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« Reply #225 on: August 22, 2005, 13:00:13 pm »
Oh my goodness.  I haven't received an email notification since Friday and I've missed 3 new pages.  Lots of catching up to do. 

Happy 7 months Eirwan!

Our whining has improved a little.  She had a few days in a row with none at all.  Wonder if she did have a little teething or something bothering her.  Or maybe having her dad home helped keep her more occupied.  Good luck Heather with Kelsey's whines.  I too hope it doesn't last long for your sake.  It's a frustrating sound isn't it?

Julie and others - You girls are making me nervous about leaving dd overnight.  DH and I have a trip planned to Miami in November.  Kinlagh will be 10 months by then and staying with her grandparents for 5 days.  Please someone let me know it'll be ok?!   :?  :?

Debra - Hope Alex is feeling better soon !!

Deborah -
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I am irritated when he comes home from work late without calling to let me know.
I know what you mean!!!  He doesn't do it often, but it just messes things up for dinner, etc when he doesn't let me know.  I think he's starting to get it now.

We too are starting to see the light regarding 45 min naps.  Think it's a combination of longer wake times, increased mobility and dropping the 5pm catnap.  It did take a couple of weeks to get rid of it, but I think Kinlagh is doing a little better because of it.  Matthew's Mommy in the nap forum really helped figure out my days/naps for me.  Might want to check with her.

Even though things are tough, we are already considering #2.  So anxious!!!  But want to get back to work for a few months before trying again.  Next spring/summer can't come soon enough.

For those of you back at work, I'd love to hear your thoughts and experiences on child care.  We are looking into care for Kinlagh for January as that's when I head back to work.  But we're debating between a daycare centre and a "nanny" to come care for her in our home.  I work from home so I'd be able to see her every day and spend time with her.  I love the thought of not missing any of her firsts!  But I also wonder if she needs the social aspect of a centre with other kids.  What have you done and what seems to work?

Proud mommy to Kinlagh Emilie
Born 19/01/2005

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« Reply #226 on: August 22, 2005, 13:44:46 pm »
Heather, so far emily isn't whining yet.  but she makes these monkey sounds like when she's fed up.

JulieB, that too bad about not going on the trip.  How far away was it supposed to be?  Could you go for one night, check in with dh at the end of the day and if things went badly return the next day?  I often think us mom's make up worries when maybe there wouldn't be any.  Just food for thought.

Nikki, sorry about your 45 mins nap problem.  I know how that feels.  I also heard about not reducing milk till solids established.  I know I can't with mine because half the solids she pushes out her mouth still.

Branwen, I'll have a look at your other posting.  And HAPPY 7 months to Eirwen!

Debra, that doesn't sound good about Alex.  Hopefully it's not something too bad.  I don't know anything about how chicken pox looks.  Are you still doing 3hr easy with Olivia cause of the growth spurt and then naps are off?  How about doing two eats in one cycle and keeping her naps at the proper times?  Cause we all definately need Y time.  Could dh or someone else help out even if it's just for an hour?

, gosh I wonder when my lo's going to start whining.  Maybe you could try wake to sleep, go in around 4:30 and maybe this will reset her wake up time a little.  Maybe a bit more solids in the evening?

Us, we had three night wakings last night.  Two because she was soaked in pee.  I still see this as an improvement though.  I'm going to keep up with your suggestions again today.

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« Reply #227 on: August 22, 2005, 15:11:26 pm »
JulieB-just remember that a nursing baby is much more efficient than a pump at removing milk.  I could never get but 2 oz at the most from pumping both sides, but Kelsey always gained weight while bf.

Nikki, our ped told us that milk amount was not suppose to decrease until closer to 1 yr old.  However, I think it will regardless if he wants me to feed her a 4 oz jar of food at lunch.  Right now I give her about the equivalent of 1/3 of a 4 oz jar for each meal, and that seems to be enough to satisfy her and she still be able to drink 6-8 oz of formula.  But if I see she's having too much solids and drastically cutting back on milk, I simply cut back on solids next go round.

Branwen, is Eirwen already 7 months?  My how the time flies! (Sigh!!)

Kelsey is starting to develop more arm strength to hold her chest off the ground and tuck her legs up more onto her knees.  Maybe she'll crawl, except she's very quick to roll onto her back and is so proud about this (as is mama).
Kelsey, Feb. 4, 2005
Landon, Jan. 2, 2007

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« Reply #228 on: August 22, 2005, 15:16:49 pm »
Sorry ladies, no time to post, just logged in quick to check-in. Off to school to work on my room. Went in there on Friday and they shampooed my carpets and now all of my stuff is in the wrong place.  :evil: School starts next week.  :( to leave Leah  :D to see my kids and co-workers

Quote from: hwcampbell
Kelsey is starting to develop more arm strength to hold her chest off the ground and tuck her legs up more onto her knees.  Maybe she'll crawl, except she's very quick to roll onto her back and is so proud about this (as is mama).

Just had to say Heather that Leah is doing the same thing. Just when I think she is going to push up on all fours she rolls over to her tummy! Maybe they'll crawl at the same time, they seem to do everything else together!  :D
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Jan/Feb 05 Babies chat!
« Reply #229 on: August 22, 2005, 17:44:22 pm »
Deb, I think Alex has the pox.  You'll know for sure if the bumps start weeping.  The vaccine isn't 100%, and they can still catch a mild form.  Fever and flu-like symptoms are the initial signs, followed by pox within another day or two.  The number of pox you see is directly proportionate to the amount of interaction she had with the infected boy.  Try to keep her interaction with Olivia to a minimum until you know for sure or see scabs.  Hope things calm down around there soon!  :D

Deborah, having same problems with early wake ups!  I'm about to throw in the towel.  I've been doing wake-to-sleep for two weeks with little to no success.  Asher was already awake when I creeped in at 5 am, but he stayed quiet.  He started crying at 5:30 and I was in and out of his room (more in than out  :roll: ) until I got him up at 7:00.  I just didn't want to budge and I kept hoping he'd be tired enough to go back to sleep.  I even changed his diaper.  No luck.  I don't think he was hungry because he ate around 2 AM and after I got him up, he contently watched his mobile for 10 minutes while I got stuff ready.  I don't know what else to try.  I've adjusted his bedtime back and forth, limiting activity and such.  I'm gonna have to re-read some of my books for more ideas.  Either that, or I'm going to have to start going to bed at 7 pm.  This is rough!   :shock:  Surprisingly, he did well this morning, though acting tired.  Not too cranky, ate his solids pretty well.  I ended up putting him down for a nap around 9 am, and he's still sleeping 1.5 hours later...
BTW, I also have tried feeding him if he wakes early and putting him back to bed.  Has never worked for me.  :(

Sleep sacks -- what brands do you all like to use?  Are they big enough to grow with or do I have to keep buying more?  I'm considering trying one.  I assume it's like a sleeveless sack?  What do you have them wear underneath in summer vs. winter (and what temp do you keep your house at?).

Michelle, I think Kinlagh would do much better at that age.  You also FF so it's not as much of a shock to have someone else give the bottles whereas Asher would have to deal with someone else AND the bottles since he is BF.

Tarri, thanks for the idea.  It's another state away, so it would be impossible to go for one night.  I'm okay with it though.  There will be plenty of times in the future!  :wink:

Jury is still out on the bananas, though he's eating a little more.  Still loves pears though!  I made it thicker this morning and though it took a bit for him to get used to the new texture, he was loving it by the end.  Here's a photo of his pear face!  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:
DS 1/31/05 (spirited/textbook but a touchy sleeper)
DD 10/15/10 (textbook/angel/spirited)

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Jan/Feb 05 Babies chat!
« Reply #230 on: August 22, 2005, 17:50:08 pm »
Forgot to ask, what are your LOs tired signs?  Asher has started tugging one ear (same side each time).  I'm trying to keep track when he does this.  Could this be tired?  Could this be an ear infection?  I heard it was rare for BF babies to get ear infections.  Thoughts?
DS 1/31/05 (spirited/textbook but a touchy sleeper)
DD 10/15/10 (textbook/angel/spirited)

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Jan/Feb 05 Babies chat!
« Reply #231 on: August 22, 2005, 18:49:02 pm »
Hi there - well I nearly LOST it tonight. My FIL & MIL lives very close (10min) and his office is like 2min away. I have mentioned before how he does not believe in my style of parenting and always seem to be sort of upset when I take Lise to slot nto the evening routine. WELL tonigh the came by at 6:15 ... fine - he can play with an already overtired and worked up spirited girl ... so at 6:30 I very politely tell him that I will give her her paci and pick her onto my lap (he has been doing floortime with her!!) to help her start to wind down. And then ... He says well he thinks then he leave. And there I feel bad again. I then invited him to help with bath which he declined. At the door he says "goodbye lise - your mommy's book says its time to sleep but grandpa thinks you still want to play!! I was just sooo irritated. I camly tried to explain again about working herself into state and me struggling to get her to settle if we start evening routine to late. Thanx for listening - I just had to vent!!

Nikki - Mom of Lise and Cara

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Jan/Feb 05 Babies chat!
« Reply #232 on: August 22, 2005, 19:28:42 pm »
I don't know how all of you manage with your LOs in the weekends. I just feel like a bad mom to say this but I feel better after sharing it with fellow BWs. I feel like I have got a high maintenance baby only in the weekends! I think Diya has got used to the routine and our home that she is perfect when we are at home. I have been a slave to her naps and routine and also that we live in a small town adds to the problem. To go anywhere, it takes an hour and then between BF, solids and naps on the go leaves me with one cranky baby in my hands. Diya gets so distracted now when I BF, that it is impossible when DH is around. I tried it in Barnes and Noble yesterday and I gave up after some time. She cries like I am abusing her or something:( If I take her to a quiet place, then it is ok. Do any of you have the same problem? Also, how do you put your spirited ones to sleep on the go. She is just not able to shut her eyes even when she is sleepy if we are outside.
I remeber someone asking about soft spout sippy cups. I have the parent's choice nuby cups and they are awesome. It is spillproof and has  a soft spout.
Branwen, we are always battling 45 min naps. I am not much of a help. But if you just go with the flow and keep increasing the awake time since Eirwen knows to sleep on her own, it should be good. I loved her pic. Happy 7 month B'day to Eirwen. She is very pretty! I read about you taking her to the ped. One of my friends' DD has very little arm strength and I was talking about that to my ped and she recommended more floor time. I know Eirwen gets upset on her tummy time. Just play her favorite games at that level and keep her favorite toy a little far away so that she will reach for it on her tummy too.
Nikki: Hugs for you. I know exactly what you mean. As it is, it's very hard for us to deal with a spirited one and when people try to make them even more excited, it just makes you so angry. I am surprised that you are not getting upset. My fuse goes off very easily these days:)
Julieb: I bought a sleepsack for Diya when she was a newborn and I have been using it till now. I have 2 of them. One is a halo cotton sleepsack which I have been using in the summer and the other brand is carters fleece with long sleeves. The halo sleep sack size is medium I think. She is napping right now with it. I'll check and tell you later. BTW, your pics were very nice. I love Asher's high chair pics. Esp., the first bananas pic. You should take him to a ped if he is acting fussy and pulling his ears a lot of times. I took Diya when she was teething and pulling her ears. She was so cranky too at that time so it was hard to recognize the signs. The other language which I will be teaching Diya will be Telugu which is my mother tongue. It is another Indian language. We have too many languages there:)
Debra: I hope that Alex doesn't have chicken pox. How could someone bring a child with chicken pox to a playgroup :twisted:
Deborah: We are in the same boat as you with the early wakeups. When I don't give in and feed her, she is awake for a longer time and it worsens things. Try to feed her and out her down. Diya is able to take only 11 hrs of time between feedings in the night time. I also suspect that her night time sleep is reducing to just 11 hrs now. Yesterday, she missed one feeding and so she woke up for a nightfeeding and she slept for 12 hrs. She keeps me guessing:)
Michelle: I have no experience on this subject but just a thought. Since she is not going to interact with other babies much now, why don't you get a nanny until she is 18 months or so. This way you won't miss too many milestones and also Kinlagh will not be exposed to a lot of germs from daycare. Whenever she is ready for interaction, you can try daycare. She might have to get used to 2 changes according to this as opposed to trying just daycare or nanny!
Jaime: Diya was doing this until last month or so. She is doing it really good now. She still keeps her arms open all the time. Like someone else said, I have to be careful when I go through doorways. When she sees someone, those straight arms start flapping like a bird. It is so cute(I feel bad that she always wants to go to someone but realised that she wants to jump from one person to another like a monkey) Try putting some toys around Luke and let him get it! I put a lot of toys in DDs bathtub so that she can practice getting toys when they are moving.
Tarri: Glad that your day went well.
Christine: How is it going for you now that you are busy? Are u missing Leah?
Diya 1/25/05 Angel/Textbook and very spirited

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Jan/Feb 05 Babies chat!
« Reply #233 on: August 22, 2005, 19:29:33 pm »

Diyas tired signs now are rubbing the eyes.
Diya 1/25/05 Angel/Textbook and very spirited

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Jan/Feb 05 Babies chat!
« Reply #234 on: August 22, 2005, 20:38:41 pm »
Quote from: julieb
Forgot to ask, what are your LOs tired signs?  Asher has started tugging one ear (same side each time).  I'm trying to keep track when he does this.  Could this be tired?  Could this be an ear infection?  I heard it was rare for BF babies to get ear infections.  Thoughts?

Kinlagh tugs at her ears most when she's teething - can't remember exactly if it's always the same side.  She hasn't had an ear infection yet, but that's a sure sign as well.

Proud mommy to Kinlagh Emilie
Born 19/01/2005

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Jan/Feb 05 Babies chat!
« Reply #235 on: August 22, 2005, 20:52:04 pm »
I have a few extra minutes so here's a little more...

Nikki - That would drive me insane.   :evil:  :evil:  Sorry, I can't help you, I'm super lucky and my MIL/FIL have told me what a great mother I am - even with the routine I keep.  Although I don't know what they say behind my back!!  I think your FIL should just be glad that Lise is a happy baby regardless of how you parent!  Good luck and we're always here to listen...{{{HUGS}}}

Vidya - Our outings are getting better.  We too found Kinlagh might be a little too addicted to the routine at home and she didn't know how to adjust in the "real world".  But I think it all happens in time.  But I wouldn't stop taking her out - I think the more she's exposed to different situations, the more she'll learn to deal with it.  We've gotten in the habit of taking her out every weekend.  Whether it's to the mall, running errands, or for a walk along the waterfront...  Just trying to get Kinlagh used to feeding, napping on the go.  (although, Kinlagh is FF and textbook so things might take a little longer with a BF spirited lo)

Question - Do you let your lo's watch TV or DVDs?  If not, what are your reasons, and if so, how often?  Just curious as Kinlagh loves relaxing in front of a DVD and it gives me a nice break to get supper ready.  (Funny what we call a break huh?)  I am just worried that there may be negative side effects I don't know of.  Have any of you avid readers come across anything about this?

Proud mommy to Kinlagh Emilie
Born 19/01/2005

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Jan/Feb 05 Babies chat!
« Reply #236 on: August 22, 2005, 21:29:57 pm »
Nikki, I totally feel for you.  My dad and his wife have made such passive aggressive comments to me as well.  I finally had it and firmly explained what would happen if x, y, & z did not happen, etc.  Then I invited them to come to my house and spend a week getting DS down for naps, bed, and night wakings if they think they have a better way.  As they calmly explained that they were "only trying to help" and I "was just making it harder on myself," I continued to invite them over to do it themselves.  Of course they declined and so I said, until then, this is what works best for me and Asher and they can just keep their negative, discouraging comments to themselves.  I am usually not confrontational at all, so I think they got the message that I meant business and was tired of everyone's comments for the past 4-5 months.  :x  They are much more respectful now.  They still pout a little, but when I had to leave my Dad's house early on Saturday evening because Asher refused to take a nap over there (and I wasn't about to try to keep him up straight till bedtime!), he graciously kissed us both goodbye until next time.  I really hope your FIL can get himself in line, this is no way to cultivate a endearing relationship with his granddaughter!

Vidya, I cannot get Asher to sleep on the go.  Sometimes he'll fall asleep in the car seat if we're traveling far enough, but that's about it.  Have you looked into a carrier?  Asher used to fall asleep in the sling when I was grocery shopping.  We just don't go out much.  I do the best I can, getting errands done when DH is home on weekends during naps and after bedtime.  Also, if Diya is distracted while NIP, what about nursing in the car?  I hop in the front seat, turn on the car, A/C, and radio!

Michelle, the AAP recommends no TV for children under 2.  BW also recommends screening the TV usuage because images can stick in their heads and cause trouble sleeping.  I know a baby who cries at certain parts in the baby einstien videos!  :shock:   Asher LOVES the tv unfortunately.  I often watch while BFing and he'll watch while I'm burping him.  When he was younger and I was trying to wean the paci, he would cry every time I had to burp him and the TV was the only other thing to get him to stop.  Now that he's older and notices things around him, I get him to watch the kitties outside the window while burping.  :lol:  I've let him watch a baby einstien video once and I was disturbed by how fascinated he was.  He'd rather watch that than play with mama!  :(   I turned it off and haven't watched one since.  When I want to get some things done, I gate off the family room, put down his toys, and turn on some children's music and he goes to town.  I find that he responds to music just as well as the TV.  HTH!
DS 1/31/05 (spirited/textbook but a touchy sleeper)
DD 10/15/10 (textbook/angel/spirited)

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Jan/Feb 05 Babies chat!
« Reply #237 on: August 23, 2005, 00:20:12 am »
JulieB, I just noticed last night that Emily was pulling at her left ear and mentioned it to dh :? .  My first thought was also an ear infection.  She pulled a little at it today aswell.  She had a doctor's apt. last week and she checked her ears so if it is an infection it's just started.  I'm going to check my baby book and see if she has any other symptoms.  I also thought maybe an ear infection cause when I dream feed, this is the ear she has on the mattress.

Nikki, I'd be furious with my in-laws too :evil: ! 

Branwen,  I'm really thinking that you too should increase A time.  This is turning out to be key for Emily.  I've ended up holding her a lot at the end but she is getting used to being awake longer (it helps that her teething has died down).  Also with nap1 and nap 2 correcting themselves I can see how in a month or two we'll be able to drop the last nap.

Us, we're on day 2 of extending awake time after nap1 and today I did 5 mins. pt/sh at 45 min. mark of nap2 and squeezed a total of 1hr 15 mins out.  I was amaaaaazed.  That's the first sucess with that nap in about a month.  Also I had to wake her from nap3.  I was so used to short naps, I didn't know what to do with myself and paced the kitchen for 15mins waiting to hear crys on the monitor.

Michelle, my dd watches TV about 10 mins. max a week.  Sometimes she's so overtired at the end of the day she has a hard time relaxing enough to drink her bottle so I'll switch the TV on and this distracts her enough that I can get more ounces in.  Is it possible to sit your dd in a chair in the kitchen to watch and 'help' you while you make dinner?  My dd loves to watch me chop veggies.  Or move the exersaucer into the kitchen and she can watch/play.  I heard it gives them ADD because they get used to the fast changing images.

EveryoneAbout Baby Einstein I saw a Canadian news show where they interviewed a spokeswoman from the company and the reporter asked her if they'd done any research on the affects of their videos on babies and all the spokeswoman had to say was that they know babies learn from the interaction with their parents while they watch the video together.  The reporter repeated the question and the spokeswoman said they were out of time :shock: .  Interesting...

Now you're all probably sick of me rambling on so, goodnight everyone!

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Jan/Feb 05 Babies chat!
« Reply #238 on: August 23, 2005, 00:23:06 am »
Julie, what kind of bib is that Asher is wearing?  I'm not sure of the brand of sleep sack we have, maybe Halo??  The first one is up to 18 pounds and is fleece since we were using it more in the winter and spring.  Now she only sleeps in a footed sleeper with sleeves, but I plan to get the next size sleep sack for winter unless she starts using a blanket.  In the winter I would put her in a sleeper, either cotton or terry, and the sleepsack.  Sometimes during the day now, if she's just in a onesie, since it's summer and very hot and our air is running around 70-72, I put her in the sack so her feet won't get cold.  It is sleeveless.
Kelsey, Feb. 4, 2005
Landon, Jan. 2, 2007

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« Reply #239 on: August 23, 2005, 00:45:03 am »
Ahhhhhh..... IT happened!!!!!! I feel horrible, like such a bad mommy...    :(  :(  :(  Leah fell off the bed today.  :( She is just fine, but how dumb am I???????? I put her on our bed so I could put on my shoes. I had to turn my back to fetch them out of the closet. The worse thing is before I turned my back it actually crossed my mind that she could fall, but I had her in the middle. I had my back to her for like 10 seconds and then I hear the terrible thud. I turned around and saw her lying on her back on the floor. Oh my god, I was SO SCARED! I was crying with her. She had to roll back to belly twice to get off the bed, she never rolls this fast. She only cried for 30 seconds and was then totally fine. Happy, actually.  :shock: Just beware all!!!!! I know someone posted this earlier, but in the spur of the momment you make mistakes. DH had to tell me over and over again that this happens to lots of babies becuase I felt SO bad! Thanks for letting me tell you, I told DH I wasn't telling anyone but you guys. I feel so stupid!

Will post more later tonight, I have lots of responding to do to everyone. I just had to get this off my chest!
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