am because I didn't want to start the day late again! 

Sorry to hear Jacob's not too well  - it must be hard to hear them cough?  I'm so lucky (touch wood), Oscar has not even had a cold or anything really.  I know the day will come.......probably helps that he doesn't mix with other children! (no, he's not a prisoner, I just haven't joined any mummy's group yet!).

Thanks again.......xxxxx

Offline chell

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« Reply #182 on: September 24, 2005, 06:21:54 am »
wow! sounded like a great day :D I think things fluctuate all the time. Some days you really feel like you are achieving, and the next few, not. But it always comes full circle again when things are good. If I have a bad napping experience, I try to remember how good things can be, then try to forget it ,thinking it'll be tomorrow soon!!!

Muzzy's (bunny) botty's better! Now that's a tongue twister!!

Took Jacob to the gp again (I swear they will class me as munchausens by proxy soon) I'm always there....trouble is with your first bub you never really know how ill they really are or what to do. Any way he said it was just viral. I'm still not completely over my bug either and DP is going down with flu symptoms again. I think it must be something environmental, or just really resistant bugs. We need a really cold winter I think. Any way don't want to bore you with all of that.- :wink:

What did you used to do before Oscar?

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Offline oscar10405

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« Reply #183 on: September 24, 2005, 07:54:39 am »
It's not boring at all!  I like hearing about other peoples issues, good, bad, or indifferent!  Makes a nice change from me talking about me (which, I know, is totally fascinating!).

I don't blame you - i went to the dr's when Oscar was pulling his ear.  Nada.  Honestly, the minute he gets a sniffle......I'll be there, in the surgery, making sure he doesn't touch anything and get more germs.... :roll:   I cringe when I see the toy area at the doctor's because I know there will come a day when I can't stop him from playing with them and I will be sitting there fretting, imaging all the sick little germs he will be touching!!  Ugghhhhh!  My husband is the same - we are both so precious with him!  Poor Oscar will be afraid of everything.  (i will not let him know my fears.... :wink: ).

Is your GP good-looking?  Maybe he thinks you fancy him.  I had to read up on munchausens by proxy - I have heard of the syndrome before, but not the name.  I don't think you are in danger of being classed as that! 

I was in recruitment/HR before becomming a house mummy.  I've never really enjoyed it that much so I don't miss it!  In fact, I could quite happily never work again!  I do get bored.......not 'bored' as such.......tired of being in the house I guess.  I haven't found my dream job yet - I think I'd like to work from home.  I used to want to be a journalist (didn't apply myself well at school so that went out the window fast!), a naturopath or a dietician.  (my first job was a Vet Nurse!)

What do you do?  Besides being a BW guru........?!xxx

Offline oscar10405

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« Reply #184 on: September 24, 2005, 08:01:53 am »
PS The chiropractor that we took Oscar too was really good-looking, a young Canadian .  I tried to tell Mark that I needed to go and get my back looked at but he wouldn't buy it, said I could see the 'other' chiropractor.  :x

Offline chell

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« Reply #185 on: September 24, 2005, 17:56:48 pm »
He,he!!  Guess your DH saw through yuor little plan eh? :wink:

That is wierd - my first job was as a Vet Nurse! I worked on the moors with both farm and domestic animals, did my training but after 4 years developed some sort of skin thing - it was horrid! Apparently due to using all the disinfectants etc. I had to wear cotton gloves permenantly for several months. When I used to go out clubbing I'd wear long evening gloves to cover them up!! I eventually got fed up with it and decided to do something different ( the pay was crap anyway); so I trained as an Occupational Therapist and have been doing that ever since (13 years). I am working in a community mental health team now, but have been offered a post a bit closer to home, not sure what to do really....

Yea, know what you mean about the yucky toys in Drs surgeries....

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Offline chell

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« Reply #186 on: September 24, 2005, 21:21:27 pm »
Actually I could quite easily not work again, well for a few years anyway! I'd have though HR would have been quite an interesting job. (Not as good as not working at all though! :wink: )
Oh no my GP is far too old! I hope he doesn't think I fancy him! :lol:

That's funney too :lol: I took Jacob to the drs for exactly the same thing - ear pulling! maybe all bubs do it for the attention!!!

I think you must be a  very dedicated DW to have given up everything to follow your DH into the dessert (i'm never sure how you spell that(!), I mean the hot place, not a bowl of treacle tart and custard) It's all rather romantic........

off to bed now

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Offline oscar10405

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« Reply #187 on: September 25, 2005, 06:14:05 am »
Well I have spent the day in tears!  My friend is convinced I have PND.  I'm not so sure though.  I've actually been 'tired' for about 1.5 years now and it's really getting me down, I'm positive that if I felt better physically, I would be much happier.  But, of course, being a new Mum, people are sure it's baby-related.  I won't go on but I have been to many, many doctors and alternative practitioners and nothing has helped.  My naturopath thinks it must be chronic fatigue, only because they can't find anything else.  :cry:

Sorry - just had to get that out!  You probably think I'm a whinging hypochondriac. 

Anyway......the desert (one 's' for 'sand'!) is hardly romantic (i think you might be the ol' romantic here....!).  We are in a small town and it's hot, dry, dusty and there's MILLIONS of flies!  Sticky, annoying flies that hover around your face!  I swear they target you and don't let up.  I've had one follow me all around the newsagent, I had to leave because it would leave me alone!  (true story - must have been working for the shop to stop people 'reading' the mags, which I was doing!).  :roll: .  Trust me, it's a hard place to live, not romantic!  What is romance anyway?  I'm sure I haven't seen it since I got married!?  I actually encouraged the move here as it meant we would be better off financially and his career prospects better.  We both gave up a lot really - family, friends, good coffee shops....actually, shops in general!  Hopefully, we made the right decision.  Time will tell.

You sound like a REAL vet nurse, I was more of a pooper-scooper and receptionist.  It was not the job I thought it would be!

HR can be interesting - I think you need to really enjoy 'people' to like it though.  I'm more of a 'behind-the-scenes' gal I think.  I like people, and LOVE it when I can help someone, but I'm very bad at concealing my own moods and opinions sometimes!  You know....the whole fake smile thing, I'm not good at that!  Obviously - YOU are good with people!  What an admirable career you have. 

Oscar has had a funny couple of days - not great with sleeps and grizzly at other times - he's been harder to put down too.  Hopefully a stage.

If you're ever in Australia, you must come and visit, I'll introduce you to the flies....! he he

Offline chell

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« Reply #188 on: September 25, 2005, 13:39:15 pm »
Oh no, Jane, I didn't realise that you have been feeling so tired for so long. I have a friend who is just recovering from  chronic fatigue after a very long time, but she is recovering and thinking about going back to work soon. No wonder you are finding all the baby stuff so hard. And it is hard, but to be feeling the way you do at the same time.... honestly you are doing such a great job. I don't know a great deal about CFS, have you had the energy to look into what is recommended, or does everyone have a different opinion about it?
I know most Drs know very little, or seem to be quite blase about it, which isn't helpful. Did anything significant happen in your life 1.5 years ago? ( must have been just before you got pregnant) ( you can pm me if you want).

Oh yucky yuk! those flies sound rather nasty! So I guess DH has a permenant post there. Is it a possibility to stay there for a couple of years or so, make some money then move back closer to family?

Yea, you do have to put your own stuff on hold, in my job, but I don't really mind that, unless something really bad has happened, then it is tough. The new job i've been offered is about 10 mins down the road and less pressured  than my current post (lots of drugs and alcohol), but my team are so lovely and the manager is great too (best lot I've ever worked with), so there's a lot at stake. Not quite the same risks as you took, but I really need to think about it hard.

I'd put money on it being a phase- with Oscars naps, Jacob is just going through a similar thing but -crawling round and around his picking him up putting him down again... needing me to be there until he is almost asleep, but he is still unwell, so I'll let him off! He's having a good nap this afternoon though- over 1.5 hours.

Oh,yes, as for the romance, that all went out of the window when the bub arrived, and still is!! :wink: never mind eh?! 

xxx :D  :D :D
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Sooooo confused and depressed!
« Reply #189 on: September 25, 2005, 21:55:50 pm »
hi ladies,

you two have been a wonderful support to one another - for 19 pages!  since it seems that this thread has boiled down to just the 2 of you, though, i'm going to lock it.  i think for what you are trying to accomplish now, private messaging would be best.

although if any new issues arise, please post to the board for some help and advice!

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