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March/April Thread #3
« Reply #375 on: December 06, 2005, 23:35:12 pm »
Oh my gosh you girls are NUTS.  I am ROFLMAO: cutting off arms with dull knives, kookoobooboos, headlights needing to be covered, toddlers climbing into and sleep under cribs.  Seriously-you gals are awesome. Always make me smile and laugh.  As for when I read the thread I take notes if I plan on responding.  No memory here at all so it's my only hope.

Ankie-thanks for pointing out my sons bday because i hadn't noticed :oops:

Andrea-can't wait to see pic of the merchandise! Best to wait until you're sure you've dotted all your i's and crossed all your Taylor's  :D  Don't worry about letting her cry a couple of minutes.  I WISH I could do that.  Used to leave Cole to do that all the time.  Now he's hysterical in one minute.  Kate-was it you who's having the same issue?

Hayley-love the photos...esp. the naked one.

Kate-Cole pooped a couple of times too last week!  Not sure if intentional or just had to go!  LOL on always discussing digestive issues. If I had to be honest, I am completely obsessed with Coles poop.  How often, how much, the consistency.  I mean really, it consumes me :D

Erin-LOL at Katie's face that is priceless!

Lisa-very cool he's only using cup/straw now.  I can't wait to get there!

Judy-as I mentioned above-totally cute with Sarah in the crib.  Hope things have calmed down a touch today and you can spend some time with DH.

 :D  :D  :D  can you see me on girls!

OKAY-I could go on and on and on and on about my day but I will try to keep it short.  :D  First we'll talk sleep.  Woke at 5:40.  Nap #1, 1:45 after 2:30 A.  Nap #2, 1:25 after 2:50 A.  :shock:  :shock:  :shock: Best two naps in like FOREVER.

Now food.  Breakfast kept much the same.  Printed menu planner off for lunch.  I used to give Cole about 2-3 tbsp of cereal and 2-4 tbsp fruit/veg. Today I prepared 14 tbsp of food and he ate ALL but 2 tbsp.  Maybe the reason for the good nap?  Carb coma perhaps??
Tried a snack after 2pm BF but he was having none of the highchair so gave up.  hmmm, still full from lunch??
Dinner: Used to give about 3-4 tbsp cereal and 4-6 tbsp veg.  Tonight I gave him about 15 tbsp consisting of carrots, peas, apple and cereal.  He ate it ALL without pause and I think I could have given him more :shock: For those obsessed with numbers like me, I was just curious and I counted...he had 80 heaping spoonfuls of food.  CRAZY!
Then bath then BF and he fed as good or better than usual :?
So, if there is EVER a night this boy sleeps through it should be tonight!  He fed to sleep unfortunately but when I put him down I said good night and he woke a bit and wanted to hold my hand so I consider that settling on his own to a certain degree.

Thank you Holly for the Heinz info!

So, if there was ever a GREAT day in this house, it was today. 

can you see my little dance.   :wink:

okay, going to make a celebration dinner!
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Offline becca24

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March/April Thread #3
« Reply #376 on: December 06, 2005, 23:55:08 pm »
Yeah I forgot to comment on the headlights thing.  WHOA mumma. My boobs are out of control !! I miss my little perky ones :cry:

Traci - congrats on your great day !! You have inspired me to try feeding more solids today. How much is 15 tbspoons? would that be equal to a cup of food or more? I suppose I could measure it  myself............ :lol:

Offline Colesmom

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March/April Thread #3
« Reply #377 on: December 07, 2005, 00:01:19 am »

2tbsp = 1oz = 1 ice cube.

To give an idea he had a half jar of carrots (2oz or 4tbsp), half jar of peas, half jar of apples and a few tbsp rice.  Can you tell I haven't cooked for a while :(
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Offline Jayri

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March/April Thread #3
« Reply #378 on: December 07, 2005, 00:12:42 am »
hi there girls, I can't thankyou enough for the wonderful support.
Judy I did do all what you thought I did, way too much I know, but part of me wanted to help a "friend" have the helping step to get on her feet like we did.
Anyhoo enough of that stuff, I have half of my cards done, I have to get some more tho, I ran out....not bad as last year I was a grinch and didn't send any, but then again I didn't really have any1 to send them to either.
Riley too is chowing down anything we give her, I think someone forgot to tell her she only has two teeth, she is getting more, but they are taking their grand old time coming in.
Hannah, you are awesome, thanks for thinking I am soo wonderful, well that goes for everyone really. The look on her face was priceless when I said she wouldn't be having Ri anymore. I think dhe was amazed I could find someone else.
Ri's sitter said it all went well today, but her teeth were hurting her a little too much to have more than one bottle, but she came home all happy.
I have to make this short and sweet, I have to get the kids bags ready for tomorrow. ANd I am heading for an early night, with last nights goings on it was after midnight before my head hit the pillow,and I was up at 6:30 to get the kids ready.
Oh traci, I walked home today, 45mins it took me, plus I am trying my best to eat good at work, I go to the food court in the mall downstairs every day, but I make sure there is a salad or something similar for lunch.
k my fellow hotties, man that made me feel good when you said Iam a hottie, what would I do without you fine ladies......
I will check in before work like I normally do.......
Naomi mum to ds 17.06.03 and dd 26.03.05
&dh together since 23.02.01



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March/April Thread #3
« Reply #379 on: December 07, 2005, 00:32:28 am »
I too had a bunch of things to comment on and will try and remember:

Nancy, I used to get comments about Nathan's weight and him being a "big boy" and "what did we feed the kid?" and maybe I fed him too much (even when he was only on breastmilk 3hrs apart  :roll: ) - strangely he's only ever been 50% for height and weight, he's just got a chubby look to him.  Our of my ante-natal group most were lean looking babies, and only 2 of them had the chubby look.

Boobs and headlights - yep puts hand up here too!  :shock:  And it's t-shirt weather now!

Wow, for the first time last night Danielle was up and grizzling in the night for an hour - have no idea what the problem was, I fed her and put her back to bed and she didn't want to me to leave.  Trust it to be on a night that Nathan slept through  :roll:  :wink: .  I'm thinking she's starting with sep anx too, yesterday for the first time she dropped her lip and bawled her eyes out when a friend looked at her and when one of the carers from Nathan's preschool said hello to her she burrowed her head into my shoulder.  Bless her. 

Someone was talking about signing quite a few pages back  :oops: .  I think D's been signing "more food" in the last couple of days, too cute. 

Bianca, good to see a new pic of the kids, they look so alike, and lovely big smiles!  :D

Traci, yay for your good napping

Andrea, look forward to seeing some pics of your range - good to hear that it's BLACK clothing and not GOLD/GREEN LMAO (sorry Aussies  :wink: ) - just a little NZ vs Aussie joke on national sports colours.

Judy, I too didn't bother making food before Danielle took to it, felt such a waste.  She still loves her rice cereal as a result I think, whereas Nathan never ever liked it but ate real food from the start.  How are the girls with finger foods?  D's really taken to them, in the last few weeks I've tried little vege patties, pasta, oven fries, and a few other things.

Hayley, interesting about not offering fruit after veges always - I haven't heard that.  I often chase up mains with fruit/yoghurt.  Nathan did eat fruit for a looooong time though so there could be something in that, but now eats pretty much anything.

OK, funny big boy story: Yesterday Nathan was riding around the house on his little ride-on truck while naked (the seat has a little split in it), anyway he got off and started complaining that he'd hurt himself down there (guess the plastic pinched him) - I asked if he'd hurt his "testicles" (since that what DH delights in calling them) and he said "NO, NOT MY TESTICLES!!!!" - just sounded so funny coming from a 2yo's mouth. LOL :lol:

Right, that's all I can remember for now.

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March/April Thread #3
« Reply #380 on: December 07, 2005, 01:08:53 am »
Just had to pop on and say LMAO about testicles...I really would have liked to hear that.

Also, Ankie thanks for the lesson ideas with Sophie as the main  focus..great idea!

And Lisa. Wow james on the cup 100% I also can't wait to get there.

Traci...yay!!!  Great job.  Hope you have a great night :)


Offline Jayri

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March/April Thread #3
« Reply #381 on: December 07, 2005, 01:41:10 am »
oh nikki thank you for that story about nathan. I checked in before bed. Jay is the same way with his words, he amazes me everyday, his new thing is yes, he says that to everything, apparently that is what is friends at school are called too!!!!!
Naomi mum to ds 17.06.03 and dd 26.03.05
&dh together since 23.02.01



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March/April Thread #3
« Reply #382 on: December 07, 2005, 01:45:44 am »
Ok I missed the boob/headlight conversation???  I tried to look back and find it but geeez it's hard enough keeping up moving forward LOL  I did recently see these nipple covers online though!!  I think it's a novel idea.

Nikki the only finger food I've given so far is dry cheerios (circle cereal).  Kaia is thrilled but Hannah just choked and threw up.  Should keep giving them though.  How do you make your veggie patty?

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March/April Thread #3
« Reply #383 on: December 07, 2005, 01:48:12 am »
Traci that's great news on sleeping and eating. Wow, huge amounts of food. I've got to be honest, I've done the counting mouthfuls, but over 10 I loose count and get distracted. :oops: I gave Daniel my home made spag bol today with carrot and pumpkin and he loved it. Yay! I heard they should have 1 serving of meat a day at this age. A serving being the size of his palm. So I made the mince bolognaise and put it in icecubes, figured that would be a serving. Maybe that's helped with the nap here too. He's been out to it for 2h 15mins so far.

Andrea, are you just doing clothing? Or other stuff too? I think someone should make a grobag/sleeping bag that's made of 100% cotton that DOESN'T cost $80 - $120 NZD. It seems soooo expensive I can't justify it. But it's annoying only having one sleeping bag. I'm wondering what I'll dress/sleep Daniel in as it gets warmer at night. Nikki and Karen, what are your LO's wearing at the moment in the evenings?

Ohh just heard a noise, better go. We're off to the swimming pool to meet a friend shortly now he's awake.

Bye ladies!
Ohakea, New Zealand

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March/April Thread #3
« Reply #384 on: December 07, 2005, 02:13:45 am »
Back from our Birthday dinner. My mil's b-day today. Brady was caught up in all the excitment of the older kids...had fun though. Rough putting him down tonight, took 45mins to do so.... :? hoping we had at least a decent night...yes as a few of you mentioned, at least I know it can be done now right.... :?   Brady has had some choking spells today... :? not sure what is going on there. I think it has to do with his reflux, as the choking usually does, but what is making it act up again now is beyond me....guess it has a mind of its own... :roll: but scary when he has an episode.  He use to have them a lot, but has been better with them for a bit now....hmmm...

Wow, so much to get caught up my best, but I must say, you girls can sure make me matter what is happening in this house, (kookoobooboos, headlights needing to be covered, toddlers climbing into siblings bed, or under them for that matter...lmao!!!

Andrea - looking forward to seeing a picture of the merchandise.

Traci - I'm so happy about your great naps today, and that the increase in food may just help  Yah!

Hayley - just LOVE the pics, sooo cute!!!

Nikki - sorry you had a bit of a rough night, hope its better tonight

Erin-love the pic, isn't her face just so cute...

Question - I've read a few times that some of you are offering there a specific kind, or any kind, I just thought we had to wait until 12 months to add any kind of milk products at all?? Just curious.

Thats all I can remember for now, have to start writing stuff down like Traci does if I'm gonna remember it all, this board moves fast.

Holly - Mom of Brady - Our Touchy/Spirited/Textbook Little Boy - Born March 20 2005

Also Mom to 5 Angels in Heaven

Offline becca24

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March/April Thread #3
« Reply #385 on: December 07, 2005, 02:14:37 am »
Just a quick question:

Who is still doing 4 bf's during the day? When and how are you planning to go to 3?

Offline B&BMommy

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March/April Thread #3
« Reply #386 on: December 07, 2005, 02:17:05 am »
Some Christmas pics of Brady

Also Mom to 5 Angels in Heaven


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March/April Thread #3
« Reply #387 on: December 07, 2005, 02:39:51 am »

I am still doing 4 bf's per day, sometimes 5 even.  I find the girls very fussy around 4.30-5pm, especially if they haven't had a catnap because there either wasn't time or I forgot - like today, I couldn't remember when they'd woken from that 2nd nap (had to do with not remembering when I put them down :oops:) and by 5pm it was evident that we weren't going to get through the evening or bath easily.  So I give them a feed and let them snooze for 15min through it and it gives us a fresh breath for bath and for supper.

Yogurt - I am giving yogurt.  I believe I'm doing it earlier than recommended.  I gave it at 7mos with my older two and they were fine.  I decided to give it to Kaia and Hannah early too as they just weren't taking to anything but the cereal at the time.  Now they've come round to banana and applesauce... but they only eat, honestly, maybe 3-4 baby spoons of any of these things.  :roll:

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March/April Thread #3
« Reply #388 on: December 07, 2005, 03:06:47 am »
Thanks to all of you for reminding me not to worry about Liv's weight. The ped told me there's no need to worry, but it's nice to hear it from other moms, too.

OK, needing to vent: we did familiy pics tonight after a LOOOOONG afternoon with only a 25-min nap. I knew it wouldn't go well, Liv was already tired and cranky when we started. Well, it DIDN'T go well, but instead of just shaking it off, I completely lost it and broke down. I was all upset because our last family pictures didn't turn out well either, Liv was also tired b/c we had to wait an hour at the photographer before we got in. I wanted good pics to send out with Christmas cards, and we never can seem to make it work. That's something I normally wouldn't get upset over...I'd be disappointed, but there would be no yelling or crying (yes, there were both). There have been other things recently, too, that I'll get all upset over, have a good cry, then think "what was my problem? it really wasn't that big a deal." Has anyone else experienced anything like that? Could it still be pregnancy hormones? Or is it just that motherhood turns you into a neurotic, emotional, basket-case? Or is it just me? (Please don't say it's just me.  :) )
Missouri, USA

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March/April Thread #3
« Reply #389 on: December 07, 2005, 03:18:50 am »
Hi Hi

A lot going on today...phewwww!

Thanks for the food link Traci/Holly.  Sophie seems to be on track but she hasn't increased her intake and seems bored to be honest.  She is much moe interested in whatever we are eating.  I give her finger foods but still have to feed her, the only 'food' she will hold happily to eat is a gerber biter biscuit AKA cookie  :? !  She also is obsessed with cheerios, she LOVES them, she will pick them up in between her little fingers and then ever so gently drop them to the floor and when they do get to her mouth, she takes 9 years to chew ONE!

Holly - Brady is adorable and looks so much like you!  I feed Sophie Yogurt,my ped said it is fine to give as long as it is full fat.

Erin - Katie's face is soo funny - what a cutie pie!

Bec - I am feeding Sophie a bottle 4 times a day.  Too bad your camping trip didn't go better, next time!

Nikki - Testicles ROTFLMAO- so cute and so funny!

Traci - So glad Cole is getting back to normal, even if it is carb induced!!

Love Love Love the boob talk - My chichis went from bad to worse in the space of a few months...I truely don't like talking about it!

Must get to bed, I was supposed to go out with some friends to do some 'catch up' but it is too f^%&%^ cold am i am going to bed.

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