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Offline Jakes_mom

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« Reply #270 on: July 18, 2005, 12:16:58 pm »
hi ladies, sorry i havent posted in awhile, i am not getting email notifications either, sharon.    anyway, no progress with sleeping.  jake is now waking multiple times at night, usually still asleep but sortof crying in his sleep.  i usually run in and check him and hes fine.   i am not used to getting up at night with him so i am pretty tired.  also, he is still waking around 530 every morning and we try to keep him in his crib hoping he goes back to bed but it never happens. 

the new problem is he is only taking about 4oz out of 7 of formula a feeding.  should i wean a feed, i tried the df and that back fired.  maybe i will try again tonight, things cant get any worse.  :cry:  :roll:


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« Reply #271 on: July 18, 2005, 19:53:49 pm »
Kathy- that is funny that your husband could put jadyn down with no crying..gianna did the same thing with my husband for that week or so.  when i put her down, she screamed, but with him, silence!!  so i think that is definitely an indication that it is sep anxiety!
jakes's mom-gianna is hardly drinking milk anymore either!  she has not breastfed once today and it is almost 1 pm!  but she eats tons of solids.  i am not sure if i should just wean her too...but i'd like to wait until she can eat another source of fat/protein.  now she just eats vegs/fruits.  she was never big on the bf anyway, but it seems so early to be done.  sorry about jake's night waking.  i know how hard that is!

is anyone else giving their babies meat/cheese yet?  if gianna stops drinking milk, i think i will have to give her those things...

Offline Jakes_mom

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« Reply #272 on: July 18, 2005, 19:57:10 pm »
gigismom- i give jake 1/2 jar of meat and veggies.  he really seems to like those.

Offline jillybeansmith

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« Reply #273 on: July 19, 2005, 11:34:29 am »
Hi Everybody..the 'E.A.S.Y' seems to be going pretty good.
Connor still wakes up at night, but it is getting more random, as if he really may be hungry.  If I water down his formula for the feeding in the middle of the night, he just wakes up two hours later for more, so, he may genuinely be hungry in the middle of the night.

Has anybody been experiencing any 'separation anxiety' with any of your little ones...I think that is part of why he is waking up at night for some of the other times...The last week, he will wake up crying not just the once a night, but now about 4 times a night, and I think it's the separation thing.
He is also getting so that he doesn't want me to leave the room, and on the weekend, I left him with my husband for a few hours to I could take in part of a soccer tournament, and I just got to my destination, and had to turn around and come back home because my husband couldn't handle the screaming.  I walked in, and he turned all smiley (which is frustrating for my husband)...I know this is a common problem (object permanance), but I was just wondering if anybody else is there yet???

Talk to you later,

Offline Jakes_mom

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« Reply #274 on: July 19, 2005, 13:41:13 pm »
hi all, and welcome momtoree

ive been wondering about this seperation anxiety issue as well.  Kathy- does jadyn know what to do to make you come get her (ie. a noise she makes or does she just cry)??? Jake seems to make this irritating whine noise and if i dont come running he will start to cry.  i thougt it is supposed to get easier now! :roll:  Jake was such an easy baby that we were so spoiled.   

Well, last night we put him down at 8pm and he slept till 6!!!!!!!! i guess this is progress.  only problem---he had to take 3 naps yesterday.  any suggestions.  i think we are going to put him down at 7 tonight to see if last night was a flook(sp?)


Offline cazao

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« Reply #275 on: July 19, 2005, 14:54:29 pm »
hi guys. thought i`d check in. it`s been a while. it`s funny reading the last few pages becasue it`s georgia to a `t`...not fancying her milk so much, shutting her mouth after a couple of bites of jarred food  and for sure we`re starting the separation anxiety. it took a loooong time to get her to sleep last night...screaming her head off if if was out of the room, happy as a clam the second i came back to the crib and put my hand on her. she eventually dropped off after about an hour and a half of that little dance. i`ve thought baout dh putting her to bed but i still breastfeed right before bed in the dark etcetc so i`m not sure if switching over at the last minute would work. any ideas anyone?? i felt a little as if she had me right under her thumb, but on the other hand i know she`s probably genuinely scared when i leave the room. i`m probably guilty of being a bit of a `hoverer` with her....i`ve decided today to try to step back a little more to let her play etc during the day and try to get her happeir with me not being in the room...this could take a while though.  :roll:

of course the whole thing is complicated by the fact that she`s just getting over chickenpox!! i couldn`t believe a baby this young could get them but she`s been covered from head to toe and so so miserable, but hopefully we`re on our way back up again now. oh, she`s waking...
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Offline Jadynsmom

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« Reply #276 on: July 19, 2005, 17:23:53 pm »
Hi all

Cazao - Chicken pox!!??  I thought they get shots to prevent them from getting that?  That scares me.  How long did it last?  Did she scrach really bad? What did you do for her as far as relief?

Jenn - She does this whining at first when I leave the room and if I don't say something to let her know I'm right there, she will start crying with tears!! 

This separation anxiety is getting really bad now.  She's not sleeping through the night any more!! Last night it took 35 mins to put her to bed and I finally gave up & put her in my bed & laid down with her.  Of course she was happy as can be and went to sleep within 5mins, feeling my face & arms & shoulders the whole time.  It is kinda sweet.  So when I went to df her at 10:30pm, I put her back in her crib and at 4:40 am, she woke up.  I tried to put paci back in and she wasn't having any of that & started screaming.  Sooooo, back to our bed and after 20 mins to rolling & rocking on all fours, my husband finally said "Give her the boob"!!  :lol:    I did nurse her and she went to sleep holding my face & hair and slept til 9am.  There goes our routine today :?  She is taking less & less milk during the day.  She does ok first thing in the morning & at bedtime, but others are 5mins if I'm lucky.  Solids are not very good still.  When is she giong to start eating?  She acts like she wants our food rather than baby pureed food.  She will happily take a banana if it's not cut up and I give it to her the whole thing.  She'd rather take a bite out of my food, whatever I'm having.  Is she going to just skip the pureed food & go right to table food at this age???  I can get her to eat cheerios but surely a baby can't survive on just cheerios & biter biscuits???

Sounds like everyone else is having the same separation anxiety.  Someone please tell me when this will be over!!

Just had to go & get her after her 45min nap.  Have her in my sling right now because as soon as I put her down, she cried.  I guess I won't be able to brush my teeth today :oops:

Hopefully everyone else is having a better day than me today.


Offline cazao

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« Reply #277 on: July 19, 2005, 18:00:17 pm »
oh kathy i feel for you...hang in there. i think i`m going to post a question on the boards about separation anxiety and make a plea for the more experienced moms to share their wisdom. i also didn`t think you could get chickenpox this early...the vaccination for it isn`t till 12months so i guess it`s pretty unusual. it`s been brutal...georgia`s had a fever and has obviously been really really itchy...the good thing is that although she`s desparately been trying to scratch her thousands of spots, she doesn`t have the co-ordination yet to get them, so i guess no scarring!! we`ve been giveing her benadryl for the itching and tylenol for fever and giving her oatmeal baths twice daily...she`s way better now..the first spots came on wednesday...she was at her worst saturday, and then sunday night we could see that things had taken a turn for the better. hopefully none of the other babies will get it, and certainly not jadyn, but if they do at least you know it`s only a few days of crazy... :roll:
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Babies of Oct-Dec /04
« Reply #278 on: July 19, 2005, 18:10:36 pm »
I can't remember how long Stephen went through separation anxiety.  I wanna say it was several weeks and it kind of took a "weaning" process".  I would sit and play with him for a few days and then start moving back.  Eventually, I quit playing with him the whole time and let him play on his own.  Then I would sit a little further.  You get the picture.  Games of "peekaboo" help too because they are learning about object permanence.  If you have to put baby down for a minute and they start crying, tell them "I'll be right back" then walk away and sing and talk to them while you walk out of the room.  Sing and talk the whole time you are gone and then walk back in and say "Here I am!!  I said I'd be right back and here I am!"  That helped Stephen.

Anybody else's wee one not crawling yet??  Zachary seems to have no interest....he seems to have figured out that mommy (or big brother) will come to his rescue!!
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« Reply #279 on: July 19, 2005, 19:06:49 pm »
Well at least it helps to know we're not alone it all this madness!! Ella will cry constantly without Motrin these days. She's gone back to sleeping overnight from about 7:30 until 6 or 6:30 which I can handle, but now the naps are out the window. Yesterday she wouldn't take an afternoon nap at all. She also wouldn't have her am bottle or solids, no formula at "lunch" though she would eat some cottage cheese (our latest food that she mashes into her mouth herself...that seems to be the key) and cheerios. She's not so bad with the seperation anxiety as you all are experiencing but she definitely has it. We have to stay with her to fall asleep and constantly rub her back. If we leave her alone (not sitting RIGHT beside her or holding her) she cries too. We play peek a boo A LOT too. I even leave the bathroom door open when I use it and sit her in the hall where she can see me then pop my head back and forth from behing the door so she doesn't freak out.  :lol: She's also big on trying to stand these days so cries if you don't help her pull up all the time. But Alli, she's still not really crawling. Just kind of wiggles backwards then cries again 'cause she's frustrated. Though the last few days she's finally figured out how to lift onto one knee a bit and she rocks a bit but she only does this in her crib. Blah. I don't know if any of you read the Couch forum but I've been trying to quit smoking (I started when dd was real sick in hospital) and I've been very unsuccessful with all the stress. (we can see dd's top teeth trying to come in too)  :oops:  :oops: I'm a basket case these days!!!!!

Keep me posted on how you all are...and hang in there!!!!! It has to get better!!!  :shock:  :lol:


p.s. Cazao I pm'd you...
~Sharon~  proud Mummy to

Ella Rose November 20, 2004
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« Reply #280 on: July 19, 2005, 19:11:06 pm »
OMG!!!  We are going through several setbacks here as well.  DD is crying several times a night and the only thing that seems to settle her is the bottle.  I know that this is a habit I have to break later on but it is so hard to hear her moan every few hrs and she'll scream if I let this go for more than 30min.  It's almost like a snooze button but I can only snooze her for so long! :lol:   

Cazao - wow, chicken pox!  I hate to see dd get it as she scratches herself enough as it is already.  Hope everything is fine now.

Cathy - how did Jadyn took to your friend when you first dropped her off to babysit?  Did you have to transistion her slowly or did you just do it?  I'm heading back to work in a few weeks and dd would not eat or sleep for anyone but me.  My mom will be taking care of her so I'm thinking of dropping her of at mom for the morning for 2-3 hrs every few days to get her used to eating and sleeping at mom's.   Do you think that would be a good idea?  I'm scared taht she will be sooo distressed and hungry.   :cry:

Alligirl and Sharon - try sitting in front of your lo and hoding their favorite toy.  That's how I got dd to crawl towards me.  Her favorite toy is the tv remote as we seldom let her play with it and she gets really excited when we do let her.  I can see her and dh fighting over the remote.

Today dd crawled up the stairs.  She was trying to follow her cousin. I'm so happy for her but at the same time I'm worried about my niece forgetting to lock the gate next time.  She is still not very interested in solids as well.  But she would lick her lips every time she sees us eat.  Of course she would only taste it when it is offered.   :roll:

Offline jillybeansmith

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Babies of Oct-Dec /04
« Reply #281 on: July 19, 2005, 21:20:37 pm »
I can't believe it  :shock: It seems we are all experiencing the same thing at exactly the same time...I knew Connor & I had some work to do with the getting up once in the middle of the night to feed, but this last week, it's been every couple hours he wakes up...and like others said, only a bottle will comfort him...It's crazy.

Jakesmom:  Connor knows exactly what to do to make me come to him...he 'chokes' himself, he makes this sound that sounds like he is gagging or coughing, and of course, I come running...(pretty smart...I call him my 'Con-artist'.

And, yeah, it does feel like you are being manipulated or under his thumb.

I have also had to resort to bringing him to bed with me, and you know what?...he does the exact same thing, falls asleep but has to be touching me at all times...We are in the middle of a heat wave with some thunderstorms (scares him), and a lot of power outages (not enough power in southern ontario for the heatwave), so that scares him because he seems to be afraid of the dark, but then I've discovered that it's more than that now....

It's just interesting to see everybody else's baby having this separation anxiety, like they are following some sort of textbook!...

Alligirl: My little guy doesn't crawl yet...He's quite a big boy, so I wonder if it will take him a while longer because of his size (23 lbs)...he wants to though, and gets very frustrated by it.  We go to baby playgroup, and he watches the other babies crawling and gets annoyed... :cry:

Offline Jakes_mom

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« Reply #282 on: July 19, 2005, 23:33:13 pm »
it is always good to have company in our frustrations.  i never thought jake was having seperation anxiety until reading all of your posts.  Today when i tried to put him down for his nap i noticed that he had to be touching my face while i rocked him to sleep (he does this while he eats also, grabs and rubs my face)  i also thought the whining noise he makes was out of boredom but now realize it is because i am either not paying attention or i have gotten up off the floor to get something.  not sure why he has been waking early though, but it seems to be the pattern with all of our lo's. 

Well jake is still not taking in a whole lot of formula.  how much formula does your lo's take in (those who bottlefeed)?  Do you give them juice\water?  Jake does this thing with his sippy cup, he sucks in the water and then spits it back out :shock: it is actually really funny. 

i dont know what i would do without you guys :wink:  :lol:

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« Reply #283 on: July 19, 2005, 23:43:53 pm »
Mimi I think the advance visits are a great idea! Keep us posted...

Jill - Con-artist cracked me up!!!  :lol:

Jenn, as far as formula, we just dropped the 11am bottle but with her teething again it's hard to tell. I can usually get her (with work) to have 4-5 oz in the am then breakfast/solids then we have lunch at 11:30. At lunch she gets her sippy with 2oz formula but not much success there yet. Usually she only has a few sips and hucks the rest around. Whenever she wakes from nap #2 she gets another bottle (2:30-3) and she'll take the full 8oz. Supper/solids around 5:30 and another bottle at 7:15 or so where she'll drink 8oz. again. We also give her sips of water from a cup (a plastic handled cup with no lid at all) at breakfast and supper. She loves it. She'll always drink water! I did give her a few sips of apple/prune juice diluted with water too the other day as she was real constipated but that's it.

Bye for now,

~Sharon~  proud Mummy to

Ella Rose November 20, 2004
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Offline Jadynsmom

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« Reply #284 on: July 20, 2005, 01:33:23 am »
Mimi - I am very fortunate in that my friend comes to our house so I've never really had to deal with dropping off.  Although when my sister took her that one time and tried to put her to nap, she screamed til I had to leave work and go & get her!!  But I think it would be a good idea for your mom to get some 'practice' run at it for a little bit.  I would even let her put him down for nap and feed him & be there in case to see what happens.

Jillibean - My lo coughs also!!!  My husband & I were thinking maybe she had some food stuck or maybe a feather stuck in her throat. (we have a downs in our duvet and pillow)!! That's too funny.  I was on the floor playing with her and I called my mom in Korea.  About 5mins into the conversation, she started fussing.  I was sitting right in front of her but not giving her my 'full undivided' attention.  She definitely demands 100% of mommy's attention.  If she wasn't soo darn cute.....

Sharon - I wish you lots of luck trying to quit smoking.  I've never smoked and am one of those that are allergic & can't breathe after I've been around smoke.  I bet it is hard to quit especially during this crazy & stressful time. 

Tomorrow I am going to get Jadyn's 6mo picture before she turns 7mo in a week. :oops: I've been putting it off.  Hope she will do ok.  I've always wanted professional pics of my lo in their infancy to 1yr stage.  I saw a great photo in the forum one of the moms have of her lo in her hand.  It's so sweet.  I wish so much that I would have gotton something like that. :(  Come to think of it, I don't think she was ever as small as that baby in the picture. :lol:

I sure hope she will sleep through tonight and not wake at 4 or 5am! Tonight she was sooo tired that she did't put up much of a fuss and fell asleep on her back.  I think she's finally able to sleep on her tummy & back without it waking her if she's on her back.

Thank goodness we are all in this together.  I think I would go mad! :lol:
