Author Topic: March/April Thread #3  (Read 138046 times)

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March/April Thread #3
« Reply #855 on: December 19, 2005, 22:28:08 pm »
Traci - yes, we get about 30 minutes variation on bedtime (more if DH is in charge  :roll: ) depending on naps.  It generally doesn't affect nighttime sleep (or wake up time for some reason). 

Lara - welcome!  Nice to "meet" you - as Nikki said, the book is very helpful, and we'll be happy to help you sort out any questions you may have.  Sorry to hear of the loss of your DD and congratulations on your lovely son. 

Beautiful pics Hannah - such cuties!

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March/April Thread #3
« Reply #856 on: December 19, 2005, 23:17:00 pm »
Traci - Sophies bed time never usually changes more than 15 minutes, unless there are some crazy circumstances, HTH!

I got Xmas cards from Traci, Michelle, Kate, Lisa and Ankie, there are all great thanks so much, all the pictures are on my fridge  :) !

Welcome Lara!

<img src="" width="400" height="80" border="0" alt="Lilypie First Birthday tickers" />

<img src="" width="400" height="80" border="0" alt="Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers" />

Offline becca24

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March/April Thread #3
« Reply #857 on: December 19, 2005, 23:40:42 pm »
Hannah - Don't know if you know this but bog is another word for poo here. It is also short for bolognaise for some unknown reason :? I just thought you would laugh at the bog/poo connection - Oh well you had to be there I guess :lol:

Traci - Welcome back! Sounds as if Cole is doing better, well done.

Lara - Welcome to the thread. I hope you can join in with us. I think you are our first UK Mum. Or are you Mam??

Hi to everyone else hope you are having a good day

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March/April Thread #3
« Reply #858 on: December 19, 2005, 23:46:02 pm »
Hannah - love your little hockey player, too cute!! Sophie looks simply adorable in her knitted hat too!!

Welcome to Lara!!  So sorry to hear about your wee angel Jaia. Must have been heartbreaking for you, no wonder you say DS is over-pampered. Totally understandable!!  Nice to have you join us here.

Cathy - so sorry to hear of Carter's teething troubles. Have you tried the Hyland's tablets?? Molly hasn't any teeth through yet but when she is majorly fussy, drooly and her cheeks are bright red, I give her those and she calms right down. 

Judy - yukky waking up so early! Those little baby girls better smarten up!  BW Auntie Jody should head to TO and give them a talkin' to!

Nancy - love the picture of Santa and Olivia. She looks so cute in her little fur trimmed outfit!! Great picture of yourself too, another BW Hot Mama!!  8)

All this talk of babies choking has got me afraid now. I want to take a CPR course, gosh I better get on that. I haven't given Molly much food other than pureed jar food and cheerios! She was eating well about a month ago then all of a sudden decided she didn't want any "food" just her bottles. Some days she was only taking about 24-28 oz. total and nothing else. She's slowly now deciding to give it a try again! Kids, can never figure them out! :shock:

Micky - been thinking of you and Jackson today. Was going to call as we headed out to WEM today but then read you were having the casts off!! Hopefully it went well, I am awaiting your post. Wooooo Wooooo! Nice Christmas present if all went well.

Jody - 6 teeth?!?!?!  Happy 9 months old to the little darlings BTW.

Traci - so nice to see you back!!  Our bedtime is somewhere between 6-7 pm depending on whether she's had the catnap or not. No catnap = bed at 6:15 or so. Catnap = bed at 6:45 or so.

Richelle - love the new avatar. What a happy little one!   :lol:

Molly and I were at West Edmonton Mall today and finally finished off the Christmas shopping. Whew!! So glad that is done for another year. Is anyone else NOT buying anything for their babies??   :oops: I figure she will get enough with grandparents, aunts, uncles, friends etc. Anyone else?

Going to post this picture of Molly and I at Beacon Hill Park in Victoria. We had a grand time feeding and watching the ducks. We don't really have a spot for that here so it was quite exciting (for me anyways).
~Michelle (Spruce Grove, AB, Canada)



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March/April Thread #3
« Reply #859 on: December 20, 2005, 00:01:25 am »
Welcome to our thread Lara!!! :)  Always fun to have new faces around here!!

Sounds like you've had such heartbreaking as well as joyful experiences in the past while.  I cannot even imagine what you've been through :(

Your son was born the same day as my girls!! :)

Traci - catnap and bedtime.  I kinda just wing things here... if the second nap ends early (like 2pm) then I do try to put them down for a catnap somewhere between 4 & 4.30pm for about 30min or so.  Bedtime is somewhere between 7 & 7.30pm (usually closer to 7 if I can but we've also been as late as 8pm somenights).  I've already mentioned my trick of feeding around 5pm if there was no time for a catnap but they seem tired - just a 10-15min snooze on the boob if they choose to.  Although  I'm not necessarily a good one to give input as with life here it's so busy at all moments that I can easily loose 30min so any hopes of keeping track of 15min is lost on me! :)

Offline Carter'sMama

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March/April Thread #3
« Reply #860 on: December 20, 2005, 00:09:43 am »
Traci:  Carter's bedtime always stays the same.  Sometimes he is done his afternoon nap by 1:00 sometimes by 3:30-4:00 and he still goes to bed at about 8:15pm.  Generally if his naps were really early in the day then he would have a little nap (usually in the car during errands).  However, lately we haven't needed the catnap (I hope I don't jinx myself).

I got cards today from Traci, Lisa, Naomi, and Holly (where has she been btw??).  They are all wonderful ... love love love checking the mailbox every day!!!

Bath time!  Have a good night everyone!
Cathy - Mama to:
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March/April Thread #3
« Reply #861 on: December 20, 2005, 00:18:01 am »
Traci, bedtime here is the same - 7pm.  But like Judy, whether it's 6.45 or 7.15 I still consider it "on time", cause there are other things going on that can alter the plan.

I do set naps though 9am and 1pm (since I drop Nathan at pre-school at 9am, D's in bed by 9-9.15am - even if she was tired sooner, it's not an option and then they both go down for a nap at 1pmish).


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March/April Thread #3
« Reply #862 on: December 20, 2005, 00:50:13 am »
Bec...I didn't know that bog meant  I get it now.
Cute pic Michelle.

Tracy, we usually keep bedtime the same because she has to be up by 6:30 to go to daycare.  So I figure I have to get her down by 6:30 no matter what has happened during the day.  We have dropped the cat nap completely though. HTH

Btw we have also dropped the df completely!!! Yay!
Although I do miss it.  It was so nice to cuddle her warm soft little sleepy body in my you all well know.

Just went to traget for a few things...ugh...I feel like hibernating until after Christmas.  It's just wild out there. 

What else?? Thanks for the discipline feedback.  I know brendan's aquite abit older than the older kids on this thread but i thought I would ask anyway.  I think it is going to be a challenge for dh and I to stay on the same page with it all, but we have already overcome some pretty huge hurdles so, here goes...
Welcome Lara.  Don't think you can spoil him right now.  Lots of lovin is a good thing, IMO.
Oh yeah...Nikki I had to laugh, being a teacher, who deals with kids who would rather NOt go to school some days...someday "you won't go to school" will be a reward not a threat :)  But yeah, I totally know what you mean about consequences being a punishment for you sometimes too....we often wonder after setting consequences like "You'll have to stay home today, no visiting friends"  Why on earth did we do that??? after being cooped up with him all day
 :roll:  :?
Off to get dinner for little Snotty McBoogers.

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March/April Thread #3
« Reply #863 on: December 20, 2005, 00:55:33 am »
Hi, I miss a day due to being busy with DH around home and it's now taken all day to catch up.

Welcome Lara, nice to have you join us. As you'll discover we can be a little crazy here sometimes, so much happens, but we're always here to listen to both raves and rants about anything!

Traci, great news on Cole sleeping. So have you figured out what you did differently that you can replicate? Was it his bed time? I have noticed since Daniel's been going down at 7pm (used to be 6.30pm) he does seem to sleep until about 6am. I think I hear him at 5.30am approx sometimes, but doesn't really start making noises until after 6am. I usually go to him at 6.30am. He slept a couple of mornings until 6.40am, but hasn't done this again though.

Judy and Nikki, I'm finding your toddler talks about discipline very interesting. Keep 'em coming!  :D

Hannah, the hockey photo is great.

Cathy, I hope Carter's t@@th comes thru soon and the grizzles stop before Christmas.

Richelle, interesting finger food info. You're an inspiration to me. I'll have to try some more things.

Thanks for the cards, my DH usually clears the letter box and he keeps coming in saying "more cards from your friends..." as if to say "why don't I get any???" I secretly smile to myself! I've had one from, Kate, Traci, Karen, Micky and Lisa. I love the photos too.

Things are going well here. Had a 40 min nap thismorning, but hoping for a bigger one now to make up for it. Normally Daniel's asleep 1.5h for both naps. And his awake time is about 3 hours in the morning if we can keep him up that long (could explain the short nap thismorning), and 3.5 hours between the 2 naps. I found keeping him up for 3.5 hours has reduced his crawling around the cot. Basically I think he started moving cos he wasn't ready to sleep. Duh!!! Why else would you crawl around your cot?  Ok, so don't answer that. But for my good napper and settler it seemed to help the problem of cot-olympics.

Ok, snooze time for me now, if I can. I do like an afternoon lie-down.  :D
Ohakea, New Zealand

Offline Jayri

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March/April Thread #3
« Reply #864 on: December 20, 2005, 01:01:01 am »
oooooo, I got a card from traci and cathy today!!!! thank you thank you thank you. I am waiting to get all the pics through and then I will put them up at my desk at work.
Michelle- so nice to see you, I love putting a face to a name, I guess the hot mamma trend continues.
Lara- Welcome aboard, it is so nice to have someone new, could we get a pic of you, we are so nosy and love to put a face to a name.
I started on the phones today, I booked my first flights....yipeee!!!!!
Kinda nerveracking, but everyone else seems to have faith in me....I made some screw ups, but none that my supervisors weren't aware of.
Riley did a little better tonight, I put her down 90% of the way and then she did the rest.
Well girls.....I must go and put the kids bags together for tomorrow.
Take Care everyone, I will check in before I go to work.
Naomi mum to ds 17.06.03 and dd 26.03.05
&dh together since 23.02.01



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March/April Thread #3
« Reply #865 on: December 20, 2005, 01:03:41 am »
Quote from: sophieandhannah
Oh yeah...Nikki I had to laugh, being a teacher, who deals with kids who would rather NOt go to school some days...someday "you won't go to school" will be a reward not a threat :) 

LOL, my thoughts exactly.  For now he loves it and would go 5 days a week if he could (and I would like that some days too!  :wink: ).  Mind you I did stuff up one day months back and did the same threat and he took me up on it (where's the smack my head emoticon!) - so of course needed to follow through and keep a grumpy kid at home.  :lol:

Bec, can't say I knew that bog meant poo, but bog can be a crude word for toilet here (I particularly think of long-drops as a bog).  :lol:

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March/April Thread #3
« Reply #866 on: December 20, 2005, 03:55:53 am »
Hello Ladies!

Today has been quite the day.  So after listening to everyone's advice I decided this mornign that I just had to get out and start/finish my christmas shopping.  After breakfast I decided to get T in the car and she would just take her am nap in the car, and then be home in time for pm nap.  So 30 minutes in the car to the mall so not too bad.  Then in the stroller and finally in the sling after lunch at the mall.  Well she ended up falling asleep in the sling too, I guess after having such a short am nap.  I have to say that it was so peaceful just holding on to her as we walked around the mall with her snoozing.  I better not do that too often or else I will get addicted because it was just so nice to hold her KWIM? 

So since the pm nap was obviously ruined I figured the heck with it and stayed out another 2 hours!   :shock:  I know, bad mommy!  We then went to dinner at grandmas house and bathed/fed her there and then got her home by 7:30 will be interesting to see what happes tonight.

Anyhoo, nuff about me.

Great pics Michelle and Nancy!  Today I received a card from Erin and OMG are Katie's eyes gorgeous!!! 

Okay guys, I guess I missed something with the bog talk?  Oh well. :?

Traci-congrats on Cole's great night!

Naomi-glad to hear from you and good to hear the job is going well.

alright girls, off to read some while DH is at work-need some "me" time!
Taylor-Textbook Baby
DOB 04/19/05

Sydney-too soon to tell, but looking EASY
DOB 05/20/07

Offline mickymuscles

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March/April Thread #3
« Reply #867 on: December 20, 2005, 04:14:05 am »
hi girls!

well we had a busy day here!  Jack got his casts off!!  Yippy!  But the poor little booger...anyone have a cast before??  Your joints hurt so much at first from not being used and I don't think Jack is any different.  He had the biggest crocodile tears  :(   Then I can't imagine getting a pin unscrewed from your bone feels very good either plus he was way past his nap time which all equalled major screaming!!  Not even my cuddles would settle him down.  :cry:   I finally just put him in his stroller so that I could speed walk back to the car and he was asleep before I even took 2 steps.  His legs are so darn skinny!!  Little chicken legs.  I said to him "Oh, look you've got your fathers legs!"  :D   They are so weak right now and he doesn't like to weight bear on them...I'm sure once we get back from California they'll be feeling better then maybe we can get them back in shape with the jolly jumper.  8)   It's also funny because he's a little tipsy now when he's sitting....he doesn't have the extra weight or bulk to hold him down.  :)  He seemed pretty happy to be able to be in the bath again too.  He was pretty relaxed....and trying to drink the bath water again. :roll:
anyways, enough about us....i chat with you all tomorrow!
mom to 2 beautiful boys!

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March/April Thread #3
« Reply #868 on: December 20, 2005, 04:18:53 am »
Okay so don't think I am totally bonkers but I went back and copied/pasted a lot of the parenting discussions between Nikki and Judy.
Nikki/Judy-I hope you don't mind. :oops:

I just know that personally I cannot grasp it all right now, but know that someday in the near future I will need to and will forget it all.   I mainly like the fact that the discussion mentions the different parenting styles (love and logic and UP) so that when I am ready I can go out and buy the books/do the research and decide if that is the way to go.  Also, both Nikki and Judy give a lot of examples.  I think Judy talked about the fact that reading this type of stuff gets her brain thinking about what she would like to do as opposed to actually dictating what to do.  I am exactly the same way!  Many times I will read different suggestions, and think, "that will not work with Taylor, BUT, I think this will."  KWIM?  Food for thought I guess.
Okay enough rambling!

So hope you both don't mind and I will add to it when appropriate/necessary.
Taylor-Textbook Baby
DOB 04/19/05

Sydney-too soon to tell, but looking EASY
DOB 05/20/07

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March/April Thread #3
« Reply #869 on: December 20, 2005, 04:21:13 am »
Micky-you posted the same time as me....SOOO happy for Jack!  I'll say it again, you have got a little angel on your hands!  He seems to have coped with this all so well.  Bless him :)
Taylor-Textbook Baby
DOB 04/19/05

Sydney-too soon to tell, but looking EASY
DOB 05/20/07