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June/ July 05 Mom's Chat
« Reply #345 on: October 20, 2005, 15:57:22 pm »
jennifer, my plans are to wait until 6 months to give avery solids. don't worry you're doing fine and your baby does not need solids yet. :lol:
Eric DH Married 5/1/99
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June/ July 05 Mom's Chat
« Reply #346 on: October 20, 2005, 16:18:10 pm »
Thanks Kayna!

And welcome Helen - William looks like a healthy and happy baby!

Okay - gotta get off here and go get something done... like a shower :wink:  :wink:  :wink:  :wink:
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June/ July 05 Mom's Chat
« Reply #347 on: October 20, 2005, 16:41:02 pm »
If your baby is truly ready for solids then the breast milk or formula won't satisfy him anymore.  That's how you'll know.  Every baby is different.

Luke is better.  We went to the pedi yesterday and the diagnosis is that he has a cold and the mucus in his tummy could be causing the projectile spit-up, or it could be reflux.  He gave us meds for the reflux hoping that it will help.

I think i am going to switch pediatricians.  I love him as a person, but I have mentioned reflux three times and each time I have been dismissed as if I don't know what in the hell I am talking about.  Well, I know that he is a medical professional, but I also know that I see my baby every day and every night and I know him just a little bit better.  Sorry if you all think I am an idiot, but I don't like it when someone I am paying doesn't take my concerns very seriously.  I also didn't like the fact that he let loose on me about giving Luke solids already.  Different pediatricians have different opinions on that, and I respect that.  However, when I am doing what is completely appropriate in many other pediatricians' minds, I do not feel it is appropriate for him to tell me that I am off the wall.
God will give you exactly what you ask Him for, even if it's not in the package you expected it to be in.

Luke 6-10-05
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June/ July 05 Mom's Chat
« Reply #348 on: October 20, 2005, 17:14:23 pm »
Oh, and welcome Helen!  Jennifer, glad you're back.  To answer one of your questions, Luke still has some size one diapers at daycare that they are finishing up.  I prefer the size2, just b.c they aren't so tight.
God will give you exactly what you ask Him for, even if it's not in the package you expected it to be in.

Luke 6-10-05
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June/ July 05 Mom's Chat
« Reply #349 on: October 20, 2005, 17:24:14 pm »
Good for you, Amy.  I would switch dr too.  I had a dr who told Ryan that he was getting an "ouchie" (shot) that day, I was like WTH?????  Dont' stress them out more than you have too, before the deed is done.  We have taken great strides to make sure that Ry doens't fear the dr and what goes with it, but when you give routine checkups and shots "mean" names, it kinda negates all of our hard work.   :roll:   What an idiot.

Any way, welcome Helen!  Glad to see ya.

And Jennifer, you do what you think is best for your child.  Because in the end, YOU are the one who has to live with them, and it makes your world easier to do what you think is best.   :wink:

I will post later.


Super Mommy to Ryan,Cait and Alex!!!!

Offline jswerczek

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June/ July 05 Mom's Chat
« Reply #350 on: October 20, 2005, 19:11:10 pm »
Jennifer- I haven't started solids yet either, I think more and more about it everyday. I'm not sure Jake is ready and not sure how I will know. He sits up real good with assistance, has doubled his birth weight, is eating about 26-32 oz. a day... it's hard to say if he is interested in my food, he seems interested in everything!

I'm not sure how to go about it with the daily schedule and all. Some things I read say to give the solids before the bottle and others say after. My pediatrician said before because that is when he will be hungry but I saw a few posts on the solids board of people giving solids about an hour after the bottle. For those of you doing solids, which way are you doing it?

I read that you should start to introduce the cup with solids. Has anyone done that? Maybe that should be closer to 6 months. I had never thought it would be this early but it makes since. It's scary and exciting how fast they are growing!  :lol:

I also just switched peitricians. I wanted to stick with one but I didn't feel listened too and she made me feel bad about my decisions. It's much better when you can find someone who cares enough to answer a list of questions from a first time mom, even though they have other patients to get to  :wink:

Mom to Jake born 6-16-05 and Julia born 8-29-07

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June/ July 05 Mom's Chat
« Reply #351 on: October 20, 2005, 19:31:33 pm »
We had to do the bottle vs solids thing by trial and error.  We were giving him his cereal first, but then he wouldn't take his bottle.  I am still of the opinion that he needs all of his bottles, so we switched the cereal to about 30-45 minutes after his second morning bottle (around 10 am).  His late afternoon nap is getting shorter and he usually isn't ready to have a bottle when he wakes up, so I started giving him his veggies after that nap (around 5:30 or so) and then a bottle at 6 before we have a bath and get ready for bed.  We did start with green veggies b/c the yellow/orange ones and the fruits are sweeter and I don't want him to ignore the yummy green veggies just because he likes the sweeter fruit better.

As for the cup thing, I don't think that Luke is ANYWHERE near ready for a cup.  I think I will wait until he's closer to a year for that one.

It's so frustrating because you want someone to just TELL YOU what to do, but it's different for every kid (and as my kid has proven, different for every feeding  :wink:

The decision to change pediatricians felt so good once I made the decision.  I should not feel guilty, stupid, or incompetent for taking my child to the doctor when there is something wrong, and I shouldn't leave there wishing that I had just a little more information.
God will give you exactly what you ask Him for, even if it's not in the package you expected it to be in.

Luke 6-10-05
Clay 12-17-08

Offline rooby-rooby-roo

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June/ July 05 Mom's Chat
« Reply #352 on: October 20, 2005, 20:49:37 pm »
Hey all,

Red is not on solids and won't be for a while yet i think. I started Ruby at 17 weeks but Red is just not ready, he is still such a baby!!

Anyone else's baby not doing much?? He is not rolling, sitting etc yet, he coos and gurgles and plays with his feet and smiles and giggles loads. The problem is that with the reflux he can't lie flat and so he never gets the chance to practise the rolling.

Amy - what i did with Ruby when she was on solids was give the bottle first until she was 6 months and then do half and half. The logic being that until 6 months the milk is meant to be their main source of nutrition and you wouldn't want them dropping a bottle in favour of solids at this early age.

Well we had a break through today, we saw a different doctor who prescribed us the ranitide (zantac) yay! Finally we can do away with the feed thickener and might see my baby pain free for once!!! The fussy feeding is just vile - but FWIW Jennifer i think you are right - i need to make it 3 - 3.5hourly rather than 2.5 - 3 hourly. He does feed better when he goes longer.

Red was weighed today (but only with me holding him while on the scale - so not v accurate) and he is about 7kgs or 15 lbs ish.

He is in size 3 nappies - but UK sizes. The size one goes from 5-11lbs, size 2 from 6-13lbs and size 3 from 9-20lbs.

Welcome Helen, nice to see you and William.

see ya x x
Clair - Proud Lesbian Mama to:

*Ruby - spirited angel
*Red - touchy angel
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Offline ~Jency's*Momma~

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June/ July 05 Mom's Chat
« Reply #353 on: October 21, 2005, 02:12:06 am »
Jency was weighed today and he is 15# 1.
We are starting solids at the beginning of the month when he is 4 months.  We have given him a taste of it every once in a while for the past month (like 3 times) and he eats it really well,  I'm just scared.

What time of the day do you give the cereal to them and how muhc?
~Adria, wife to Paul 9/7/02
Momma to Jency 6/30/05 & Tesher 12/31/08

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June/ July 05 Mom's Chat
« Reply #354 on: October 21, 2005, 14:56:07 pm »
Thanks for the welcomes everyone - I will keep checking in with interest.

Stupid question... I dont see many babies of Williams age and have the impression from what people say about him that he is somehow really big for his age... he is 17lb 10 oz (or was on Tuesday) and is about 65 cm long now.. is he really big compared to your los?

I dont mind how big he is really as he is most certainly not a fat baby - yes hes got the baby chubby thighs but thats about it - theres not a spare ounce of flesh anywhere else. I was just wondering as most people I see ask his age then act shocked that hes so young when I tell them...

Helen xx

Offline CaedensMama

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June/ July 05 Mom's Chat
« Reply #355 on: October 21, 2005, 15:11:09 pm »
You know Helen, I think baby sizes vary so much...... William is bigger then my Caeden, but he looks healthy and happy and certainly not "huge"  :wink:
And I get the same response from people when I tell them Caeden is 4 months old.... "oh he looks like such a big boy for his age" - well he not quite 14 pounds and so he is not "big for his age", but then again he is also healthy and happy.
Sizes vary so much from child to child it is hard to compare or be concerned with your childs size by just comparing him to others. As long as he is checking out good at his dr visits and they have no concerns and eats and poops well I would say he is doing wonderful. That's just my opinion!
Mama to:
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June/ July 05 Mom's Chat
« Reply #356 on: October 21, 2005, 15:26:45 pm »
Quote from: CaedensMama
As long as he is checking out good at his dr visits and they have no concerns and eats and poops well I would say he is doing wonderful. That's just my opinion!

And you are so very very right xxx.

I just wish people wouldnt look at him like hes an alien sometimes  - shows they know nothing about babies eh lol.

I guess my slight paranoia is because I have spent my whole life believeing I am huge. I remember feeling fat at 12 and if I look at pics of myself now I was a pretty skinny kid. Now Im "old" I am definately overweight and thats my own fault.. sort of a self fulfilling prophecy I guess.. but I'd hate for William to grow up overweight and will work very hard to prevent this happening to him - without making him paranoid of course!

Offline ~Jency's*Momma~

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June/ July 05 Mom's Chat
« Reply #357 on: October 21, 2005, 18:59:13 pm »
Okay no one is paying attention to my questions! 
Sorry I bothered
~Adria, wife to Paul 9/7/02
Momma to Jency 6/30/05 & Tesher 12/31/08

Offline rooby-rooby-roo

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June/ July 05 Mom's Chat
« Reply #358 on: October 21, 2005, 20:14:08 pm »
Quote from: *Adria's1st*
Okay no one is paying attention to my questions! 
Sorry I bothered

Sorry you feel that way Adria, please try not to take anything personally. We are all busy moms and sometimes only have time to post quickly and not answer specifics. Also, and maybe this is only my take on it, but this thread is for general chatter, if you do have a specific question that you want an answer to quickly then it may be best to post a new topic on the correct board. Please do not be offended by this - its nice to have you here, and with a thread this long - it is easy to forget what you have read.

FWIW since you posted that last question not one one of the moms who gives solids has replied. I beleive that BJ and Amy are the ones giving the solids. When i started my dd#1 i started at 11am ish as then if she had a reaction to any of the foods then i could see it throughout the day. But that is just me. Also, do you think Jency is ready - is he showing the signs of readiness that Cait and Luke were?? I am a great believer of doing on your babies schedule, when they are ready and not when you are, if you know what i mean.

Again, please don't feel put off this thread, were are all in the same place right now, and if you're anything like me - it is a bit of a stressed place right now!!!
Clair - Proud Lesbian Mama to:

*Ruby - spirited angel
*Red - touchy angel
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Offline rooby-rooby-roo

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June/ July 05 Mom's Chat
« Reply #359 on: October 21, 2005, 20:27:12 pm »
Hi helen, i do not think that William looks too big at all, he is all in proportion. Red too is quite long, and people are always telling me how big he is, when actually he is quite skinny, only just on the 50% percentile - so certainly not a giant!!! I have a good friend whose baby was born 10lbs 14oz (at home with no meds incase you wondered!!) and now at 20 weeks he weighs 21lbs, but you know, he looks great and completely in proportion.

I also know exactly what you mean about the weight stuff. I have a real problem with food, and a lot of it was created by my mom's attitude to food and the fact that she was worried i would be overweight so made me diet at an early age. I was in fact a normal size, but now as an adult i have been every size going, i was a UK22 while at uni, and slimmed down to a UK12 (lost 80lbs). Then i had Ruby and gained a lot, and now after my 2nd baby in 2 years i am big again. But whatever size i am, i am determined not to let my worries affect my kids in the way it affected me. Of course i do worry about it, but i will never show it. I think the best we can do for our children is educate them as to what a healthy diet is.

Ugh, we are having a terrible time here, taking Red off of the feed thickener so soon was a huge mistake, we had a terrible night and morning! He did seem better this afternoon though so i hope tonight is better :(  :(

Take care all x x
Clair - Proud Lesbian Mama to:

*Ruby - spirited angel
*Red - touchy angel
*Rory - all-round angel
*Raphael - blessed with another angel??