Sharon, that is awesome that she can go back to sleep!! I'm making myself do things & keep from going in while that 45min is happening. :oops:
Today her 1st nap was an hour (weird) with not a peep at 45mins, and then she slept 1.45min for her second nap. Here's the wild thing though. She was up 3hrs for her wake time. I had to pickup her big sissy from summer camp so I just didn't put her down and she did ok. The very last 10min was tough and she fussed in the car and almost fell asleep. Anyway I was convinced since she was soooo tired she would wake at 45min, but, no, 1hr45mins. Wow. So she got up at 3pm, ok, we went to Home Depot to get some things to do our stairscase and she would not go to sleep in the Baby Bjorn!! She kept on smiling everytime I looked to see if she's getting sleepy. So finally gave up at 5:30pm. We went out to eat after that and I gave her cereal, which she gobbled up fast. The child does not know how to savor her food. She just swallows it whole. How can she even taste it and enjoy it? :lol: So now she's been up for 3hr wake and she's not fussy, just wiggly wiggly!! We get home at 7pm and I went straight to nurse her and man it was like bfing an octopus. Her arms were grabbing at me, herself, flailing all over the place, trying to situp while boob is still in her mouth :? , pushing away, all at the same time. She only nursed about 6mins and I put her down at 7:20. That's 4 1/2hr wake time!!! :shock: :shock: :shock: I was prepared for the worst!! She babbled for a couple of mins and started to fuss, so I went in and, of course, she was sideways, stuck. I put her back in the middle, paci back in and she was out in 10mins. Okay, so what the heck is that 4 1/2 hr wake time? What am I supposed to do if she does this daily? I guess in a month, she would be losing that catnap. Oh well I will just go along with what she wants to do. What choice do I have anyway? It's not like I'm the one who's running this show anyway. We all know who's the boss in this household. :wink:
Mimi, yes Matthew's Mommy has been wonderful. I started to pm her when Jadyn was going through her crazy screaming at 10wks and Jane has called and talked things through over the phone. She's awesome.
Jennifer, yeah, in having your angel back!! That teething business is torture, isn't it? I know Jadyn's top will probably come out sooner than later and not looking forward to it.
Have a great weekend, ladies, and lots & lots of sleep to you all!!!
p.s. I just noticed that my posts are always so long!! Sorry, I guess I don't know how to make it nice & short. :oops: