Thank you Khalam's Mama! Our routine needs to find a little stability now, as we have recently started nursery after summer holidays. Also, we usually prefer to have a later bt, because DH and I are not morning persons at all, and we come back late from work (around 6.30-7 pm) so we like to have dinner with DS and spend some time with him. ATM our routine is:
WU: 7-7.30 am (before it used to be 7.30-8, which worked well for us, as I aim to 8 am wu)
nap: 2.15-4.15 pm
BT: 9 pm
Now: to move bt earlier I need to do an earlier nap, but I can't because he comes out from nursery at 1.30 and when he arrives home it's at least 2. Then he recently started to fight sleeping a little (not really much but he calls few times), so in the end he did not sleep before 2.15. Nap used to start at 1.45 pm during holiday. In addition, he's starting to fight bt also calling for us, and the last two nights he did not actually fall asleep before 9.30 pm. I don't know if this calling us at bt is actually UT (there is no so much A time from nap to bt) or it is a starting nursery-related thing. If it is UT, an earlier bt would make things worst. Anyway, I can try to shorten the nap and see what happens... Even if I am a little afraid to do this because he seems to really need that nap.