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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 6
« Reply #195 on: June 12, 2015, 16:43:48 pm »
Hi Mariellamom, welcome back but sorry to hear about the illness and all those teeth popping in!
DD seems to be sleeping really well and hopefully she will extend that nap soon.

Right, who knows what's causing the EW but today was a good day, thank goodness.  I just hope it's not a one off. He woke at 6:35 after a 30 min wake at 5:20. At least he self settled and I got to stay in bed, although awake, until AFTER sunrise. Haha.  I wonder if keeping him in bed longer in the morning helped with it... I kept him in there until 6:30am and today until 6:45. It felt like sleep training, but I had tried everything else.  Also yesterday, I took a quick stroll with him right before dinner time to get him some sun exposure.  Apparently that can help set or reset their bio clock (remember that from the infant days?).  Today was the first day in a little while I could put him down for a nap without him being super OT. He actually acted a little UT... XF he sleeps well! I would love to firmly establish that 2 hr nap he's been giving me once in a while, but "firmly establish" or "consistent" for that matter probably doesn't exist when speaking of LOs. ;)

Ladymugg, yes, I've found snacks to be a lifesaver these days. I have had to strategically pick them to give him enough energy to last as long as he's had to.  Any signs of extending the nap?

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 6
« Reply #196 on: June 12, 2015, 20:12:54 pm »
Some days yes - others no.  Teething is happening full on (on and off) for the past few weeks) so I think that probably isn't helping at all.
Mum to DD born April 2014 and DS born April 2016.

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 6
« Reply #197 on: June 13, 2015, 08:49:51 am »
Hugs to all. We now have chickenpox to contend with on top of teeth, starting nursery and a cold. This 2-1 may take a while! Currently sitting in car on driveway while B has a quick CN before hopefully a nap at lunchtime. Keeping my fingers crossed!

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 6
« Reply #198 on: June 16, 2015, 02:39:23 am »
Katherine, sorry to hear! Hopefully at least the cold will subside or teeth come out!
Ginger, thanks!  You are so right about 'consistency' at this age:-)
I've extended DD's A time,  But the nap is still 1h20 min. Will keep it for a few days and hope for a long one!

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 6
« Reply #199 on: June 16, 2015, 23:58:04 pm »
Oh my. Last night DD was up 5 times!  Not sure what's causing it. She had only 1h20 min nap. And a shorter A time to BT, but it is not different from other days like this.
It looks like our ' normal ' day is 11 hrs with 13 hrs night. It helped to reduce OT from not long enough one nap.
Today was messed up because of a hard night. But good we had two naps! 

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 6
« Reply #200 on: July 14, 2015, 00:53:58 am »
Hi ladies thought I'd jump into this thread as we are 5 days into transitioning to 1 nap with our 14mo daughter.  I have another post going about ss which has gone out the window since illness but thought I'd join here too.

Think my lo may have been ready for this for a few weeks but I persevered despite the 2 naps shortening and having a bit of a struggle at bt.  Following a couple of days with less that 10 minutes sleep all day (at daycare) we decided to bite the bullet and see what would happen.  My lo has actually been quite lovely.  I probably haven't given her enough credit for what she can actually handle!  Our only struggles at the moment are when I'm trying to make her nap!!  ;D

For the last 2 days I have given a cn, yesterday because she was a bit accident prone and today because I could not keep her awake during her morning feed.  My plan was to start aiming for an 11am nap and gradually over the next couple of months push to a time that suits the length of nap she will hopefully settle into.  Anyway, with the cn both days the nap hasn't eventuated until 12:30 which is a massive 7.5 a time???  Am I setting her up for a big sleep dept in the coming weeks?  We are usually 11.5 hours overnight give or take depending on nw, which we have had quite a bit of over the last 3-4 weeks following illness. With her only having just over an hour during the day at the moment I'm getting a bit worried.  Bedtime has always been 6pm (asleep).

Would you suggest any tweaks to the basic layout of our day?  Any suggestions on cn and nap times.  As we get minimal tired signs my lo has always been on scheduled naps so feeling a bit all over the place at the mo!!

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 6
« Reply #201 on: July 14, 2015, 01:08:40 am »
Hi there

I gather your LO wakes at around 6 am based on what you said?  That is the same as my 15mo DD.  We tend to do 11.30am in bed (12 pm if we have something on like playgroup and just haven't gotten home in time for lunch etc etc, which I always serve before her nap).

I wondered about 12.30 as a nap time when we were transitioning too but the lovely ladies on this page suggested 11.30 and to be honest that has worked out really well.  It means if she sleeps for 2 hours that is 1.30 pm/2.00 pm > 6.30 pm BT, giving us about 5hrs A time before nap and about 5 hrs before BT. 

I would say if you end up with a nap time of around 11.30 that might work best, how does that sound to you?  Some days if the sleep is very short, a CN in the afternoon around 4pm works (but very rarely, unless the kid is super shattered).

Hope that helps!
Mum to DD born April 2014 and DS born April 2016.

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 6
« Reply #202 on: July 14, 2015, 01:30:48 am »
Thanks Ladymugg!

We were pretty consistent with a 6ish wake up but to be honest with the illness and nw it is pretty much 5am now.  If we have a bad night with a long awake period (2 hours) then its around 6am, and same if we have a 4am wu and I am able to resettle.

I like the idea of 11:30 and am going to give it a go, think I am going to try (at all costs) to avoid a cn in the morning.  I am always worried that she will throw me a curve ball of a huge nap and I'll never get her down in the evening!!  The next 2 days she is at daycare so I will also ask them to also try for the same time. 

Does you lo ss?

Offline ladymugg

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 6
« Reply #203 on: July 14, 2015, 01:51:14 am »
Argh sorry, I'm getting there with these abbreviations but not 100% on what you mean by "ss". 

If you mean "single sleep" then yeah she does one nap per day... if you mean "self settle" then yes, she has been pretty good since about 6 mo with self settling.  Took a while there with some PU/PD in the night but generally has been good (apart from the odd noise in the night, which if we don't respond to goes away after 30ish seconds).

Don't worry about your 5 am wake up - I am sure it will take a few days to get back on track but she will get back to 6 am with some persistence.  I would just make sure that the room is dark and warm and that you leave her unless she is upset.  The rule in my house (it might seem cruel) is no getting up before 6 am.  So sometimes that involves a bit of reassurance or just leaving her.  It doesn't always work but I'm deathly afraid of encouraging an earlier up time! 

The only thing I would consider if I was you would be pushing out the BT to 6.30 pm and see if that helps?

Mum to DD born April 2014 and DS born April 2016.

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 6
« Reply #204 on: July 14, 2015, 02:08:44 am »
lol yip I'm the same with the abbreviations!!  Only just figured out what STTN meant about an hour ago  :)

Yes I did mean self settle.  She was such a good settler, both naps and night time.  The night time one went when day-care started and she started falling asleep when having her evening feed. And the day naps have gone to pot with illness.  She's still not 100% and we get quite a bit of coughing overnight but hope it comes back?!?  We are nearly 3 weeks of not ss for naps and nearly 2 months of falling asleep feeding at night.

The day nap I'm happy to tackle once the fog clears a bit on this transition but the bt one concerns me.

I start feeding about 5:40 at the moment and she is down by 6. To be honest sometimes I have to jiggle from the moment I start feeding to keep her awake??

Any suggestions ?

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 6
« Reply #205 on: July 14, 2015, 02:33:04 am »
Up until my LO dropped her BT bottle a couple of weeks ago I was doing bottle before bath.  That way I could get teeth brushed and not worry about that again.  Not sure if that helps? 

I didn't breastfeed so maybe it's different with that whole snuggle thing....(?) but I was previously giving my daughter her bottle on her own little mini sofa so it was more of an independent thing rather than a just before bed thing... Maybe 30 minutes before?  Sorry I'm not the expert but that's what I did :)
Mum to DD born April 2014 and DS born April 2016.

Offline Frankiefrankiefrankie

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 6
« Reply #206 on: July 15, 2015, 04:26:11 am »
Hello.... I am  new to this thread and hope for some support in tgis juggling act we have going. . My missy moo is 13 months and is refusing morning sleeps. Once asleep she only sleeps for half and hour and is awake for 4 hours til her next sleep which creeps into the late afternoon say 4.30. This means she can only have a half hour sleep otherwise her bed time ends up being 9.30-10pm.
 Way to late.  So I have decided to give her one nap only.
Her nap is a between 12.30-1.30 and she wakes up after 1/2 hr I rock her back and she will sleep for  another 1 or 1 1/2 hours.. tje problem is night wakings.. she is waking bewteen 2-3 times, screaming.. she doesnt take a night bottle anymore and if offered refuses it anyway.. if this common when transitioning?  Can anyone tell me there story and if it impacted night sleeping?  I have been reading your thread and its nice to read all the support and love being spread.. sometimes it can be lonely when people around u have angel sleepers. I hope everyone is well. 

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 6
« Reply #207 on: July 15, 2015, 08:55:09 am »
Hi there Frankiefrankiefrankie

What time are your daughter's BT and WU times usually?  That makes a difference to that nap and also catnap.

I would personally limit the CN to 45 minutes max.  In our routine (6 am WU, 11.30am nap (2hrs ish), 6.45pm BT) a catnap if it ever happens usually is around 4 pm or 20 minutes either side of that.  Any later and it is far too close to BT.  I would cap it at 30-45 minutes max otherwise you are going to get to that late BT problem you are finding, for sure. 

I didn't really have issues with night sleeping when transitioning, so not sure if I can help you there.   If I were you though I would probably be thinking about trying to avoid or wean off that rocking her back to sleep. :(  Have you tried any self-settling techniques?  I am not sure what they are for a toddler of that age (sorry, they are probably in the book or someone nice on this forum may know) but I used to use PU/PD way back when my daughter was around 6 months old ish.  I think that the babies are probably too old for this now.  Maybe just some reassuring shhhhh and "night night" - set a timer for 10-15 minutes or so and see if she can settle (obviously don't leave her if she is distressed).  Hmmmm not sure what else to suggest?  If she can self-settle well you can probably avoid that daytime rocking and then she might be able to get back to sleep easier by herself for night wake ups. 

My little girl "sleeps through the night" I guess as well as any person - she wakes and stirs a little but only for a few seconds and then back to sleep.  It is rare I think for any baby to be completely dead silent and out to it for the full 10-12 hours or so I think!! 

If your little one is refusing her night time bottle then I would say it is probably because she has decided she doesn't need it or doesn't want it.  My little girl has just gone through this - so I offer her a little bit of cow milk with dinner and she enjoys that a lot more.  At this age milk tends to be thought of more as a drink rather than a food so as long as she has had enough dinner I would say don't stress too much about that later bottle. 

Anyway back to your first question, if I knew your WU and BT for your little girl it might be helpful - the other mums here might be able to chime in (I'm not an expert but am starting to try to contribute back to all the lovely people who have answered my questions time and time again by answering some myself).  Perhaps her first nap is too late and she is overtired, which contributes to the shorter sleep? 

Some ideas for you :) 
Mum to DD born April 2014 and DS born April 2016.

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 6
« Reply #208 on: July 15, 2015, 09:30:58 am »
Thanks lady mugg
Her routine is as following
7.30 awake
B/w 12.30-1pm asleep (try to get her to have a 2 hour nap)
8pm bed
Unfortunately missy moo only sleeps 11 hours at night so going to bed any early will lead to a 6.30 and sometimes 6 am awake time..
I have to rock her back to sleep during naps because she will not go back to sleep... it is something I have been working on for months and months... at night time its more of a reassurance then anything else. I usually pick her up for a sec and poo her back down but lately it has been hard for her to get back to sleep. She is drooling heaps, it could be teething but to be honest with her other 8 teeth it wasnt this bad.. her first molars are to come out next..
On the topic of cat naps I have e limited them because it usually would happen at 4.30 and she is refusing them as she takes ages to sleep and then I have to wake her up( bc its 5 pm)  and she is grumpy and cries.  Transitioning is tricky.  I have given her some homopathic medicine for teething tonight so hopefully it reliefs some pain. Thanks again ladymugg..

Offline ginger428

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Re: Support Thread for 2-1 Nap Transition cont'd pt 6
« Reply #209 on: July 15, 2015, 16:32:45 pm »
Welcome frankie and first mum!
Here's a link to the basic info about the transition if you haven't already seen it:
From 2 to 1 nap transition (10-12m and older)

Ladymugg and I were in a similar situation until my DS started NW and EW.  It may be due to a few things... teething, physical and language development, emotional dev't= separation anxiety, etc...

Our routine at the moment is still forming, but I will say that many times during the transition, we did a routine listed below because DS just could not handle more than 4.5/5 hours until recently actually. It did have to do with poor nights and EWs, so take that into consideration. Also, my DS often refused late pm naps, CN included so we did them in the morning. Well, at the very early stages of the transition, we did do very late CNs around 4 or 5 and bed 2-3 hours later, but once BT gets pushed so late, you have to just go for the 1 nap.

WU 5 o'clock hour or earlier =X
CN 9:00/9:30, 15-20 mins. in the car
N 11:30 (or 2 hours later on the dot)
BT 6:00

WU 6:00
N started transition at 10:30, pushed to 12:00 slowly (15-20 min a day, finished in 10 days or so)
BT 6:00 at the beginning, 6:30 towards the end for a good 1-2 months

For only a couple days now we've been on this routine, but it does include many NWs and early morning resettles.
WU 6:15-6:30
N 11:30/12:00 (usually 1hr30min = 1.30)
BT 7:00-7:30 (because DS seems to sleep avg 10.5 hours lately)

DS does seem OT, but I honestly don't know what else I can do without getting a 6:30-4:30/5 schedule or the likes. He seems to enjoy his evening lately so I'll be on this for a few more days.  It does take 5-7 days for new routines to stick so I'm hoping our 5am WU and resettle will go away.

Hope there's been progress on your ends... hugs and best wishes.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2015, 17:03:28 pm by ginger413 »