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June/ July 05 Mom's Chat
« Reply #120 on: August 10, 2005, 17:36:56 pm »
Wow!  How are you all getting so much sleep (at least it seems like alot at this point!) at night?
Patrick won't go for longer than 3-3.5 hours at night- altho he's a great napper.  He's getting his naps in during the day, we're trying to cluster & df (altho, neither works that great for us) and nothing has improved his night sleeping!

Offline CaedensMama

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June/ July 05 Mom's Chat
« Reply #121 on: August 11, 2005, 15:19:14 pm »
How long are you all going between naps, including eat and activity?

Is an hour about right..... longer or shorter?

Mama to:
Caeden (6/05)
Colm (3/07)
Alannah (11/08)
Tadhg (8/10)
and Ailish due Sept 16, 2011

Offline NatalyaW

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Between naps
« Reply #122 on: August 11, 2005, 22:41:42 pm »
Yeah, CaedensMama, about an hour is where we are with Hope. The problem then is that she almost NEVER sleeps for more than 40 minutes, often 30, occasionally an hour, so EASY gets really disrupted. For example, 7am wake up and eat, 7:30 activity 8:00 to 8:45 nap, well now it's 8:45 and not time to eat again until 10:00. What can I do? I can never predict when she'll wake up, as I said her naps are often 30 minutes long, so that precludes going in right before the end of the REM cycle and comforting her.

Offline CaedensMama

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June/ July 05 Mom's Chat
« Reply #123 on: August 11, 2005, 22:53:32 pm »
Oh - that sounds like my Caeden too! I have been trying really hard to get him past that 20 - 30 - 40 minute window where he wakes up. When I can he sleeps for another hour at least so its great. But I know what you mean about the EASY routine getting messed up cause he always wants to eat as soon as he wakes up  :)

OH  - I cannot believe it - My little man is 2 months old today!  :D  :D  :D  :D  Where does the time go!
Mama to:
Caeden (6/05)
Colm (3/07)
Alannah (11/08)
Tadhg (8/10)
and Ailish due Sept 16, 2011

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June/ July 05 Mom's Chat
« Reply #124 on: August 12, 2005, 06:56:36 am »
The two months certainly have flown.  Wednesday Luke was two months old and it was my first day back at work for teacher inservice.  People asked "How's your baby?"  I'd say "Two months old today" and start bawling....I need to get a grip, girls! :roll:
God will give you exactly what you ask Him for, even if it's not in the package you expected it to be in.

Luke 6-10-05
Clay 12-17-08

Offline lidybugmama

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« Reply #125 on: August 12, 2005, 13:32:29 pm »
Hello all.  I am a first time mom and I am also new to the forum.  Lydia is 4weeks old.  We are adjusting to life pretty well.  She does pretty well on EASY but I found myself becoming a prop in  that she wanted to fall asleep in my arms.  I've been swaddling and pat/shh the past few days and it seems to be working.

Offline CaedensMama

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June/ July 05 Mom's Chat
« Reply #126 on: August 12, 2005, 16:44:41 pm »
Guess what - Caeden is still sleeping! His first nap this morning I stayed in the room with him and when he started to wake I just put my hand on his chest and he went back to sleep, I hardly even shushed. He slept for an hour and 20 minutes!
His second nap I stayed in there doing the same thing and once he had been down an hour I left and worked on stuff I needed to do (changed the laundry and check email  :D ) and he is still sleeping.... I guess I should have taken my shower...... bummer - I didn't think he would sleep this long!
It seems if I can get him past that 30 or 45 minute sometimes 60 minute mark - he does great and will go 1 1/2 to 2 hours.
Hopefully this will continue to work and I can get some good naps out of him!
We are also trying to catch that window of "ready to sleep" and I am trying earlier then I have been - I think he has been getting overtired. His 2 naps this morning have been 1 hour and the other 50 minutes after his last nap - but he went down with very minimal crying and in about 15 minutes. He is still going down in my arms and then I move him to the cradle, but it was getting to hard to keep trying to get him to sleep in the cradle, and have him overtired and have him only taking 20 or 30 minute naps - we needed to take small steps and so if I can get some good naps and go down easily then I will start trying again to get him into the cradle earlier.
Okay -sorry for rambling - how is everyone else doing? Got any fun weekend plans? None here - just working on the cars so they will run better - and my car needs brakes and hopefully DH will get those done this weekend!

Oh and welcome to lidybugmama - so glad things are going well!
Mama to:
Caeden (6/05)
Colm (3/07)
Alannah (11/08)
Tadhg (8/10)
and Ailish due Sept 16, 2011

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June/ July 05 Mom's Chat
« Reply #127 on: August 14, 2005, 21:14:20 pm »
Did everyone go out of town this weekend?  I miss hearing what everyone is doing!   :P
God will give you exactly what you ask Him for, even if it's not in the package you expected it to be in.

Luke 6-10-05
Clay 12-17-08

Offline Critter

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June/ July 05 Mom's Chat
« Reply #128 on: August 15, 2005, 18:33:29 pm »
OK, girls, we've just made it through our first illness over here.  Luke woke up this morning with projectile vomit....I can now fully appreciate the term.  Lucky for us, it seems to be short-lived.  We went to the doctor this morning, came home and vomited some more, but that has been it.  Lucky for me....DH has jury duty today and tonight is "meet the teacher" night.  I called my principal this morning, and luckily she was very understanding.  DH got released from jury duty and will be home in time for me to get to school, throw some trash in a closet and meet the parents.  STRESS!! :roll:  :x  :roll:  :x
God will give you exactly what you ask Him for, even if it's not in the package you expected it to be in.

Luke 6-10-05
Clay 12-17-08

Offline ry,cait&alex

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June/ July 05 Mom's Chat
« Reply #129 on: August 16, 2005, 03:47:31 am »
Hi Amy!!  Sorry, I have been popping in long enough to read posts but not post indepth.  Long weekend, very tired.  :cry:

Sorry to hear about Luke.  Was it a tummy virus?  What did the dr say?  Can't say that I have experienced the "pv" before.  But if it makes you feel any better, the first time that Ryan EVER threw up (not spit up) was the night of my 31st bday.  Dh took me to a nice dinner and we were going to go shopping afterwards....yeah...bread and mac and cheese everywhere!!!  Nice......

Cait is getting her 2 month shots tomorrow, so I will post with new stats.  She has been doing real good these last couple of days.  Still haven't gotten past the 5 hours at night, and am anxiously looking for 7 straight hours, but this too shall come.  She has only been taking 3 to 4 ounces during the day and gradually eats more in the late evening and last feed.  Anyone else experiencing this?  Guess I will ask the pedi tomorrow.  She has thunder thighs, so I am not too concerned about her not getting enough to eat.  I am going to try and post a new picture of her over in the gallery, so keep an eye out.  :wink:

So how did the "meet the teacher" go?  What grade do you teach?  My hat is off to you, I couldnt' do that. My MIL just retired from teaching from CyFair ISD in Houston.  She said she had stayed one year too long.


Super Mommy to Ryan,Cait and Alex!!!!

Offline zofia

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June/ July 05 Mom's Chat
« Reply #130 on: August 16, 2005, 04:35:44 am »
hi loved to chat  well i'm from sydney australia meet my husband in an online chatroom have been married for 7 months was told i wouldn't be able to have no more babies after my first.  So had givn up on the baby issue when 3 weeks before i walked down isle i found out i was preggy. i have 2 daughters 1st one is 8yrs old and tyffaine is 7 weeks old i had a rough time through all of it first was dibettes insulin c section then blood transfusions.  But it was all worth it in the end cause we got a beautiful baby girl and big sissy now has i little sissy to play with.  I also have  1 dog and me and hubby now run our own irc network were i chat to all my friends i have know for ages which come from all parts of the world and all walks of life.  Well that about sums it up from me lol. atm i'm not getting much sleep and have just started the e.a.s.y so i'm hoping my nights and days get better.  only time i find i'm really tired is the 4am feed as bubs just won't go back till sleep till 6:30am and then its my turn to get up and do lunches and stuff.

Offline Kayna

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June/ July 05 Mom's Chat
« Reply #131 on: August 16, 2005, 13:18:40 pm »
Hi everyone. dd had her 2 month check-up yesterday and is growing like a weed. She already weighs 13lbs 1oz :shock: little chunker!!

We found out last week that she does have a Dairy Intolerance (blood in her poops) and I have since cut out dairy and her diapers have cleared up tremendously.

Our nights are still wonderful. She's slept through the night for over two weeks now, yay  :lol: . She goes down around 8pm (never quite sure about this though  :roll: ) df at 10ish, and sleeps until around 7am, quick feed and straight back down for 3 hour nap. It is absolute bliss. Unfortunately our days are NEVER consistant. She still fights her naps if I don't hit her window. It's not too bad if were at home, but any kind of change in her routine and she cannot get enough sleep which sends everything in a tailspin. This wouldn't be so terrible but we're so busy in the summers that we have plans nearly everyday. Mostly its just stuff that has to be done (church, dr. apt, groceries). I'm so tired of it  :roll: .

So our EASY isn't so easy during the days but luckily I get enough sleep at night to keep me going :wink: .

She's giving lots of big smiles and even starting to giggle a little. Its so much fun to interact with her  :lol: .

How's is going for you Clair?
Eric DH Married 5/1/99
Daikon Neil 8/14/01
Avery Rose 6/13/05

Offline CaedensMama

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June/ July 05 Mom's Chat
« Reply #132 on: August 16, 2005, 14:34:35 pm »
Caeden had his 2 mo checkup yesterday..... he is 11 pounds, 12 ounces and 23 1/2" long. Dr said all looks great! He got his first set of vaccines too - poor guy - screamed when she gave him the shots - he got 4 of them. After she was done I picked him up and held him and he quieted down and then I nursed him and he took a nap, so he was okay. He hasn't had a fever, for which I am glad - and he seems to be doing good so far today.

Our nights are also going well - he goes down between 7-8 and then is up at 2 -3 for a feed and then down till 6-6:30ish.
Our days are still a challenge - he did great yesterday with feeds 3 hours apart, but most days he is closer to 2 2-1/2 hours pretty consistently. At this point, I try and get him to go longer when I can, but I am not forcing it. I figure if he is hungry, I am not gaining anything by making him wait and listening to him fuss! And if I can get him past that dreaded 45 minute window on his naps he sleeps for an hour and 15 to 30 minutes. I have been waiting in his room till he gets past that and it seems to be helping.

Gotta go - he is starting to fuss!
Have a great day - I love hearing how everyone is doing and what you are all up to!
Mama to:
Caeden (6/05)
Colm (3/07)
Alannah (11/08)
Tadhg (8/10)
and Ailish due Sept 16, 2011

Offline ry,cait&alex

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June/ July 05 Mom's Chat
« Reply #133 on: August 16, 2005, 18:22:06 pm »
Cait had her 2 month checkup this morning.  Speaking of chunkers!!!  She is 13 pounds even, but is 23 1/4 inches long.  She likes to spread her weight out!   :lol: 

Sounds as though most of us are starting to get some good quality sleep at night, now we just need to work on the days.   :)


Super Mommy to Ryan,Cait and Alex!!!!

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June/ July 05 Mom's Chat
« Reply #134 on: August 16, 2005, 19:41:24 pm »
Hello there lovely ladies! Wow it has been ages since i have had the chance to post about us. I have been browsing and posting here and there but i just have no time to myself at all at the moment.

Red was weighed a week ago at 6 weeks of age, and he weighed 11lbs 2ozs, he is super-long too! His baby hair is falling out and leaving very short blond hair, such i shame - i thought it would be so cool if he had kept his 'Red' hair! With regard to his reflux, he is now on the full dose of the food thickener. We were having real issues with constipation, but luckily over the last few days it seems to have resolved.

Nightime wise he is going down at 7pm, df at 10/ 10.30pm and goes through till about 4/5am ish. Last night it was 4.30am, the night before that he woke at 3am but i gave him his dummy and he went back to sleep until 5.15am!! I know he can do it, but he is not regularly going that long. To be fair i think we are still getting over his growth spurt, that really knocked us back, he was feeding every 2 hours and not sleeping AT ALL!! Nightmare.

Daytimes are hit and miss, again depending on when and where we have to be. Our really issue is not getting to sleep, but the dreaded 45 minute naps. He goes down great, on his own, in his crib with the paci (oh yes we have an addict - but i don't care!! :lol:  :lol: ) but without fail he wakes after 45 minutes. Until last week i could get him back down with no problem, just re-insert the paci and shush a bit, but this week - Holy moly - he is just screaming and screaming when i try to get him back to sleep, although he is quite obviously tired out.

Which brings me onto the newest nightmare - the screaming!! Up until now he has been fairly happy when awake, smiling and gurgling etc, but today and yesterday, i do not think he has stopped crying! Ok to be fair he has, but it does seem to be constant. It is no better when i cuddle him and i just feel so helpless, if i can't make him stop then what do i do!!! I'm sure it is just because he is tired but geez kid gimme a break!!

It is great to catch up with you all, glad you are all doing ok.
Clair - Proud Lesbian Mama to:

*Ruby - spirited angel
*Red - touchy angel
*Rory - all-round angel
*Raphael - blessed with another angel??