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Jan/Feb 05 Babies chat!
« Reply #165 on: August 18, 2005, 10:02:37 am »
Deb: Great news on the solids!! Maybe Olivia likes eating when her sister is eating too? Is she totally in love with her big sister?

About the whining: Luka did it too. Since last week Friday we've been listening to mmmmmmmmm over and over again. I thought I was going to go insane. On Monday we went to the doctor, and it turns out he has hayfever and all that goes along with it, post nasal drip etc. Since he's been on his meds, no more whining!  :D
Now he 'talks' to you. You can have a full 5 minute conversation with him, 'Eeeeeeee' 'Oooooooh' 'Ahhhhhhh' and then a combo 'EeeeOoohAhhhOoooEeeee' LOL!!! It's so much fun!  :lol:

I've been saying 'No' to Luka when he bites me while bf. The first time he bit, I yelled out in pain and he got such a shock! Since, then I say "No" and take my breast out of his mouth. He smiles at this though :?

JulieG: you need to go into your profile and update your avatar for the photo to show underneath your name. Good luck! :wink:
Proud mama to
Luka 22 Feb 2010 Textbook/Spirited
Tiisetso 18 Sep 2010 Textbook/Touchy
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Jan/Feb 05 Babies chat!
« Reply #166 on: August 18, 2005, 11:36:10 am »
Schae - they are in love with each other!  it is great to watch.  olivia loves nothing as much as watching alex do ANYTHING and beams at her, willing her to look in her direction...  Alex gives Liv cuddles, "holds" her hand (she tries so hard to get Liv to hold it properly but Alex ends up holding Olivia's whole fist in her hand), she lays down under the gymini with her, plays along at the exersaucer and brings her toys (and takes them away  :roll: ).

so cute about the "talking"!  we are still in squealing stage with a few other sounds coming out.  Alex is at the other end - she is now trying to string words together - it is so cute.  she sometimes does a running commentary in a soft voice that i can hear in the other room  - she cracks me up every day - i do love them both so much.  now if only i could feel rested  8)
Debra - a New Yorker living in Australia married to a Brit

dd1 - Textbook/Angel, born July 2003
dd2 - Spritied through & through, born Feb 2005

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Jan/Feb 05 Babies chat!
« Reply #167 on: August 18, 2005, 12:43:30 pm »
JulieB- yes, Eirwen loves to pinch and dig her nails/fingers into me.  No biting as yet, but she does chop down on occassion.  I too have kept the nails as short as I can!!  I am not sure what she is doing? :? She also kneads them now, but this is different than the pinching.  I even have little finger bruises :( I pry her little fingers off and say "ouch, gentle" in a more serious voice but I am not sure she is even aware she is doing this.  I know it is not to "pull the milk down" because these days her feeds are so short that I feel pretty constantly full and could even self-express if I wanted to after our feeds.  I have heard that biting is common.  Also read a thread about breastfeeding the "older baby" and I guess they start becoming aware of the breast as an object and try to play with it as they do with everything else!  My friend's baby bit her quite a lot starting around 9/10 months and she would yell at him but he thought it was a game and would bite her nipple and pull away smiling/giggling at her to see if she would yell again.  She consulted her ped and he told her to stop reacting no matter how much it hurt.  I'm trying the best I can not to react but sometimes she pinches so hard my eyes water!!  The best solution I have come up with is to make sure I have a t-shirt on over the nursing attire I'm wearing (bra, tank, etc), and then I bunch it up in a thick roll and direct her hands to it as I'm putting her on.  It works about 75% of the time.  Have you heard of nursing necklaces?  I think I am going to try one- to try to solve this problem and also maybe her distraction issues now which have resulted in shorter feeds for us.  Wow, that was so long a response to that!

Christine- yes, fanatic book reader.  My childless friends now refer to me as the baby encyclopedia- I'm not sure if this is a good thing :oops: I'll post the name of the book if you're interested :wink:

Deb- go Olivia- on eating and sitting- so jealous of the sitting- Eirwen has totally regressed, or it is that her ability has coincided with the fact that she wants to touch absolutely everything and cannot grab, reach without falling.  Sorry about the poohs.  That sounds horrible!! I hope it gets better!  I would think more the formula change than teething but that's just me.  Best advice I know to give is to keep her hydrated while her body works out what is bothering it.

Heather- I would totally encourage you to move to an earlier bedtime, esp if she's struggling with the last hr or so.  When Eirwen dropped the catnap I felt like I had no choice but to go earlier (her bedtime had already been at 6:30). Regardless Eirwen and I have always clustered this feed.  (4 and then again at 5:30).  Eirwen will take another full feed from me and even take 6/7 oz from my dh if he does a bottle for bed. I would still offer solids though if that is going to eventually be her dinner.  Ideally or eventually for us I would like to drop our 4pm bf and have that be dinner and then the bf before bed, but she's not ready yet.  Maybe around 8 months we will start doing this.  I know that is solids before bf but I just feel that's going to work well for us- (up from afternoon nap- dinner- activity/bath- bf-bed)  BTW- We use medium flow Avent nipples #3.  Dh tried the fast flow for 6 month plus and it ended up all over her bib.  I have noticed that they get cruddy after awhile, even though we hardly use them- so I do get new ones after awhile.

I know I've forgotten people but Eirwen is whining! Sorry!  It's one of those days again...and of course we have a million apts!  Ugh...I told dh it was going to be one of those days
Mama to Eirwen 1/22/05

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Jan/Feb 05 Babies chat!
« Reply #168 on: August 18, 2005, 13:01:35 pm »
Heather, I'd be afraid to change your routine too much since Kelsey is sleeping thru the night all the time.  I looked at your stats and you only give 4 bottles total and no dreamfeed so maybe give a couple ounces less at your 4pm feeding so that she'll take a decent size last feed even though it's only been 3 hours.

Heather, as for flow rate.  With my dd it made a huge difference moving to the fast flow.  We had nightmare feedings for about a month with back arching and leg kicking and squirming and not drinking full feeds and then the first time I switched I never had this problem again.  It was a huge relief for both of us, I think she just didn't have the patience to sit and drink for 20 mins.  Now it takes her 10 mins max and she doesn't spit up anymore than she used to.

Us, well yesterday I tried to keep Emily up longer to see if her second nap would improve but no go on that front.  I did pu/pd and pat/sh for 1/2 an hour and she drifted for about 15 mins but that's it.  Maybe I'm too demanding.  Probably a lot of moms would be happy with a 1.5 hour morning nap and two 45 minute naps and a bedtime of 6:00pm.  What do you think?

Debra, I'm so glad Olivia liked some solids!!!  I know my dd responds really well to praise.  I thinks it's super cute that your dd1 clapped for dd2!

Us, Emily slept thru till 6:00am again!!!!!!  I sooooo hope this becomes a habit!!!!!!

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Jan/Feb 05 Babies chat!
« Reply #169 on: August 18, 2005, 13:14:59 pm »
Debra - Sorry for the past couple of days.  Hope things get better soon.  As for poops being linked to teething, absolutely.  Kinlagh is usually pretty predictable in that area, but when she's teething, all rules are out the window.  She'll go days without and days with 3 poops.  So even though some of the books say they're unrelated, I completely believe they are.  I doubt 1 tsp of pears would affect her system that much.  I think the stress of teething and/or the change in formula will do more to her belly. 
Never heard of slam books???  But I do get emails every now and then asking to for info about me to send to friends.
Congrats on the solids and sitting!

Branwen - Thanks for the advice regarding "NO".  Makes sense.  But I gotta think of something cause that noise is driving me mad! :shock:

Heather - Kinlagh takes a bottle and solids at 4pm and then her last bottle at 7pm before a 7:15-7:30 bedtime.  So yes it's possible.  She takes the full 8oz every time, with no problem.  And as for the nipples, we've changed the nipples as Kinlagh grew.  She is now just transitioning to the #4 Avent nipples and has had a couple of little chokes.  If I were you, I wouldn't jump right to #4, I would slowly adjust up, or just keep enlarging the holes of your #1 nipples.  Advice I once received was if they choke often or if the milk spills out of their mouth while drinking, then it's too fast for them.  Otherwise, all is good.  HTH  And as for them being replaced every 3 months, that's probably a money making scheme.  I would go by the wear and tear on the nipples.  Just check them for cracks, etc. 

JulieG - I think there's help on getting the Avtar pic in the Picture Gallery forum.  If you can't find it, PM me and I'll give you a hand.  Too bad on the BW woman.  October seems like ages away when you're dealing with 45 min naps doesn't it.  Good luck!!

JulieB - Glad to hear i'm not the only one.  My mom saw her doing it (on webcam) and she thought it looked like definite teething moans.  I just hope it stops soon.

Schae - Interesting about the whining and hayfever.  As we discussed, Kinlagh is prone to allergies because of her excema so I wonder....

US - Thanks to all on your advice regarding the whining and No issues.  Not much else going on with us - I think that's a good thing.  Kinlagh showed her daddy last night what a good belly spinner she is, and that she can creep backwards.  She was so proud.   Plus the girls have the car today, so we can actually go out and visit the world.  Kinlagh (and mom) get pretty bored just sitting around the house all day playing the same games.  I'm not very creative when it comes to awake time. 

Have a great day everyone!

Proud mommy to Kinlagh Emilie
Born 19/01/2005

Offline thitz

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Jan/Feb 05 Babies chat!
« Reply #170 on: August 18, 2005, 13:15:29 pm »
Here's Emily's stats:

Cuteness- super cutie, cutie (I added this for fun)
Rolling - once from back to belly
Crawling - no movement here
Breast or Formula - Formula, 5 bottles/day Every 3-4 hours + DF from 8:30-10:00 
Solids - started her on carrots and rice cereal, 3 meals/day but hardly swallows any (secretly thinking solids at 5pm is helping her sleep thru night)
Sleeping thru the night - rarely but seems to be getting better (fingers crossed)
Naps - morning 1.5 hrs (8:30), catnap (12:30), and catnap (3:30)
Sitting unassisted - pretty good, but will fall over if reaches for something to side
Teeth - two eye teeth at 4.5 months and one bottom tooth at 5.5 mo. (advil works wonders, tylenol does nothing)
Dreamfeed - anywhere from 8:30-10:00 usually 6 oz min.
Morning wake up time - between 6:00-7:00
Bedtime - 6-6:30
Favorite toy - shiny wrapping paper
Favorite Activity - waking up, trying to play with dog 
Lovie - kind of, she has to have a blanket to cuddle for sleeping
Excema - all over, but worst on legs (calendula cream helping tons)
Reflux - yes, takes 0.8mL Zantac
Back or Belly - Sleeps on side and back
Swaddle - legs only at bedtime
Paci - no, never really tried
Sucks thumb - yes, when trying to sleep and between spoons of solids (I added this too) 
Weight/Height - 6months 17.5lbs (my doctor doesn't measure height until they stand up on their own)
Eye/Hair color - dark brown hair, brown eyes
Work or SAHM - SAHM hopefully this lasts, because dh has been looking for work for awhile now
Name & origin - Emily Robin, don't know origin, picked it because it sounds pretty
I'm a - Girl
Birthday - February 19, 2005
Type - Textbook and a touch of touchy
First, second, third child of how many?? - 1st of hopefully 2 
Ticklish? - not really

Offline Schae

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Jan/Feb 05 Babies chat!
« Reply #171 on: August 18, 2005, 14:34:21 pm »
What was your lo's due date?

I keep looking at Olivia and Emily, their birthdate was my EDD with Luka.

Just a random question from me  :lol:
Proud mama to
Luka 22 Feb 2010 Textbook/Spirited
Tiisetso 18 Sep 2010 Textbook/Touchy
and three little angels

Offline Leah's Mom

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Jan/Feb 05 Babies chat!
« Reply #172 on: August 18, 2005, 14:59:44 pm »
Quote from: branwen
Christine- yes, fanatic book reader.  My childless friends now refer to me as the baby encyclopedia- I'm not sure if this is a good thing :oops: I'll post the name of the book if you're interested :wink:

Too funny! My friends and family think the same thing. Some days my mom looks at me like I'm crazy and asks where do you get all of this information!?!?! I'd love to hear the name of the book.

DD went to the sitters house for a day visit yesterday as she will start going daily August 30th. Guess what? She took a 1/2 hour morning nap and a 15 min afternoon nap.  :shock: Sitter said she just refused to go down. I know why - she's used to the quiet of our house and now she is afraid if she goes to sleep she is going to miss something with the other kids around. What to do!?!?!?

Schae - Leah's EDD was February 1st, but she decided to come late!

Also: I dont' know the origin of Leah, but we chose it because my father's name is Lee. Marie came in on our way to the hospital when DH suggested it - no relavance!

As for number two? DH always wanted them close together, to get it all over with at once. Who said that? Heather's DH? But after I had DD I had some major hemmoraging (sp?) they couldn't stop. I was transfered to a large hospital and had a few surgeries to get the bleeding to stop. Almost had to have a hysterectomy, but luckily not. I received 8 pints of blood!  :shock: So, I am not "allowed" to have another child until DD is 3. At the time, I honestly didnt' care. I told the nurses and doc that I am NEVER having children again! The things you say right after labor! But now I'm OK with it, would like them closer but at least I don't have to make the decision myself! BTW - I didn't get to hold DD for almost two days.  :( She was born at 6:30 am on a Friday and I got to see her the next night at 10:00 pm (Saturday)! She was not transfered with me and insurance wouldn't cover a transfer of her, so we had to wait till she could be released from Hospital #1, then DH had to drive to get her and bring her to hospital #2.
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Offline dkjokisch

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Jan/Feb 05 Babies chat!
« Reply #173 on: August 18, 2005, 15:19:47 pm »
We need to catch up...

Name & origin - Maya Carmel, Maya because we liked it and Carmel is dh's grandmother's name (I picked Carmel - of his whole family, she is the has been the nicest and most welcoming person, and it family gatherings, she is still sometimes the ONLY person who actually talks to me.)
I'm a - Girl
Birthday - January 13, 2005
Type - Touchy with a capital T, we like to call her "high maintenance"
First, second, third child of how many?? - 1st of what was to be 3 or 4, she is causing us to rethink that one, but we'll probably have at least one more
Ticklish? - when in the right mood

Michelle - Maya has been whining like you would not believe, but with her, it escalates into a full-blown scream/wail.  We are beginning to think she just wants attention.  It just gets worse as the day goes on.

Deb - Teething can cause loose stool.  It increases mucous and saliva production, much of which is swallowed.  I am told it is worse with the top teeth than the bottom, as the top teeth are so close to the sinuses.

I have a new question for everyone - are there any songs which your lo's particularly like?  Maya loves "If you're happy and you know it".  We've replaced "clap your hands", "stomp your feet", and the one I couldn't remember with "squeeze your cheeks", "tickle your feet", and "honk your nose".  It sends her into fits of giggles by the time we're done.
#3 EDD 07/18/09
B 04/14/07 (ds)
M 01/13/05 (dd)

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Jan/Feb 05 Babies chat!
« Reply #174 on: August 18, 2005, 15:23:18 pm »
And a photo...
#3 EDD 07/18/09
B 04/14/07 (ds)
M 01/13/05 (dd)

Offline HeatherC

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Jan/Feb 05 Babies chat!
« Reply #175 on: August 18, 2005, 15:33:00 pm »
You gals are great.  Thanks for all the advice.  I'm going to try a 7:00 bottle and hopefully 7:30-7:45 bedtime.  I know that's not much earlier, but she's squirms with discomfort if I put her down too soon after eating.  So I'll just sit quietly with her for a bit after the bottle.  I hope she still sleeps till 8, but I'm sure she will.  I've definitely read that earlier bed time does not mean earlier wake time.  It might actually help with her morning nap that is starting to be a problem again.  Not to ramble on, but this morning I did our whole hoot and hollar, same time, same place, same routine.  Yet when I went to put her down, she full out screamed.  I did pu/pd for almost 25 minutes (with a quick break to regain my composure).  I started to feel as if she just wanted me to leave so she could get some rest.  Do you know what I mean?  I felt like I was actually preventing her from going to sleep.  Perhaps she just needed to let off some steam, but I always second guess the situation.   Anyway, I left, and she was out in 5 minutes.  That was 30 minutes ago, and she's still asleep.  :roll:  Other mornings, she's been fussing off and on for about the last hour of her nap, therefore, doesn't seem to be getting good rest.  This, in turn, is making the second nap a bit shorter.

Tarri, I believe that even if a baby has a good night time sleep pattern, they still need day time naps.  You are right to try and improve them.  You are doing what is best for Emily, just as we all are for our lo's.

Julie G, great pics of Matty.  What a cutie!

Michelle, Kelsey tends to whine when she's bored or tired.  It's kind of like a ummmmmmmm, ummmmmmm, and it gets louder until I tend to her.  Also, I'm sure you do get bored being home all day.  I am the type that likes to run around all day, which has definitely been hampered a bit.  I was getting out alot with Kelsey this summer, but since my mom is back at work, we don't as much.  Also, I had a car accident, luckily Kelsey was not with me, but I've been a bit timid of driving with her.  I know I'll have to get over it, but I would die if something hurt her.  Well, I didn't mean to go off about that.  Sorry.  :oops:

Debra, I love what you said about Olivia and Alex.  Those are the kind of moments that make me want to have more children.  I know that I do, but I just don't know when.

Christine, what a terrible l/d story.  I'm so glad everything turned out alright.  I thought it was awful that I didn't see Kelsey for 5 hours, but 2 days!  And about the naps at sitters...I'm sure she'll fall into a comfort zone soon.  Sometimes they are actually better for someone other than mom.  :?

Schae, Kelsey was due on Feb. 13.  I was induced early due to high blood pressure.

We found the name "Kelsey" in an issue of American Baby magazine, and we both loved it immediately.  "Rhea" is a respelling of dh's middle name Ray.  It was his dad and grandfather's first names.  Also, my grandmother's name was Rachel, and everyone called her "Ray".  Dh's first name is Kevin, so they have the same initials, at least until she gets married.   :cry:
Kelsey, Feb. 4, 2005
Landon, Jan. 2, 2007

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Jan/Feb 05 Babies chat!
« Reply #176 on: August 18, 2005, 15:35:45 pm »
Deborah-CUTE photo!  I love it.
Kelsey likes "pat-a-cake" and Seaseme Street, but I can't always remember the words correctly so I make them up.  She also like "if you're happy...", but I think I'll use your version.
Kelsey, Feb. 4, 2005
Landon, Jan. 2, 2007

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« Reply #177 on: August 18, 2005, 15:42:55 pm »
Got this email with attached photo.  Thought it was funny.[/b]
Kelsey, Feb. 4, 2005
Landon, Jan. 2, 2007

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Jan/Feb 05 Babies chat!
« Reply #178 on: August 18, 2005, 17:49:10 pm »
Hi there ... Sjoe but this group really MOVES with the posts. I cannot even remember what I wanted to say to whom.

Actually I need some advice: A very good friend of me who's baby is 5mths old is now waking up crying a few times at night and then not going back to sleep. She was sick with Inner ear infection and I think this is where it started. I gave her the BW book and she has read it front to back. and no solution yet!!! she tried pu/pd but no success so far. Any miracle advice???

I have included a pic of lise with her 2 best friends (we moms met at ante-natal classes) vltr: Anne (2 weeks younger) Danielle (2 days older) and Lise ...
Nikki - Mom of Lise and Cara

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Jan/Feb 05 Babies chat!
« Reply #179 on: August 18, 2005, 18:10:27 pm »
We've had a couple good nights!  It's not a fluke I guess!  And I think wake-to-sleep is FINALLY starting to work!  He slept until 6:50 this morning  :D  (I actually think DH woke him up  :? ).  And pears are offically a hit -- he ate more that a tablespoon this morning!  DH wants to try bananas on Saturday.

Christine & Branwen: I'm a parenting book worm as well!!  I have some friends that have stopped looking up things for themselves and just ask me instead!  :roll:   My DH won't read anything about parenting -- not even the BW even though I asked him to for my birthday.  :?   Sometimes I just can't understand why people wouldn't want to learn all about their LOs and how they can help them be their best.   :lol:
And Christine, sorry to hear about your birth experience!  That must have been traumatic!  And to think, I was in a frenzy because I had to wait an hour after my c-section to hold Asher!  Makes me gain new perspective!  :shock:

Tarri: Asher sucks his thumb between bites as well!  Sometimes he bites the spoon so fast in order to get his thumb back in his mouth sooner and he hardly gets any of the food!   :roll:   My mom says I did the same thing as a baby!

Asher LOVES singing -- practically anything!  :lol:   We make up songs all the time (very basic lyrics though, and most about mundane tasks like brush your hair, poopie doopie, naked baby, wash our hands, etc).  His favorite still seems to be Winnie the Pooh though, this was the first song to really make him laugh.  Itsy Bitsy Spider with hand motions is always a big hit as well.  What a darling photo of Maya too!!
DS 1/31/05 (spirited/textbook but a touchy sleeper)
DD 10/15/10 (textbook/angel/spirited)