Author Topic: anyone want to chat about the 2-1 nap switch , thread#3  (Read 56686 times)

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Re: anyone want to chat about the 2-1 nap switch , thread#3
« Reply #150 on: November 13, 2007, 20:35:34 pm »
Hi Lib
Good work extending that nap.  I think they often get stuck on a nap length it may be she was 'stuck' at 30Min's.  I know that for some LO's 30min naps can also be a sign of OT, I think its Skatty's DD this is case for as well.  I would definitely give Deb's schedule a go as your DD seems to naturally take a shorter morning nap.  Fingers crossed things will start to improve for you.

LauraRose - Really glad things are improving for you, glad to hear his mornings are starting to  creep forward too, it really helps when their day starts at a later time.  If your happy that hes not OT at all now (doesn't look like he is) you could limit that morning nap to 1.5hrs which as deb said will hopefully help to push forward the morning's as he should take the extra at night.  Hes really on the right track now going a good 4.5hrs from wake up to first nap, once his mornings get closer to 6.30 wake up you will be set to really cut that late catnap, probably completely.  Lily still needs to be down for nap at 4.5hrs at times.  In fact we where doing that last week as teething and a killer cold led to her getting OT again and by bringing her nap forward she starting taking a 2-2.5hr nap again and got over the OT within a few days.

Katemom - I think I would do an early bedtime on the days she gets less sleep but only by maybe 15Min's as she could normally only sleep 1hr 45Min's anyway, so in reality not much difference.  Lily sometimes only sleeps 1hr 30 and wakes up super happy, I think sometimes they just need a little less sleep that day.  I tend to go on what her wake up time was from the nap to decide on bedtime, for us no more that 5hrs after nap, 4.5-4.75 if I think she is actually more tired that day, but always no later than 7.15pm, this seems to be her cut of point after that it doesn't matter how her day went she will be OT and do at least 1 NW, normally 45Min's after bedtime.  FYI you should be able to shift her day back that hour in just over a week by moving day on by 10Min's a day, thats everything meals, nap & bedtime.  I did it with Lily and was amazed how easy it worked and how quickly.

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Re: anyone want to chat about the 2-1 nap switch , thread#3
« Reply #151 on: November 14, 2007, 17:36:50 pm »
Hi everyone
Hope all is going well for everyone - it's must be as it's very quiet!  Anyway, thanks for the help New Mum - I have to say nothing has progressed so far, as even tho Lily had a good nap day yesterday she took ages to get to sleep last night (normally is asleep within seconds), and woke up at 5.10am!!!!! :(  She went off to nursery today, and when I picked her up she had had a total of 40 mins sleep all day.  So straight to bed when I got her home - which was about 5.30pm.  Fingers crossed she'll sleep through.  I'll have to start the new schedule tomorrow, and see how it goes.  I think my main priority is to get her back on track nap wise, then try to sort out the EW's with moving the day forward.  I still keep wondering if she is teething - you did say it can take 3 weeks for one, she is displaying alot of the signs - so maybe this is what it's all about.  Who knows..... ???

Scatty - it would be great to hear your story on how you sorted your DD's sleep out - as I think yours and mine are fairly similar - in age as well - so any handy hints there would be great.

Have a good evening / night everyone, here's hoping all sleep well!
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Re: anyone want to chat about the 2-1 nap switch , thread#3
« Reply #152 on: November 14, 2007, 18:09:25 pm »
Hi Everyone,

I cant believe it but Leorah is sick again  :( Last night she woke at 1am and been sick all over herself and cot, we cleaned her and everything up laid her down and she was sick again  :P Today she had 2 x 30 minute naps and then 15 min car nap on the way home from the doctor. What with the weekend away I can't see us ever getting back to one nap as she has started waking around 6am again as she always did on 2 naps, once she consistantly took 1 nap she started waking around 7am, I'm going to have to make sure she is completely caught up on sleep before doing 1 nap again  ::)

Lib, L's sleep was horrendous from about 8 months to a year. I used to try and give her a short AM nap and then a longer PM nap 2½-3hrs later and it just never worked for us, instead I increased the morning A time and let her sleep as long as poss and then gave an afternoon catnap of just 20 mins. Before this weekend she would nap from 11.30/12 and then go to bed at 5.30pm as her nap averages 1hr15 but I was lucky that she'd tag the lost sleep onto her nights so we were getting 7am wake ups and no NWs, it really is the best she's ever slept since I had her on one nap  :) The whole story is here in success stories as I have had quite a few emails asking what I did!

I reckon once L is over this bug I will be back on here crying! I am so scared those 30 min naps are going to stick around  :'( I hope everyone else are doing well :)

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Re: anyone want to chat about the 2-1 nap switch , thread#3
« Reply #153 on: November 14, 2007, 18:17:27 pm »
Lib, how long did that afternoon nap end up being yesterday?
probable limit the 2 naps to 2hrs total---30min am and 90min pm so as to not rob night sleep.
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Offline katemom

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Re: anyone want to chat about the 2-1 nap switch , thread#3
« Reply #154 on: November 14, 2007, 18:50:04 pm »
newmum, thanks for the advice on how to handle slightly shorter nap days!  I'll go with that for awhile...what total number of sleep hours per day are you shooting for with your lo?  (She's a little over a year right?)  Mine is one year old, and is currently getting about 13.5 hours - is that good for her age or does she need more?

thanks again, katemom

Offline NiknLily

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Re: anyone want to chat about the 2-1 nap switch , thread#3
« Reply #155 on: November 14, 2007, 19:41:27 pm »
Katemom - Lily is coming up to 19months, so compared to most of the LO's transitioning at present she was older when she started, about 15 months I think when started and was through (well almost) about 1.5months ago.  I've just been hanging around this thread to help out the new bunch  :)  13.75hrs is typical sleep requirement at 12months so 13.5 is OK as all LO's vary.  At 18months it goes down to 13.5hrs. Lily is getting 11.5-12.5hrs at night and 1.5-2.15hrs during day so its varying quite a lot at present, but she was teething really badly for whole transition (really didn't help) and still is and has had the worst cold she has had so far, for last 2 weeks which has now changed into a cough, so we have been getting quite a lot of NW's.  I guess when all said and done I will be happy with 11.5hrs at night and 2-2.5hrs during the day.

Skatty - Sorry to hear about Leorah being poorly again.  30min naps, classic OT for her, right? Hopefully you will be able to get her to catch up as soon as she is well again. You've done a fantastic job getting through this transition, you've done it once, should be easier this time  ;)

Offline lib

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Re: anyone want to chat about the 2-1 nap switch , thread#3
« Reply #156 on: November 15, 2007, 09:12:03 am »
Hi everyone
So sorry to hear L isn't well Scatty - it seems there is a bug going round here in the UK too - general D&V!  Fingers crossed she'll feel better soon and you can get back on track. 

Deb - yesterday lily had a v bad nap day cos she was at nursery (always sleeps badly there) so I tend not to count it.  The day before she had over 2 hours sleep so thinking about it, and what you said about limiting the naps to 2 hours, I will try to make sure she has 2 max.  Hopefully that'll work!!!!  Anyway - I put her down at 5.20 last night, and she slept solidly thro till 5.15 this morning, so I am now going to instigate moving the day forward on 10 mins intervals as per New Mum's recommendation.  So she had b/fast at 7.15, and went down for her nap at 8.30.  Lunch will be at 11.30 and the next nap as per when she wakes from first (so far she has napped 45 mins and I am going to leave her as I think she needs to catch up on her sleep).  I will alway limit that nap to make up the 2 hours .....  Then bed will be at 6pm.  Tomorrow everything will move forward by 10 mins.  Oh I hope it works - and that I have judged the timings right.  I am never sure what time to put her to bed  - do you think the 6pm bed is right if she woke up at 5.15 and had 2 hours of nap?

Thanks again everybody for your help - it is a glorious day here and I am feeling much more positive that I can crack this!
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Offline NiknLily

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Re: anyone want to chat about the 2-1 nap switch , thread#3
« Reply #157 on: November 15, 2007, 13:29:24 pm »
Hi Lib, 6pm sounds about right.  I would probably of aimed for 5.45 to be asleep by 6pm but thats just me I like to leave in a buffer time zone as I frequently run over time  ::)

Offline lib

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Re: anyone want to chat about the 2-1 nap switch , thread#3
« Reply #158 on: November 15, 2007, 14:30:10 pm »
thanks new mum.  Just to let you know Lily is sleeping like a dream today - going down without a single whinge, and is on track for her 2 hrs.  It's tempting to just leave her for longer, but I won't as I am desperate to sort this out!!  Then 6pm will be bed - I normally give milk at 5.45 and then bed at 5 to, where she usually falls asleep within seconds - fingers crossed it's the same tonight.
byeeee for now.
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Offline LauraRose

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Re: anyone want to chat about the 2-1 nap switch , thread#3
« Reply #159 on: November 15, 2007, 23:57:50 pm »
deb and newmum--
Thanks for the feedback on Jack's most recent schedule.  Since he is only 13 months old, I think I shouldn't try to push his first nap later than 10:30 or 11, right?  He usually goes down sometime in there and then we get a total of about 2.5-3hrs daytime sleep (still spread over 2 naps).  Is this really too much? He's below the average for total sleep, I think--10 at night and 2.5-3 during day.

BTW, I am somewhat resigned to possibly never pushing his wake-up time much later. DH starts getting ready for work around 5-5:15, so there's always some household noise to encourage Jack to wake.  Maybe I should get a noise machine? Thanks for your input.

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Re: anyone want to chat about the 2-1 nap switch , thread#3
« Reply #160 on: November 16, 2007, 07:57:56 am »
Hi Everyone, wow Lib, Lily is doing fantastically, I hope you've turned a corner  ;)

LauraRose, I recommend a sound machine. We put a radio on in between stations for Leorah as our hose is very open plan (noisy ::)) and DH gets up early and it has really improved L's sleep, it even helped when we stayed at my mums very noisy flat just off Oxford Street in London.

Well Leorah felt so much better yesterday but her A times were shorter. She slept for her usual 1hr15 (so much better than 30 mins OT naps!) but she still seemed tired so I was strict and left her, she protested a few mins, then played for 15 then had another 40 mins sleep so I was very happy  ;D She was asleep by 5.45pm but had a NW at 1am, she was crying on and off but not calling so we knew it was her teeth so DH got up and gave her some medicine, he then had to do 2 WI/WOs before she settled but I heard her toss and turn for another 20  mins before the meds kicked in, she then woke at 06.45 so I think she had at least 12 hours sleep. It was strange this morning though, she just didn't want to get up, she was singing, resting and cuddling her toys for nearly an hour before I went to her. I am praying for a good nap today! What I am working towards is for L to be able to consistantly handle 5 hrs A time so a worst case scenario could be this:

06.30 wake
11.30 nap
12.45 wake
17.45 bed

but preferably she will wake at 7am so the day is pushed up. It would be even better if she could have a longer nap and therefore a later bedtime but it seems a 7ish bedtime leads to a 6ish wake and an earlier bedtime leads to a 7ish wake, strange huh  :-\

Anyway, I hope you've all had a good night and will get good naps today  :-*

Offline lib

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Re: anyone want to chat about the 2-1 nap switch , thread#3
« Reply #161 on: November 16, 2007, 09:02:30 am »
Hi everyone

Glad to hear Leorah is on the mend Scatty - it's such a relief when they get back to normal isn't it?  Hopefully you'll see her back on her old routine today.  You might find she does sleep more as I find this with Lily after being ill that she seems to catch up on her sleep. 

LauraRose - I use a fan for Lily during the day to drown out household sounds, as she sleeps much lighter during the day than at night - it works well - especially when we have the builders in!  So would recommend it as well.

Well after a great day yesterday, Lily fell asleep at 6.10pm after a bit of a grumble (unusual for her) then proceeded to have NW's all night!!!!!  Weird huh - I can only put it down to teeth, so I gave her med at 11.30pm, she finally settled at 12.15, then woke at 2.30, 3.45, (didn't have to go in for either, she resettled) then slept to 6.20am - so altho she slept later (yay!) she did have a disturbed night.  Anyway I have no idea what to do about moving the day forward as she woke later, so instead I am going to do Deb's schedule of putting her down at 9.30 and see what happens.  It's going to be a weird day anyway because we are going to visit a friend about an hours drive away between 1 and 3pm - so I will try and delay her second nap for the return journey. 

Have a great day everyone, thanks for listening to my moans!

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Offline NiknLily

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Re: anyone want to chat about the 2-1 nap switch , thread#3
« Reply #162 on: November 16, 2007, 12:19:53 pm »
LauraRose - I think his total is not too bad, 11hrs at night would be preferable but hes currently getting 12.5-13hrs total which isn't bad.  Typical amount required would be about 13.5hrs, it may just be that that is all he needs at present. Some might try to cut hour off day sleep and hope it gets tacked onto night, 11hr night would improve his wake up time.  However if hes happy on this arrangement and not getting OT personally I wouldn't mess with it.  A white noise machine, fan, cd of waves or something may be a good idea.  An awful lot of people swear by them.  Just read other posts, was working my way down and see everyone has recommended one  :D

So pleased everyone else seems to be doing well, even with a few hiccups  :)

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Re: anyone want to chat about the 2-1 nap switch , thread#3
« Reply #163 on: November 16, 2007, 13:34:20 pm »
Hi Ladies,
My DD is 14 months old and since 10 months has made the gradual transition to 1 nap,she's been on 20 mins in am,then about 2 hrs at lunchtime.Over the past few days she's been waking at 6 am,and today did not want to go to sleep for her 20min nap,,just lay in there babbling and whining to get up,so I did,played with her a little and gave her a bit of lunch and put her down again at 11:45am,she's still asleep at 1:45..yippee,could this be near the end of the transition..even though she woke at 6,we got her up at 6:30ish,she made the leap of staying awake an extra hour or so.If she wakes later tomorrow morning,should I try and get her to stay awake till 12.She usually has 2 hrs total of daytime sleep and was doing 11 1/2 - 12 hrs at night before she woke early the past few days.Any advice..thanks.

Clare x

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Re: anyone want to chat about the 2-1 nap switch , thread#3
« Reply #164 on: November 16, 2007, 18:46:27 pm »

thanks again for hanging around here and helping us through all of this!

you mentioned pushing the whole routine forward a little at a time to get later wake-ups in the morning, but my lo sleeps a little irregularly (by the clock) so I'm not really sure how to do this.

for example, one day will go like this:
6:40am awake
11:50am asleep
2:15pm awake
7:30pm asleep
(always offer nap and bedtime approx 5 hours after last woke up).

another day goes like this:
6:30am awake
11:35am asleep
1:25pm awake
6:45pm asleep

so it's hard to inch the day forward when her nap length is variable, and her a.m. wake-up time is too.  I don't know how far to push her to extend her day since she's new to this one nap thing.  So if you have any suggestions/specifics, I'd love to hear them!

