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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #555 on: November 02, 2005, 04:22:06 am »
Kate-so funny about the poop.  I was laughing out loud!  The dog looked at me funny!
Nikki-glad to hear that your mom is being more understanding about the diet. 
Richelle-hope you got the costly ticket... you will be rewarded in the end.
Erin-Ben has had troubles going on and off solids.  I just keep giving them to him at the scheduled times.  Today I waited until the babysitter had left and added another 20 minutes and he gobbled them down.
Constipation issues.  Soon after I changed from rice to barley Ben left his non pooping days at the door.  He is not going as frequently as before but seems to poop every day to every other day.  I am off to sleep.  Wondering if the little bugger will wake at 5.  I missed the nick name mania and had to think of some of the ones we use.  Baby-very original.  I am trying to get out of the habit of calling Ben the same nicknames that we use with the dog, I also use them for DH!

Offline Richelle

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #556 on: November 02, 2005, 12:40:08 pm »
Hi Ladies,

LOL - Kate, I really did then that made Sophie laugh - whata great way to start the day :shock: poor DH!

Welcome Back Andrea, I was wopndering where you were...

Nikki - Glad your mom apologized, must have made you fell better!

Ankie - It is good to hear that Arwyn is sorting herself out.

Micky - Is Jack's surgery still on schedule? 

Sophie too has been waking early 4AM today :shock: but I leave her as she just talks to herself and she went back down.  She then still wakes at 6 or 630, which I am sure is her limit without food!  Luckily we don't change time here - what a pain :? !

I have booked my ticket - the easy flight!  What was I thinking even entertaining the other one :roll: !  So yes, Traci I will be in Toronto Dec. 14th, it would be nice to have a coffee or something - let me know!

Sophie was off yesterday and when I felt her head she felt hot - her temp was 100.7 - poor thing.  I gave her some tylenol twice as her fever came back late afternoon.  She is constantly pulling her ear as well,  she must be working on teeth #3 & #4.   SHe seems to be better today and she gobbled up her breakfast....

What time is the chat tonight?

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #557 on: November 02, 2005, 14:43:34 pm »
Kate-LOL at the poop head.  poor ryan.  good on DH for running a bath. my DH would likely have just used a wipe!  Cole had a huge up the back poop this morning (WTH?) and I woke DH to help me.  Too much mess with such a mobile little guy.

Richelle-Chat is 9:00 NY time.  (is that EST?  I don't know)  Hopefully we can meet when you're here, just realized it's a weeknight.

well, I was wrong, it IS teeth. lower left tooth, two white spots showing now instead of just one.  a girlfriend just called to go to another show downtown.  guess my adaptable little guy will get tested again.  accidentally "on purpose" parented (fed) him to sleep for first nap.  That was after bringing him to bed after waking at 4.  Oh well.  This too shall pass, right girls :wink: 

Hope I can make the chat.  Think DH would like to spend more time with me.  I'm always glued to this machine.

have a good day everyone.
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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #558 on: November 02, 2005, 15:10:32 pm »
Quote from: mickymuscles
Approx. Daily Food Intake for 6-8 months
dry infant cereal----4-8Tbsps
veggies--------4-8 Tbsps
fruit----------4-7 Tbsps
meat------3-6 Tbsps
juice (optional)----3-4 oz.

offer veggies and fruits once cereal is accepted
veggies should be unsalted
fruits and juices should be unsweetened
offer single pureed meat after fruits and veggies are accepted
well-cooked egg yolk can be given.  Egg white should not be given until one year because it is a common allergen.

Ankie, Mickey (sp?) posted this from her ped. a few weeks ago...on page 40!  I printed it out for myself.  I was worried I was feeding too much, but I think we are on track or on the lower end, so it made me feel much better!
Here's to a great day for all!!!!

Offline Erin M

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #559 on: November 02, 2005, 15:18:16 pm »
Teeth....ugh...I just keep thinking, she only has to get 10, she already has 3, one more is on its way in, so after that, only 6 to go!!  Taking Katie to the doctor in a bit, as we are going on day 8 of her cold with no real improvement...and she's stopped eating, not nursing too well...sigh

Kate - I was laughing here too - I often worry about changing Katie in the middle of the night with all those clothes on....and apparently my solution is just to send DH to do so.    :lol:

Welcome back Andrea!

Nikki - DH has a cousin who is about 14 and was diagnosed with Krohn's a few years ago (which came as a relief, as she was constantly in and out of the hospital before that) - she has tons of dietary restrictions, but she does really, really well with it.  And come to think of it, I've had a few good friends who are diabetic and they're fine with it too.  My very muddled point here, is that Nathan will be fine, it's great that you caught it early, and long term I'm sure he'll live with it very nicely.  Good that you got that apology though, I'm sure it made things easier.

Traci - best of luck with the teeth and the naps!

Holly - love the pics!

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #560 on: November 02, 2005, 16:27:18 pm »
Good morning ladies,

Thanks Kate for the feeding chart... I had forgotten about Micky posting that. Thanks Micky for posting that information! Don't know what I would do without you gals! So... after looking at that chart, I have more questions. Arwyn will normally only accept 1-2 tbsp. of any type of solids... some days I offer cereal first, some days, veggies or fruit. She is not a fruit fan but likes her peas and yams. Any suggestions on how to up the quantity? Should I feed her the solids first? I was told to always BF first but this is contrary to BW.

Hi Macaire!! Nice to hear from you. :)

Traci... hope Cole feels better with his teeth. You are right, this too, shall pass!

Erin... I hope Katie is feeling better soon. BTW, what do you mean by 10 teeth? Don't children have 20 baby teeth? Or... my memory is very bad???

Nikki... I am glad you have found the diet works for Nathan. My mother is a true believer that foods can affect your life and you can make it work for you. :) So... good for you on finding a solution and sticking to it. I know people will have comments... they always do. :roll:

Richelle... good for you on booking the "easy" flight. You and Sophie will have a much happier commute for it! Enjoy your time in Saskatchewan. Do you normally have a white Christmas there? Glad Sophie is feeling better!

Arwyn is settling down now after a MONTH  :shock: of unsettled behaviour. BUT, now, I think she has come down with a cold. It woke her up last night at 10:30 and I just DF her. I could hear that she was all stuffed up and she was nursing funny because she couldn't breathe through her nose, poor girl. Then she decided to get 10 min. of shut-eye before waking up at 11. She was awake for 30 minutes at which time, I decided to lay down with her, preparing to sleep on the futon with her for the night. She lay down wide awake with me and quiet... was asleep in less than 10 so... I transferred back to her crib and crawled into bed myself.

Well... she woke at 3 am and was fed... and was up at 6 for the day. She is definitely sick... she can't breathe and is coughing each time she snuffles (I assume from the post nasal drip?) and was tired before her A time was up. I hope this too, will pass.
Burnaby, B.C. Canada

Offline mickymuscles

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #561 on: November 02, 2005, 16:45:41 pm »
hi guys!

I hope all is well in nap-land!!  :D   

Ankie-we've been feeding solids first for about a month (on ped's advice-since Jack was drinking 6-8oz at every feed and eating some solids).  Now Jackson is eating solids first (probably 2-4 oz) then I offer him a bottle to wash it down and he'll take anywhere from 4-8 oz.  His midday snack (3pm) I just give a bottle so that I know he gets one good formula feed for sure per day.

Richelle-as far as I know Jack's surgery is still on for the 9th.  I won't know for sure if it's postponed until the 8th when I get a confirmation call from the OR.

talk to you all again (I'm sure) later!! :D
mom to 2 beautiful boys!

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #562 on: November 02, 2005, 16:59:08 pm »
Oh Ladies, what a relief to hear I am not the only with a crazy child! :twisted:   Here I thought she was such an angel, as she has been sleeping great since she was about 10 weeks and would usually not make a peep until 7-7:30 for the longest time.  Well those days are gone and I don't know how to get them back!!!  But it is some consolation that we are pretty much all in the same boat.  I traced my calendar and pretty much came up with this:
 :arrow: T started waking up almost every night before her DF about 2 months ago!  I think by us going in and just giving her a bottle because it was onlu 15 minutes early, then 30, now 1 hour early has created a habitual waking.  I think this weekend I am going to try and wean her from the DF (starting to feed at 9:45, then 9:30, etc.)
 :arrow: about 1.5 months ago she started doing the 5 am wake up which we would go in and pat her back to sleep, which I think she has gotten used to.
 :arrow: last Monday she started now waking up at 6 am instead of 5 but won't settle back down to sleep unless I feed.  (this started before the time change, so know that is not it.)
 :arrow: Last night was one of our worst in a VERY long time.  Up at 9:50, so DF, then up at 2:20 and settled rather quickly after I picked her up, up at 5 am and settled after DH held her for about 15 min., then up at 6 am and wouldn't settle until I fed at 6:30...I put her in her crib to go get dressed and she fell back asleep!!! :roll:  :evil:   I then woke her at 7:15 and she was of course mad, but I said "you can't sleep whenever you feel like it!"  :roll:  :oops:   I think this is getting to me, NO?!?! :lol:

 :?: There are no teeth coming in that we can see.  No constipation anymore, no sickness.  She is already sitting up, and I don't think is close to crawling yet.  So what the Heck???  I am going to re-read some of the BWSAYP and the Weissulbuth book and try to formulate a plan by the weekend.

Sigh, so enough about me ladies.  Sorry! :oops:

Nicki-I am so sorry to hear about Nathan, but as Erin said so well, I'm sure he will live with it just fine.
Ankie, what I have been doing is BF for the first feeding, then solids 1/2 hour later (she will eat about 1.5 cubes at breakfast).  Then for lunch I offer solids first because she is not so starving when seh wakes up at this time (she'll eat 2-3 cubes).  then bf at 3, then dinner at 5:30ish where she'll eat 2tbsp of cereal, and 2 cubes.  Good luck, but don't worry too much.  My friends lo is also not eating much and the ped. said not to worry, just continue to offer.

Kate-sooo funny about the poop!  poor dh

Micky-I'm with you on the naps, Taylor too is waking up happy, so I am going with the flow.  She seems to always make up for a short nap lately, so trying not to worry.  so if she has a short am nap, then a long pm nap, and vice versa.

Traci-it sounds like you are in the same boat as me about a week ago, when I said "I feel like a loser".  Well, I stayed home with T for 5 days to get her back on track, and look at where we are now.  So my point is, enjoy yourself, because I think no matter what we do, they are all screwy right now! :lol:

Long enough post ladies....THANKS SO MUCH FOR ALL THE WELCOME BACKS!!!  I REALLY DID MISS YOU ALL SO MUCH (ISN'T THAT WEIRD TO MISS PEOPLE I'VE NEVER MET?).  I will try to make the chat tonight.
Taylor-Textbook Baby
DOB 04/19/05

Sydney-too soon to tell, but looking EASY
DOB 05/20/07

Offline Taylor's Mommy

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #563 on: November 02, 2005, 17:01:52 pm »
one more thing ladies, Repeat after me:

"they are babies, not robots.  they are babies, not robots!"  this is what DH tells me when she is not conforming to the plan! 

let's all try to remember, they haven't read the books right? 

Please someone remind me of this when I am ready to jump off a bridge! :lol:  :lol:  :lol:
Taylor-Textbook Baby
DOB 04/19/05

Sydney-too soon to tell, but looking EASY
DOB 05/20/07

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #564 on: November 02, 2005, 17:08:26 pm »
OMG dh has been home sick the last two days!!!  He is funny, he thinks that just because he's home "sick" (not too sick IYKWIM) I should just sort of drop my day and hang out with him.
He did help me do a few things that I was needing to get done so that was nice, but he's not too keen on me checking in here  :?   So I've been missing out on all the conversations.
I did just check out the photo gallery and got to see some gorgeous pics of some of you ladies!  How fun to put faces with name.
Speaking of names...thanks for the name sheet Bec??  I had to lol...I thought I was organized. 
And speaking of lol...the poop stroy katie was too funny.  Your poor dh.
And speaking of poop  :wink: Sophie was doing great, and now she seems to be pooping pellets...but not straining, oh well.
OK, Richelle, definately the smart decision on the traveling thing. Traveling can be so hard with lo...especially if there are any delays.  Dh and I went to Chicago to visit my family this summer with Sophie and he went home a week before I did to go back to work.  I had to fly back with her alone.  As I have mentioned, she only drinks ebm, and so I have always pumped.  Well, this trip was at about 3 months so I was still needing to pump about every 4-6 hours (at the longest!)  I was pushing the pumping window for the flight to begin with and then...of course murphy's law the flight was delayed by about 4 hours!!! By the time we arrived in Seattle, my shirt was drenched in milk and my boobs were like bowling balls. Sophie was drenched too as she was sleeping on my was a mess.  I pumped in the car on the way home after getting the pump from the checked baggage.  Traveling as a bfing mom must be easier??
Anyhow, just my little story.
Welcome back to Andrea.
Funny about the crib bumpers....I swear mom's looked at me like I was mommy dearest when I said I didn't want them.  Somedays I truly think I was born in the wrong country :)
Traci...I had to lol also at your fly lady reminders...and by the way....I don't even really have shoes that least not the shoes I wear most of the time...does this mean I can't be a fly baby?? :wink:
OK, speaking of fly babies...I gotta go catch up on all of the chores I didn't do while dh was home. 
Jo- how do you and dh get everything done while working?  Does dh stay home with Fraser?  How IS Fraser?
Hope all of the lo's are feeling better with colds etc.
Nikki- I have a crazy snowboarding/ice hockey/car racing friend with celiac...he still find LOADS of gluten free alcohol to drink when out with his buddies... :lol:
I MIGHT chat tonight but I tink I'm in the same boat as traci, needing to spend more time with dh...

Offline Richelle

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #565 on: November 02, 2005, 17:59:17 pm »
Well, I thought Sophie was OK this AM but she had a minor melt down at lunch when I tried to feed her??!!  So, I skipped the solids and she drank her usual 6oz of milk, then was still mumping and she started with the ear pulling again.  I know some people say not to drug a baby but if I know it is going to make Sophie feel better why wouldn't I give her some tylenol?  So, I gave her some and 25 minutes later gone was the mumpy little girl and I tried lunch again and she gobbled up her 4oz of solids :shock:  :) !

She has been napping ok, this morning she screamed bloody murder at the 45 minute mark :shock: and when I went in she was fast asleep.

Andrea - no, you are not alone!!  I have nothing to offer in regards to the DF as we have never done it.

I too forgot about the solids amounts post, good to know. 

Kate - I thought we were feeding Sophie alot too but I guess not!

Anyone not making there lo's food - do you feed your lo's meat?  I can't bring myself to feed Sophie it - I go by the rule: If I won't eat it, I shouldn't expect Sophie to!!  I suppose I will maybe try and make her some chicken - thanks Jo for the tip!

I should run, I have a tonne of errands....

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Offline mickymuscles

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #566 on: November 02, 2005, 18:33:07 pm »
hi guys!!  Just had to pop in and say "YIPPY"!!! :D   dh had too much SNOW!!!  can you believe that!!??!!  So he gets to come home tonight after being gone for about 3 weeks!!  I hope he gets to stay home until the surgery now! :D

Richelle we feed Jack meat here.  But we are a meat eating family.  We have friends that are veggies and they don't feed their LO meat....he eats alot of different kinds of beans etc to get his protein.
mom to 2 beautiful boys!


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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #567 on: November 02, 2005, 20:30:54 pm »
Thanks everyone!  Hannah, I'm sure he won't be deprived when out drinking with his mates - somehow though I'm kind of cringing at the thought of him drinking spirits as a teen and not beer (the drinking age is 18 here and most start about 16!). I know Nathan will do great and we'll all adjust just fine. :D 

Sorry for those of you having rough nights, I still feed Danielle once a night and know she doesn't need it since her wake up can be 2am or 5am?  :?  I just haven't tackled the problem yet.  I don't feed her for long in the night and I also get a little annoyed in the morning when she won't feed well because of it.  :oops:

Karen, I decided to not do up Danielle's safeTsleep just now for her nap and she's not settling, started crying, I went down there and she was really annoyed to have her head against the top of the cot, hmmm, hating the thought of weaning it.

Have a good day/evening everyone!

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #568 on: November 02, 2005, 21:01:51 pm »
Hi everyone, I kept seeing your thread pop up on the last active posts bit so I thought I would join you all and introduce myself as you all have done. My name is Naomi but everyone calls me Nome, I have been married to DH for nearly two years. I fell pregnant with my DS whilst training to be a nurse and he was born on the 26th April at 2.34am and weighed in at 7lb10oz. I have recently decided not to return to university and DH and I have decided  to start trying for another baby! Jacob is a spirited/textbook baby and I notice he was born on the same day as some of your baby's. That it, hope to post again soon!

Nome, Mummy to :-
Jacob Mark - 26/04/05
Beatrice Anita 31/10/06

Offline Jayri

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #569 on: November 02, 2005, 21:51:16 pm »
what a wonderful name you
Welcome aboard to our craziness, just to let you know we have a chat of all of us on sunday nights at 9pm EST, so 1am for you unfortunately.
Another thing, my mum lives in skegness, and used to live in grantham. SO it caught my attention to where you live.
Just wanted to welcome you aboard... look forward to hearing more from you.
Naomi mum to ds 17.06.03 and dd 26.03.05
&dh together since 23.02.01
