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Re: WEANING thread...Come and share your experiences and offer support.
« Reply #180 on: January 17, 2007, 03:05:35 am »
Well -at 14 months I think we are on our way.  I actually feel good about it (right now anyway...).
We have been down to 2 BFs (AM and PM) for the last month or so and I have been going back and forth on whether to drop the AM feed....she really isn't too into it, but I didn't want to push and frankly didn't know if I was ready for it.
We had a baptism to go to on Sunday, an hour away, and it was at 8:00am so we had to be up and out of the house earlier than usual.  In order to let DD sleep in as long as she could I decided to just take a sippy of whole milk w/us instead of the BF.  I got her up....cuddled, dressed and out the door.  She didn't bat an eye.  That kind of got the ball rolling, she hasn't seemed to notice one bit.  We've just went w/it since.
Although this evening she was unusally was after dinner and she sat on my lap and hugged me and I rocked her for about 15-20 minutes.....oooooh, it was so sweet.  She may be coming down w/a cold though too.   Still doing the BF before bed - pretty much the same....eating an ok amount, but mostly cuddles and giggles.  This one I hope to hang onto for a little while. 
What do you do when you give up that bedtime feed?  I like sending her to bed after lots of cuddles and special time w/me.  She is WIDE awake when she goes into the crib....crawls around and talks for about 10 minutes before falling asleep.....but I don't want to give up that time if the BF is dropped.  Do you just go w/the cuddles still......?  Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!
So I know we are on the way - but I can't see it being over for several more weeks.  Surprisingly I do feel really good about "our" decision...:)  But I don't know about that last BF....guess I'll see when I get there.
Sorry for the ramble - just wanted to share and get any feedback on how bedtime changes...

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Re: WEANING thread...Come and share your experiences and offer support.
« Reply #181 on: January 17, 2007, 03:17:22 am »
Tari, I'm not at that point just yet but thinking about it (Milena is also 14 months old). I'm mentally doing a prep to maybe stop around Feb 14 as it's Valentine's Day and she was conceived on Valentine's Day and she is my greatest love. I'm thinking of substituting the bfing time with a bedtime story in her room. I currently have a routine where we do her bath, cuddles, bfing in my room, then I put her in her room so I'm thinking of giving her a sippy with milk, then teeth brushing and bath, then story and cuddles, then bed. I'm curious to see what other's suggest as I will be down this road soon.
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Re: WEANING thread...Come and share your experiences and offer support.
« Reply #182 on: January 17, 2007, 12:25:53 pm »
I'm mentally doing a prep to maybe stop around Feb 14 as it's Valentine's Day and she was conceived on Valentine's Day and she is my greatest love.
:'( OMG that is so sweet... ;D

Our DD was a Valentine's "weekend" conceived baby ;D

Thanks for your input.

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Re: WEANING thread...Come and share your experiences and offer support.
« Reply #183 on: January 22, 2007, 01:03:59 am »
Hi! Maybe you guys can help me.  DS is 15 months old and I think that I am ready to wean.  I have weaned his daytime BF without a problem.  My problem is that he usually wakes around twice a night.  I usually manage to get him back down once without feeding.  But the second time I usually have to BF to calm him down.  He freaks out if he sees the sippy cup in the middle of the night and he points to the chair that I BF him on.  I also BF him as part of our going to sleep routine which I think will be difficult to give up.  I don't think that the morning one will be such a problem.  I must admit that the night wakings are my biggest reason that I want to wean.  Any advice?  Thanks.
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Re: WEANING thread...Come and share your experiences and offer support.
« Reply #184 on: January 24, 2007, 14:20:59 pm »
Well, a number of things are going to go on here....

DD is 6.5 months and we are struggling with bf during dreamfeed... my letdown is sooo slow only during this time of the day and she has been waking up crying during the dreamfeed for a couple weeks now... she refuses the bottle for the dreamfeed but is okay any other time of the day.  So, maybe this is a hint she is ready to drop the dreamfeed... we have been on solids for about 4 weeks now and she really doens't seem to take that much for df.  I guess we will try to wean off dreamfeed in a couple weeks when she is better established in solids.

I am going to start switching her to formula one feed per week starting this Saturday or Sunday.  I think I will try the noon hour feed first and see how she takes it.  If that doesn't work, maybe I'll do the morning feed first for formula or stop cold turkey altogether.  I need to get back to work soon and before I do there are a few things I need to do and be away from DD for an extended amount of time so I have to wean her to formula now.  (Pumping isn't feasible)

Anyway, I'm rather worried it will be a rough go but an encouraged by all the success stories so at least that cheers me up!!



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Re: WEANING thread...Come and share your experiences and offer support.
« Reply #185 on: January 26, 2007, 01:47:09 am »
Melalyse - Hi, not an expert but I guess my first question would be whether or not your ds actually falls asleep on the breast for the bedtime feed?  or goes to sleep independantly?  I think that will have a big effect on how to proceed w/weaning the night feeds.  If he falls asleep at the breast for bedtime than I would suggest separating that one from sleep asap (i.e., read a book afterwards, or feed before bath - mix it up in the bedtime routine)  I think that would then be MUCH easier to wean the middle of the night one.  If he DOESN'T fall asleep at the breast for bedtime then I would pehaps post on the main BF board?  They can help w/techniques to work through this (like Walk In/Walk Out, or PD).  I just saw a post asking pretty much this same question that would be helpful....I'll check back and post the link if I can find it. ((((((((((HUGS))))))))))) and great job BF for 15 months!  woo hoo! PS - are the night wakings at the same time?  if so I think W2S would be a great option....

Wei - Is your DD waking as she tries to eat during the BF?  My DD dropped her night feed at exactly 6 months old - went 7-7 no problem (and it was on Mother's Day she started that - what a sweet gift lol).  We didn't do a DF, but she would wake between 3-4 for a feed - once she started waking at 4am for a solid week I decided it was habitual and did W2S and that was that...:)  This was also after being on solids for about 2 weeks. It really sounds like your DD may be ready to drop it.  I would go for it - but you may want to check w/other mama's who dropped the DF as I am really inexperienced in that dept. 
As for switching to formula - your plan sounds great at one feed per week - that's really important so that you don't get engorged/clogged duct, etc.  I would say definitely start w/the noon feed - that is usually the least "emotional" one YK?  I would hesitate stopping cold turkey if you can avoid it.  Also, you may want to consider keeping the morning and bedtime feed even while at work?  And then yoy can decide if you want to drop that all together?  Good luck on Saturday....let us know how it goes!

Well, I believe i have my plan.  We are going to stop at 15 months (ish).  I am feeling very good about this decision.  I will really miss BF'ing DD, but I think it is time to move on.  I am SO extremely excited that we got to go this long.  Really overwhelmed.  I am just nervous that it is going to hit me like a ton of bricks once I completely stop you know?  I'm also a little nervous about the emotional/hormonal side effects.  I've heard that it can be hard to get used to your hormonal adjustment from weaning - although, we have gone soooo slow at this...I really hope it doesn't impact me too much.  I was someone who was knocked on my butt from baby blues - but, I guess we'll just see.  Ahhh, they grow up so fast huh??

I'll report back once we start our journey of our last feeds....I plan on just offering one breast for the last week to decrease supply.  So looks like in the next 2 weeks...although I reserve the right to change my mind... ;) ;D

« Last Edit: January 26, 2007, 02:21:16 am by scarlett'smom »

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Re: WEANING thread...Come and share your experiences and offer support.
« Reply #186 on: January 26, 2007, 13:21:18 pm »
Tari - yes, she is waking during the DF so I am actually thinking she doesn't want the DF anymore.  Anyway, I think I might try not feeding her DF next week when I introduce lunch solids so at least she is getting a little more food during the day.. that might be messing up her night time sleep by waking during DF.  Hmmm.... will be back to report how it goes sometime next week hehehe.

By the way, that is amazing you have continued this long BF!!  Good for you!!!!!!!


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Re: WEANING thread...Come and share your experiences and offer support.
« Reply #187 on: January 26, 2007, 17:57:18 pm »
Well, okay so I tried to give her formula in a bottle today for lunch instead of tomorrow (I forgot I was going to be out and about tomorrow) and Dh was home.  It was miserable.  She was okay when she took the nipple in her mouth but as soon as she started swallowing and realized it wasn't bm she grimaced in disgust and slapped the darn bottle out of her mouth.  I tried offering the bottle every 10 min but she kept slapping the thing away and started to cry.  Dh tried too with me out of the room but that didn't work.  Then I gave it a break for 30 min and came back but this time she started bawling as soon as she saw the bottle coming towards her LOL!  Ugh... I ended up bf her afterwards to avoid any night wakings tonight. I'll have to try again in a couple days.  She will take bottles but just doesn't like the taste of formula.  I think I will have to cut her solids in the morning on Monday in order for her to be hungry enough to have to eat something.

I hope she will be hungry enough to take it even though it tastes nothing like bm. 


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Re: WEANING thread...Come and share your experiences and offer support.
« Reply #188 on: January 30, 2007, 01:12:10 am »
Well, it's been a full week now since our last breastfeed (whew! and  :'( at the same time!)  Anyway, I've now got a question concerning the state of my breasts.  They had already returned to their original size before ds was completely weaned, as I weaned VERY gradually.  But, in the past few days they've become kind of lumpy.  Months earlier I had experienced clogged ducts, and this doesn't feel quite like that.  Instead of hard lumps, the tissue in my breasts feels fibrous and lumpy, but soft lumps (if that makes sense).

could this indeed be clogged ducts, or is this a normal thing that happens after weaning?  I've tried warm/hot showers and warm compresses, but they haven't made any difference.  Will this go away on its own?

Jennifer, mom to Leonardo Joaquin, born 10/07/2005

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Re: WEANING thread...Come and share your experiences and offer support.
« Reply #189 on: January 30, 2007, 15:54:53 pm »
Wei - have you tried giving bottles of EBM, cut with a bit of formula, to sort of get her used to the taste?  Then you can gradually add more and more formula.  I don't know if it would work, but it was a thought...

Jennifer, I don't remember that my breasts felt that way after weaning, but I was pregnant at the time... You could always see your doctor to check it out...?
Mother to Megan and Samantha

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Re: WEANING thread...Come and share your experiences and offer support.
« Reply #190 on: February 01, 2007, 14:39:00 pm »
Hi! It's been almost 2 mos. since my last post & a little over a month since we stopped BF. Last one was the week before Christmas.  I am happy now that I'm done, but I was very sad when I stopped.  :'( Also, even though it's only been a month, it seems sooo long ago already. DS seems to have turned into a toddler & stopped being a baby in such a short time.  My goal was to BF for a year & I did! So glad I was able to continue BF that long. I got pregnant during the weaning (when we dropped to 2 BF/day).  Here's how I weaned, maybe it will help someone:

1st born: BF every 2hrs. till milk came in.
3mos. old: was on a 3hr. EASY, BF 6x/day (Introduce bottle of pumped milk- I went back to work 2days/wk when he was 4mos. old. Only took pumped milk from bottle on days I worked, rest of week BF)
5mos. old: on a 4hr. EASY, sm. amt. of solid foods 3x/day, BF 4x/day (introduced sippy at 6mos. but only with water, BF milk & bottle of pumped milk still only 2days/week).
9mos. old: Eating more solids, 3 meals/day, dropped to BF 3x/day
11mos. old: Introduce one sippy of whole milk/day, dropped to BF 2x/day (packed away bottles, gave pumped milk on days I worked in sippy too).
12mos. old: week after his first b-day dropped BF to 1x/day (this was the AM one), & gave whole milk in sippy
12.5mos. old: done!   The reason the AM one was the last one I dropped instead of the bedtime one was b/c on days I worked I would BF him in the AM then go to work, pump there, & by the time I got home (I work 12hr. shifts), he would already be asleep in bed. So he was used to taking a bottle of pumped milk at bedtime. I knew he was not really attached to BF at bedtime, since I was not there 2 days/week. But the AM one, I have always done even on work days. It was really hard to drop that b/c he was used to me getting him out of his crib, bringing him to my bed to BF, then we would both get up, get dressed, & have breakfast. When I dropped this one, I couldn't bring him to my bed b/c he would throw the sippy at me & try to grab me to BF. I had to bring him right out to his high chair when he woke, but I would have to give breakfast first. If I gave the sippy of milk first, he would throw it at me & cry. I was crying too  :'(  He eventually got used to it. Now he doesn't even ask for it or try to get it.  Bedtime cuddles we rock in his rocking chair, he enjoys that. And when he's playing in the morn. he'll stop what he's doing occasionally to come over & give me a hug. I love it!

I am glad that he's over it now & totally drinking from sippys, not even bottles. The new baby is due in 6 mos. & I wanted him to be totally over the BF & not look back, so that when the new baby comes he won't be jealous of the BF.

Thanks so much for letting me post my experiences here. I loved breastfeeding, DS & I both enjoyed it & I'm so glad it was a great experience.   Good luck to the rest of you weaning!!  :-*
James~ 12/04/2005
Alexander~ 07/26/2007
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Re: WEANING thread...Come and share your experiences and offer support.
« Reply #191 on: February 02, 2007, 00:58:42 am »
Jenny - thank you for sharing your BF'ing experience.  It is definitely helpful. What a wonderful experience, and what an excellent job BF'ing for so long!!! 

Jennifer - great job to you too for BF'ing for so long!  How are you doing now?  Did you ever talk to you doc about your breasts?

Big (((((((((HUGS))))))) to both of you - it must be bittersweet... :'( :-*  That is one thing I'm nervous about - although I feel confident w/stopping soon, I am a little worried aobut how it will affect me emotionally.

Wei - how are you doing?  I agree w/Erin - it would be a good idea to cut the formula w/some EBM if you are able...

Well - we are looking at mid/end February- ish for us (how's that for a firm date? lol).  I'm just going to see how we are at that point.  Right now we are just doing the bedtime BF and quite frankly it's so nice.  :)  But she is losing interest in it....So we well see!

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Re: WEANING thread...Come and share your experiences and offer support.
« Reply #192 on: February 02, 2007, 01:13:49 am »
Scarlettsmom - thanks for asking - I stayed in a hot shower yesterday for a while and massaged the places that were lumpy (and getting sore), and after a bit some milk started squirting out!  I believe I got them unclogged as now things feel much more normal.

It's funny...I thought I'd be extremely sad after weaning but it really feels like the time was right.  DS doesn't seem to miss it, and as jennyb said it already seems like a distant memory.  It is amazing how they move so quickly on to the next phase of their lives!
Jennifer, mom to Leonardo Joaquin, born 10/07/2005

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Re: WEANING thread...Come and share your experiences and offer support.
« Reply #193 on: February 02, 2007, 13:16:14 pm »
Things are going okay now.  She took 8 oz the other day... it took a few days of trying though and I figured out that I neededto put them in smaller bottles so she could hold her own.  She seemed to like that much better.


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Re: WEANING thread...Come and share your experiences and offer support.
« Reply #194 on: February 02, 2007, 14:25:04 pm »
Tari- thanks so much! So glad it was helpful!
I forgot to mention at 9mos. is when we introduced yogurt & cheeses, that's when I dropped to BF 3x/day.

Jennifer- I know what you mean. The timing def. was right. At the end, he was definately getting disinterested in the BF (only one he wanted was the AM one), but I think that's b/c it was just part of the routine for so long. So we had to change our AM routine. I think he might of started to self wean at the end also b/c I was pregnant & from what I understand, the milk can taste different with pregnancy hormones. So that prob. helped it along. 

Wei- forgot to mention, when DS was 4mos. old & I went back to work, not only did I have to get him used to a bottle of EBM, I also introduced formula (just in case I couldn't pump enough bottles at work).  He didn't like the taste at first, but keep offering & he eventually took it.   What kind of formula are you using? B/C I think there are some that have a sweeter taste like BM. I used Enfamil Lipil. I think it's most like the BM.  Since he was BF for the 1st year & I was able to pump 2days/wk at work. It was very occasionally that he had formula.  Maybe only 1 bottle of it 1x/week at the most.  Also I was not very comfortable BFing in public so it was convenient that he would take a formula bottle if we were out, but most of the time I timed our outings around his feed. Or if we went to someone's house, I would go in another room to BF.

Tari- When was your LO born? I think ours may be around the same age. DS will be 14 mos. in 2 days.
James~ 12/04/2005
Alexander~ 07/26/2007
Nicholas~ 09/05/2010