Author Topic: Gut and Psychology Syndrome (GAPS) Support thread  (Read 98167 times)

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Re: Gut and Psychology Syndrome (GAPS) Support thread
« Reply #75 on: December 24, 2011, 00:42:14 am »
Awesome with the Klaire Labs - just ordered the Vital Immune as well - will give him one capsule in his juice AM and stick with one capsule Culturelle in the afternoon!
Karen: Proud Mama to Marisa (8-11-05) and Matthew (6-5-09) and happily married to my best friend and love of my life since 10-13-01

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Re: Gut and Psychology Syndrome (GAPS) Support thread
« Reply #76 on: December 24, 2011, 02:08:03 am »
No, it's not that one... sorry for the delay in answer. I can't believe Christmas Eve is tomorrow, I'm soooo not ready!!



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Re: Gut and Psychology Syndrome (GAPS) Support thread
« Reply #77 on: December 24, 2011, 02:40:50 am »
Do any of you ladies do Fermented Cod Liver oil?  You do, right Megan? Have you given it to Milo yet? We do regular fish oil, but after reading about the fermented cod liver oil in the GAPS book, I seem to be hearing a lot about it elsewhere as well. Apparently a great natural source of vit D & vit A ...  I read in one post of a Mama rubbing the fermented CLO on her baby's bum so it will get absorbed through the skin so her DD would get the vitamins that way instead of having to ingest it since they weren't starting solids yet. I thought that was a good idea! 


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Re: Gut and Psychology Syndrome (GAPS) Support thread
« Reply #78 on: December 24, 2011, 03:02:51 am »
Oh, and Megan, what type of FCLO do you use?  I've seen capsules online... might help with the nasty taste you mentioned?

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Re: Gut and Psychology Syndrome (GAPS) Support thread
« Reply #79 on: December 24, 2011, 14:46:46 pm »
I use green pastures FCLO but I would NEVER rub it on anybody... it smells (and tastes!) like dead, rotted animal, and I'm not exaggerating one tiny bit. I have to force myself to take it - i mix it with grapefruit juice and it's still horrible. And no, I don't torture Milo with it. You smell it after you've taken it and it gets stuck in your throat and nasal passages so you can't get rid of the flavor or smell for a while. It's awful. But the bottle I bought is $50 and right now I just can't waste that money. If we had more expendable income I'd throw it away and buy capsules, but I just can't. And I can't throw it away and not take anything b/c that's like throwing $50 in the trash :( Unless you like drinking rotted animal juice, please buy the capsules even if they're more expensive in the long run!!


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Re: Gut and Psychology Syndrome (GAPS) Support thread
« Reply #80 on: December 24, 2011, 15:00:44 pm »
LOL!  Ok, you convinced me!  DH is already annoyed that I won't brush my teeth with toothpaste very often.  Don't think he'd tolerate it if I smelled like a dead fish (and I wouldn't like it, either).

Savannah,  6/04
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Re: Gut and Psychology Syndrome (GAPS) Support thread
« Reply #81 on: December 24, 2011, 16:56:30 pm »
you could use baking soda to brush your teeth... I do that sometimes



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Re: Gut and Psychology Syndrome (GAPS) Support thread
« Reply #82 on: December 24, 2011, 17:01:10 pm »
Oh geez, I wouldn't throw it out either!  Good to know though, capsules it is! I guess if I wanted to rub it on Arthur I could break a capsule.

Toothpaste, I'm using Natures Gate sls/fluoride free toothpaste atm. 

Offline EloysH

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Re: Gut and Psychology Syndrome (GAPS) Support thread
« Reply #83 on: December 25, 2011, 11:01:30 am »
Quote (selected)
We also discussed an IgG test for both Arthur & Charles to see if we can pinpoint specific food sensitivity triggers, but we probably won't do that until next visit (good thing too - cause this was all starting to get pretty expensive )

He's also a very experienced NAET practitioner  He mentioned perhaps doing some NAET treatments in the future for both boys if needed, but again, we can cross that bridge later as it comes

Just wanted to say thanks for posting everything you did about your practicioner, he sounds awesome.  FOr some feedback on the above, I have followed through with both for Kai.  I spent a small fortune on NAET and it did not help him much  :-\  In fact, once he was "cleared" of everything he still was sensitive as ever to the things he was "cleared" of.  My practicioner was properly trained by Nambuipad, but she mostly just treated foods and some hormones.  I would not waste the time and evergy again there are more fruiftul avenues ot pursuse such as biochemical imbalances.  These are so real and pertinent to one's digestion, and need to be corrected with supplmentation if out of whack.

As for IGG, be very careful.  It only gives useful info for a small subset of people and under controlled circumstances. We paid $400 for the tests for Kai and they showed nothing.  >:( 

Unless one has been exposed to a wide range of foods in and decent quantities, then it may be useful, and even then this test assumes that the IGG antiobdy is being produced as a negative reaction to the food. Realisticially the IGG antibody response this is only a pathway for say 1/4 of all food intolerant people.  My Kai had not eaten enough dairy gluten or salicylates within the 6 weeks before the test, and so it does not tell one anything for these groups... and also, his food intolerance pathway is not an IGG response, it is more about the functionality of his liver and ability to produce digestive enzymes and all the other things needed for a healthy gut... the root being his zinc/copper imbalances and also a condition called Pyroluria (which depletes the body of B6 and zinc).   No amount of NAET, chiro or anything can change those things for Kai.

I would also put it out there to anyone with kiddies with digestive issues to ask for a triple faeces test for parasites. (This is the most accurate test, other tests show false negatives as they aren;t cultred for long enough).  All this time Kai has had a blastocystis hominis infection and it COULD be a major contributor to his gut health, food intolerances and reflux, along with his biochemical imbalances.  We won't know until he is treated and testws show he is clear of the parsite to see the real effects.

Merry Christmas everyone!!!!


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Re: Gut and Psychology Syndrome (GAPS) Support thread
« Reply #84 on: December 26, 2011, 02:03:34 am »
Thanks for that Eloise... and for your thoughts about the Igg/NAET.  I agree, it can get very costly, and as you say, if there's something out of whack with their systems, no amount of NAET ect will help without proper supplementation/healing.

I would also put it out there to anyone with kiddies with digestive issues to ask for a triple faeces test for parasites. (This is the most accurate test, other tests show false negatives as they aren;t cultred for long enough).  All this time Kai has had a blastocystis hominis infection and it COULD be a major contributor to his gut health, food intolerances and reflux, along with his biochemical imbalances.  We won't know until he is treated and testws show he is clear of the parsite to see the real effects.

Is this the same as the Microbiological Stool testing?  ND said it would test for parasites... or could the one we're doing show false negatives?

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Re: Gut and Psychology Syndrome (GAPS) Support thread
« Reply #85 on: December 26, 2011, 02:17:50 am »
Totally OT, but Rebecca, is Arthur wearing boots in your avatar?  How cute is that?


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Re: Gut and Psychology Syndrome (GAPS) Support thread
« Reply #86 on: December 26, 2011, 02:32:26 am »
Oh, so much Christmas stuff on my mind I forgot to post this:  Last night I gave Arthur a hunk of Roast Beef (like 3 inch x3 inch cube) to gum on. He loved it, and NO PUKING ;D  So this morning I tried it again. He was doing great with it - then I tried to give him a sip from his cup that I mixed some BM & probiotics in. Within a few minutes he threw up his beef and the milk/probiotics.  Dinner tonight, he had his Turkey drumstick bone with another hunk of roast beef and he was totally fine. So I'm wondering if it was the probiotics mixed with his food all along causing problems. Maybe his body can't handle all of that at once?  I know NCM suggests probiotics/probiotic food with each meal, but maybe he's not there yet? ... I have 3 pots of soup stock on the go from the ginormous Turkey we had today, so I think I will try him on a bit of bone broth in the next few days and give him a bit of beef to see where it gets us. The digestive enzymes i ordered have shipped, so I'm hoping we can start those soon too... We'll see...

The OAT test can only be shipped Mon-Wed, so he's got his little pee bag on overnight to catch the sample. It looked sooo uncomfortable :-\  

You ladies said the stool sample was easy to get from the diaper, right?  I'm just worried that because his poops are still so liquidy, alot of it absorbs into the diaper, kwim?  I put a diaper liner in his CD tonight in the hopes it will catch more of the poop so I can take a better sample.  

The FedEx stuff for these samples is a PITA. I guess since we're sending urine/stool over the border there's all this extra stuff to fill out ::)

Posted as you posted Erin, LOL, YESSSS!!! Someone gave us those boots last year for Charles!! Adorable, eh?! I kinda love them! They even have plaid lining! I'll be sad the day he grows out of them. ;)

Offline Erin M

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Re: Gut and Psychology Syndrome (GAPS) Support thread
« Reply #87 on: December 26, 2011, 03:26:11 am »
OMG plaid lining?  That is beyond cute.  :)

That's really good news about the beef!  My mom is making us roast beef this week when we visit, might have to try to give James a piece -- but yes, I could see how all of that mixed together might be too much for him to handle.  And yum, turkey broth!  Didn't host any holidays this year so we haven't had any turkey broth!   IDK about the stool sample, the only time I had one tested I just brought the diaper to the doctor, but they were testing for blood so that was a very different test.  Hope he sleeps ok with the pee bag on. 

Offline EloysH

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Re: Gut and Psychology Syndrome (GAPS) Support thread
« Reply #88 on: December 26, 2011, 03:37:49 am »
For stool samples check if the poo isn't allowed tobe contaminated by wee... I had to catch mine from him naked, it was a real hassle.

the triple faeces test is 96% accurate as you need to submit 3 stool sanmples over 5 days and then they culture them for much longer, sometimes it is very hard to find the parasites.... hence the triple faeces test is the only way to go....  I have spoken to alot of people in the know and they all say triple faeces test is the only way to go.  Our medical system offers free parasite tests, but they are less accurate and can lead to false negatives due to the shorter cultring times and two samples are submitted.  I know many people online who got false negatives and then later did the triple feaces test with positive results.

Probtiocs on their own are much ore effective than taken with meals... and also on small amounts over the day is more effective than single dosing.

Yay about your boy eating beef!!!!!!


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Re: Gut and Psychology Syndrome (GAPS) Support thread
« Reply #89 on: December 26, 2011, 03:51:20 am »
humm.. ok so maybe I don't have the triple test. Ours is only 2 samples, one has to be frozen for shipment, the other has to be refridgerated. The frozen sample has to first be mixed well with some other liquid in the test tube, then frozen overnight and shipped.  I'l have to ask about the triple test you mention, thank you for the suggestion. :-*

Yes, we usually give Ds2 his probiotics on their own without food. I was just trying to get some extra in him during meal times and I thought it might help him digest the food he was eating - guess I was wrong on that one.

Eloise, I wanted to ask you, when do you typically dose Kai w/ zinc - and how much zinc is appropriate for a l/o?  Does he take the pill, or do you have to mash it up and mix it with something?  I mentioned zinc to our ND but he wanted to start with the digestive enzyme supplement + up probiotics first before going to zinc for him. From what I've been reading though, I really do feel the zinc plays a much more complex role.

Erin, definitely give James some roast beef! It kept Arthur entertained for at least 15 minutes! He sucked the roast dry of all its juices and I'm sure managed to get a few little chunks down.  That should help him with his Iron too :D