Hi girls!! I am the mom of a 2.5 year old DD (textbook/angel) and 8 month DS (spirited/touchy/textbook - he seems to be getting more spirited with age
). For the first 6 weeks of DS's life I would descibe him as a touchy/textbook baby. Then it was like overnight the touchiness seemed to be replaced with spiritness. Now at 8 months, I definetly have to say the last months have not been EASY. It's really been a shock to both DH and I (after having DD who was an extremely easy baby) and we've been quite stressed at times (a lot of the time-LOL). Since DS was 6 weeks old sleeping has been an issue. For the longest time he would cry and cry and cry before he'd finally settle and we could shh him to sleep. After months of being REALLY consistent (I mean rarely leaving the house anytime near nap time, for fear of the fallout)naptime became easier. Around 6 months his naps got longer (thank goodness) and for the most part since then his naps are 1.5 hours each. Sometimes we get astray for a few stressful days but then we're able to get back on track. DS has never slept through a full night. We usually get at least 6 hours and then he'll wake once or twice to eat. I'm not convinced he needs to eat twice, but he REFUSES to go back to sleep without nursing. He doesn't nurse to sleep, he just needs the routine of it
DS is a VERY impatient eatter. When he sees that I'm getting the nursing pillow out, he SCREAMS until I have him set and he starts eatting. Also, meal times in our house are VERY loud. He even screams between bites from the time I take the spoon out of his mouth to the bowl to get another bite.
Activity wise DS is very active. He doesn't take to being put somewhere that he is immobile. Exersaucers are good for maybe 5 minutes and then he will just YELL and YELL like he's mad. He used to love the jumperoo, but now is bored with that too. Now he likes to be on the floor with lots of toys so that he can practice getting around. He doesn't crawl yet, but I tell you he's resourceful. If he sees a toy he wants he'll find a way to get it-LOL. If DD has a toy he'll often try to take it from her
. If he's starting this already, I'm scard to see what he'll be like as a toddler. The thing that really gets to me is his constant yelling. He seems to get bored so easy, like he constantly needs something new challenge to conquer. I often feel guilty because I spend so much time trying to calm DS or fighting with him to get down for naps, that my DD doesn't get the attention she needs. Also, she watches WAY more TV then before DS was born, just because it's hard to be doing everything for both at the same time
. Anyways, that's my story. If any of you have any suggestions or advice I'd love to hear it (I'm sorry I'm not able to read through the 28 pages on this topic-not enough time). Thanks!