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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #660 on: November 07, 2005, 01:59:15 am »
Are we chatting??  I'll pop in now....

Offline Erin M

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #661 on: November 07, 2005, 03:48:34 am »
Missed the chat - DH has had tons to do on the computer this past week - come to think of it, that's why I've missed both chats this week (ours and the N America one).  As for the ***tails (drinks), remember that happened once with Nikki and ***tail sausages.  Too funny.  For all the posts on this site about poop and pregnancy/labor stories and things like that and that's what you get bleeped on. 

Anyway, had a nice pretty lowkey weekend.  Katie STILL has her cold (going on 12 days!) though now it's just a cough that does not want to go away.  Poor dear, I can hear her every night, though she just coughs and goes right back to sleep. 

Kate - I SO know what you mean about looking at the clock and thinking "That's it, she's dead" when they sleep late.  Especially now, since I let her sleep on her tummy and with a stuffed animal.  This morning, I coerced Katie into sleeping until 9:30 - well, she was up around 7:30, so I fed her, plopped her in bed with DH and I and she was tired so I just patted her back until she fell asleep and we all had some lovely nap time in the morning.

Andrea, I know what you mean about guilt and buying things.  I feel like everything I buy has to be on sale and has to be very very useful. 

Naomi, I have that Earth's best food too - I like it, we've now on the stage 2 foods - seems like they're coming out with more flavors too, I was looking on their website and they have a bunch of new ones.

Just a general question - anyone know how long to persist with the 3 day wait rule for introducing new solids?  The past few days, I've been feeding chicken and sweet potatoes for strange.  Katie doesn't seem to mind though....

Hope everyone is well....

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #662 on: November 07, 2005, 05:23:25 am »
Hi all,
Had to pop on and say hello and thinking about all of you.
Good luck Micky with Jack's surgery. It must be soon. I thought you said 8th November which is tomorrow.
LOL on the cocktail...see if that gets bleeped out?!!!
Made my own chicken and sweet potato as looked on the contents label and found that they put maize thickening in the food to bulk it up and only 7%chicken!!!
Micky, when you do Thai red curry for Jack, do you throw in coconut cream as well, puree it and add salt to your portion later? I am quite keen to introduce curries to Sam as I love them and ate a ton when I was pregnant with him.
Anyway, must go get dinner. Just back from work. I missed Sam soooo much I must have run every light and broken the speed limit to get home in record time in peak hour traffic. Played with him, gave him his bath and he is now fast asleep.

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #663 on: November 07, 2005, 08:04:45 am »
HI!!! I'm back from my holiday up in Auckland after a week. Too many pages to read tonight but I read the first few since I left and the last couple, maybe tomorrow I'll get to the ones inbetween.

Once again, missed the chat, maybe next week....

Our holiday went very well. Very busy and we stayed in 4 different houses, 4 nights in a row. Daniel was great. Infact last night we even had DH get up and resettle him when he woke instead of me feeding back to sleep, and it worked! He also managed one night sleeping thru for 11 hours without any help. So I know we'll be back there again soon... the powers of positive thinking I say!

Daniel's just started trying to get mobile by doing secret bum shuffles. IE you can't see them, but if we put pillows behind where he's sitting and we look put toys just out of reach he soon gets them and we find he's moved away from the pillows. I actually saw him do two 'proper' b-shuffles yesterday, but ofcourse, he hasn't done them since.

He's also got really vocal. Not just a few 'words' but big long sentences IYKWIM. "mahh mahhh mahh bah bahhh baaaah ahhh laaa....." Just chats away like he's trying to tell us some big long story about what he's been doing.

We're still having the early 5-5.30am wake ups, which he's now wanting to stay awake at instead of going back to sleep. I'm hoping it's cos he's been elsewhere, not at home. Any solutions found yet?

Also he's still not taking the bottle, but we've got the Dr Brown's bottle and a couple of teets to try so if it doesn't work without the nicer easier way then on Friday I'm leaving him with DH for the day. I wish we didn't have to do that, but we're really wanting him to take the bottle and I don't see any other way now.

Well, enough from me, time to hang out Daniel's washing then go to bed! After Desperate Housewives of course.

Glad to be back and I'm looking foward to keeping up again.
Ohakea, New Zealand

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #664 on: November 07, 2005, 15:44:51 pm »
hey girls,

sorry i missed the chat.  had my girlfriend over as she's 24 weeks pg. and her husband is out of town on a golf trip.  Wanted to keep her company.  We watched Constantine.  Warning-waste of time.  It was free as MIL bought it (she buys so much crap!)

Rough night last night.  Cole woke at 8:10 for 30 minutes, 10:20 to feed, 1:00, change poop and held to sleep (doesn't cry for poop but it stank even though it was just tiny), 3 something, another poop :shock: and feed, 4:50 ANOTHER poop :shock:  and didn't want to eat or go back to sleep.  Tried the teething stuff and ended up just keeping him up.  I couldn't remember when I'd last given tylenol so didn't want to give it too early.  Thankfully DH got up at 7:15 and gave him breakfast.  He let me sleep until 8:15. Of course, then I gave him hell as cole had been up for 3.5 hours :shock:  :shock:  :shock: .  He hands him to me to put to sleep so he could shower :twisted:   I'm swearing under my breath.  I put Cole down expecting a screaming match and what happens?  Goes right down with a little cry and sleeps 1.5 hours!!!  So did I thank goodness.

Anyhoo, i swear i feel bumps on the right side...but further back :?: and he's always chewing on the right side even though i see white spots at the front left :?   Who knows.  All I know is he's chomping on everything he can get his hands on so they have got to be coming in soon i hope.

i've read the posts but can't remember most of them.  Andrea...good point about the 5 min. sleeps in car and stroller. Cole fell asleep on the boob this morning and i tried to gingerly lay him down on the futon with me and he was wide awake.  RATS!  I think Judy mentioned to that when K&H doze off during last feed they are hard to get down.  Likely the same thing.  Glad you found a solution.

okay, little man is sick of the saucer.  justifyably so..he's been in it 25 min. :oops:

see you all later.
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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #665 on: November 07, 2005, 15:48:30 pm »
Erin M the 3 day wait rule on introducing new foods:  you really don't HAVE to follow it at all.  The thinking is just simply IF your child had an adverse reaction to a food and you'd just introduced 3 new things in the past day you wouldn't know right off which was the offending food.  You'd likely then have to stop giving them all and start again one at a time in order to figure it out.

Sorry I haven't shown up to chat - I'll be frank :)  chat starts same time as Desperate Housewives :blush:  and is it Wednesday's you chat too??  Well that's when Martha Apprentice is on.  I only watch 4 shows and I'm finding this year with so much demand on my time all day that I'm VERY excited to have my tv time.  I just LOVE Apprentice (Donald), Martha's I like but wouldn't be upset if I missed it, liking Desperate Housewives and with that have been sucked into Gray's Anatomy.  So sorry gals - but TV is winning out over chat right now!  Maybe when reruns start :)

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #666 on: November 07, 2005, 16:01:06 pm »
hi guys!

karen-when i cooked the red curry for Jack I made it with a curry paste out of a jar  :oops:   The ingredients on the bottle say veg. oil, water, coriander, cumin, salt, garlic, tumeric,chili, and spices.  I didn't add anything else (no coconut milk) just tomatoes, chicken and onions.  I don't know if you can get the brand but it is Patak's Biryani Curry Paste.  I think it is Indian not Thai.  is the website. HTH

The chat is so much fun....I could only chat for short bit tho-DH made me dinner and then I got watching a show about women's body building  :shock:   I don't want to offend anyone but OMG!!!  Half of the women had 5 o'clock shadows IYKWIM??!!!  Scary!
mom to 2 beautiful boys!

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #667 on: November 07, 2005, 16:06:31 pm »
oh yeah....thanks for the good luck wishes karen!  We find out tomorrow if Jack is still scheduled or is postponed.  His surgery is scheduled for Wednesday Nov. 9th.  So I'm sure I'll be on here again later and more tomorrow....chatting with you all helps relieve stress-but lately I've been so addicted to this site I miss my window to have a shower!!! :roll:  :shock:
mom to 2 beautiful boys!

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #668 on: November 07, 2005, 19:31:24 pm »
Goodmorning - see, I told you I was back, you won't be able to get rid of me again now.  :oops:  :lol:

We had a great night last night. Daniel slept all night with no help! 6.30pm - 5.20am. I'm really tired of this 5.20am wake up and am going to work on that next. He just does not want to go back to sleep again once I feed him. DH thinks we should make sure he's sleeping thru the night regularly first before working on the early morning wake, what do you girls reckon? I'm wondering if we should be treating it as a night wake and therefore eliminating the same way, by DH cuddle and settle back to sleep. But I do wonder as he's then gon 11 hours without food, if it might not happen. I guess as we're hopefully going to have him on the bottle by the end of the week then this may change things anyway. The difficult thing with the early waking is it mucks up all his nap times. And he doesn't seem to be able to stay awake as long but he doesn't necessarily go down as easily. Grrr.

In fact just now we've been having problems, and I was determined not to feed him to get him to sleep. But I did feed him, then he still wouldn't go to sleep. So I wondered if it was his teeth. Yep, I gave him some teething powder, put him down, and I left him doing the 9 mile stare. Haven't heard a peep since I started typing this. So maybe that's all it was. Who knows???

I was still really tired thismorning even thou he slept all night, so when I got him up I put him in front of his toys in the lounge and I curled up on the sofa under a blanket and kept dozing/sleeping  :oops: I was right beside him and he was happy so I figured it was okay.

Micky, I can't believe Jack has curry. That's great! I wish I was more adventurous, sometimes I wonder if that's why Daniel doesn't want to eat much. He's sick and tired of his food. I might write myself out a bit of a eating plan so I can make myself get more varied food for him.

Well, I better leave this here, can't decide whether to have some more zzzzzz, clean the house, or have a shower. I need to do all three, but not sure the best order.  :lol:
Ohakea, New Zealand

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #669 on: November 07, 2005, 19:39:48 pm »
well didn't we have a heck of a night last night. Riley was up most of it, crying/screaming. Poor hunny couldn't breathe properly.
I had Jay to the docs, his ear infection is gone down in the left, but still fully loaded in his right, and he also now has a puffer to help with his breathing for a while, and it is riley's turn at the docs for her check tomorrow.
Well ladies it was sooo much fun chatting last night, judy we will be eagerly awaiting you joining us when the re runs start.
All this has put us back to square one, no solids or self soothing, but hey, no biggie. At least my doc has heard of BW, I told him Riley was on it and he said his wife had used it one their two. Yippee I am no longer alone in my parenting.....
Well I am off for now, wanted to pop in and let you all know how it is going here.
Take Care everyone......
Naomi mum to ds 17.06.03 and dd 26.03.05
&dh together since 23.02.01


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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #670 on: November 07, 2005, 19:57:28 pm »
Hi Ladies....back on line yet again....silly computer, making me so mad, I sure do need a new :evil: , I have so much catching up to do.
I'll back track and see what has been happening with all of you.


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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #671 on: November 07, 2005, 21:23:54 pm »
more solid food Qs ladies:

my book says to heat up frozen cubes until piping hot, then let cool.  do you all do this?  I did it a few times and it's so time consuming.  okay if it's a thicker veg and you can add cold water to it but otherwise i'd have to prepare his meal way early.

also, for those using jarred food.  how long do you keep it in the fridge?  is there a time limit I should be adhering to for my carrots?  I guess he's eating more at a meal now so it's not such and issue but I'm just curious.

on a positive note...he loves avocado and broccoli!  he ate the broccoli just plain today.  I was expecting to have to mix it with other things.
he is just like his mommy and daddy.  I like to refer to us as "foodists" as we love food sooooo much!

okay, back later.

I'm seriously considering starting up a new business like Andrea so I'm all excited and starting my research.  woo hoo!
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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #672 on: November 07, 2005, 23:35:44 pm »
Hi Traci

I don't do that with my frozen cubes - I just heat them warm enough to eat. I think you can keep jarred food 48 hours in the fridge after opening. I am not positive as I don't have any here right now. I would probably only keep it for 24 but I am a freak.

Halle loves avocado too - haven't tried broc yet only zuchini. Has anyone tried fish yet? I am not in a rush to try meat but just wondering. I think 'foodist' would make you hate food wouldn't it? I call people who hate my dog 'breedist' cause they are scared of the way she looks LOL :lol:

got a visitor - check back later

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #673 on: November 08, 2005, 00:02:46 am »
Hi Traci

All the baby books I have, and the dr told me that you can keep an opened bottle of baby food for up to 3 days only. Then toss out as it will build bacteria on the fourth day.  As well, I called the Heinz baby company and was told the same thing. So 72 hours.

Soooo..what kind of business are you starting up....I've been racking my brain lately of jobs I can start up here from home as well.  So I can stay home with Brady. Have come up with a few good ones too. Lots of opportunities out there.


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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #674 on: November 08, 2005, 01:56:37 am »
Hi - Traci, I only heat food until it's warm enough to eat. I guess if it had meat, especially chicken I'd heat it properly though. Prepared food is only 48 hours once opened here in NZ.

I"ve just given Daniel a piece of bread/oven toast. My mum made them for me last week and sent me back with some. There's nothing on it as he doesn't really seem to like vegemite yet. And, it had gone a little soft as it's a few days old but in an airtight containter. Anyway, he's happily sucking away and sitting in his highchair! He's still not too happy in the h/chair so I'm pleased this is working.

2 great naps today 1.5hours each. He'll be up now for 4.5 hours before bedtime at 6.30pm though, so hopefully he'll last. Unless he's in the car he doesn't take an afternoon nap now. Especially as mostly he's getting 2.5-3 hours of naps during the day without it.

I left him in his cot just before while I was putting away his clothes and much to my surprise and relief he happily(?) moved around on his tummy. He's still anti-tummy on the floor, but I'll try to do tummy time in the cot more and he might get used to it.

Nikki I meant to tell you before, Daniel has kumara and it doesn't seem to cause constipation. Is Danielle all sorted out in that department now?
Ohakea, New Zealand