Zara had a bad night last night...high temp, lots of coughing etc. Lost nearly 2 hours of sleep in her night, but managed to get her to make it up with a sleep in

1.5 hr nap today, woke on her own, no issues. Happy all afternoon, gone to bed, a I would say asleep about 6:50 (woke for day at 7:30).
Expecting a 5:30ish wakeup tomorrow (DH work day

) but also not sure about how she is feeling - still coughing, still some temp, but nowhere near like last night.
Re thinking we may need a 1.5 hr nap max....if she does 11 at night, and 1.5 in the day, she hits exactly on her average day sleep - 12.5 hrs. I am, however, in no hurry whatsoever to wake her from her naps (or any sleep for that matter) so will just keep on observing...she is teething eye teeth (1 through, 3 to come), so I expect I probably won't find anything too reliable til those are through, the baby is home and everything settles down again, so that is how long I plan to observe for LOL. (Note that in 2 weeks Zara is either coming away with me to wait near the hospital, or will be spending half her week at home, and half near the hospital, so there is no point trying to change anything right now). I will just enjoy the nights she sleeps through, and make a mental note of what her day was. We also still have some SA going on, not all her NW are nap related I am sure.