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June/ July 05 Mom's Chat
« Reply #300 on: October 13, 2005, 18:14:29 pm »
Yeah - we are about an hour south of Denver, sometimes get thieir storms, sometimes we get from the south and they don't get at all!
Mama to:
Caeden (6/05)
Colm (3/07)
Alannah (11/08)
Tadhg (8/10)
and Ailish due Sept 16, 2011


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June/ July 05 Mom's Chat
« Reply #301 on: October 13, 2005, 18:37:01 pm »
I am a dough head I know I should have joined this chat awhile ago :roll:

I will read back. Any of you mind having me????? (No puppy-dog-eyes emoticon, crap..)

Offline ry,cait&alex

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June/ July 05 Mom's Chat
« Reply #302 on: October 13, 2005, 19:06:49 pm »
The more the merrier!!  I have read all of the latest posts, but will have to respond tonight.  I am at work, and lo and behold, I actually have something to do.  Later.


Super Mommy to Ryan,Cait and Alex!!!!

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June/ July 05 Mom's Chat
« Reply #303 on: October 13, 2005, 19:22:09 pm »
Anybody else experience the "HA HA!  Just kidding!" method of teething?  We have drool galore and are biting our hands over here, and I even felt a tooth last month, but it seems to have been sucked back in.

As for the swaddle.....Luke was out of that when he started rolling over to his tummy.  He was so glad to be on his tummy that I guess it didn't bother him that he wasn't in a swaddle anymore. 

I sure do miss that kid during the day.
God will give you exactly what you ask Him for, even if it's not in the package you expected it to be in.

Luke 6-10-05
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Offline babesx2

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June/ July 05 Mom's Chat
« Reply #304 on: October 13, 2005, 20:32:07 pm »
hi all only seen this thread/post (is that wot u call them sorry feeling bit brain dead  :oops: )

we have twin boys born on 28th june AND the 29th june
havein few probs with feedin at mo.really gets me down at times  :cry:

hope u dont mind me just buttin in like this

sarah n boys x

Offline ry,cait&alex

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June/ July 05 Mom's Chat
« Reply #305 on: October 13, 2005, 21:16:43 pm »
Welcome Sarah!!  glad to see you here.  What is your difficulty with the feeding?  Are you bottling or b/f??  Tell us the boys stats, we would to hear them.  You will be the first twins in our little group.  Congrats.


Super Mommy to Ryan,Cait and Alex!!!!


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June/ July 05 Mom's Chat
« Reply #306 on: October 13, 2005, 21:32:38 pm »
Ack my baby is doing the same thing, Amy! "I am teething.......No I'm not!" Sorry to hear you have to be away from him already.. :cry:

Anyone having trouble with the all of the sudden clinginess?

Offline babesx2

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June/ July 05 Mom's Chat
« Reply #307 on: October 13, 2005, 21:36:53 pm »
thanx bj

had them both weighed today aiden 1st twin is 12lb 8oz anthony twin 2 is 12lb 8oz as well  :)

im bottle feedin now woz bf in the beging,aiden has always been the crankyer 1 of the 2,but lately the only time hes been happy and contented is straight after his feed and nappy change (not always happy when feedin) for about half hour then he starts cryin then he screamin never new such alittle chap could b sooooo very loud  :cry:  there is just no consouling him.his naps have shortened ask hv and for once she seemed to take me seriously and said mayb his tummy was full but he wasnt full (does that make sense) and amyb he was havin a growth spurt ???? all maybs told me try him on No2 formular but leave a week or 2 1st.............  :cry:  can we wait that long i doubt it feel useless when he screamin and nothin i do makes any differance

sarh n boys xx

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June/ July 05 Mom's Chat
« Reply #308 on: October 13, 2005, 22:08:59 pm »
Well, God bless you Sarah.  I am worn out with one!

keep us posted!
God will give you exactly what you ask Him for, even if it's not in the package you expected it to be in.

Luke 6-10-05
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June/ July 05 Mom's Chat
« Reply #309 on: October 14, 2005, 02:04:43 am »
hey--I finally got my avitar to work! yeah  :D

Anyway--I have just got Zoey to bed (finally) after a little bit of cuddling she went down pretty easy. Oops-- :roll: I take that back--I hear DH pat-shushing right now. it always happens when the pacifier falls out  :lol: Oh well!

Here is a question--since you all have lo's the same age. Zoey takes pretty good naps in general--2 hours in the morning, 2 hours in the afternoon at daycare and then we let her catnap for about 40 minutes in the evening. We have set bedtime around 8pm--but she isn't always tired. Do you all still have the evening catnap and/or do you let bedtime come naturally or do you say 8pm is bedtime and that's the way it goes?
Just curious.
Mom to Zoey (DOB 5/31/05) and Zander (DOB 7/24/07)

Offline ry,cait&alex

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June/ July 05 Mom's Chat
« Reply #310 on: October 14, 2005, 02:28:50 am »
From what I am gathering Sarah, you are in the UK, or Australia maybe?  Cait isnt' much of a napper herself, but we make it through the day with a couple of good ones.  She is sleeping wonderfully at night, so I will not complain about the days.  Could the formula be hurting his tummy?  We have Mylicon drops here in the states to help relieve gas on the tummy, from what I have gathered, is that the same as Gripe water?  Not real sure....but have you tried something like that?  I will tell you that Cait is eating 6-8 oz about every 3-4 hours.  At night, she gets about 2 tablespoons of cereal and a 6 oz bottle and it has made a world of difference.  Your boys are about 3 weeks behind Cait and I started her on cereal at 14 weeks.  I think Amy was right behind me, or she may have started right before me, Luke and Cait were born the same day.  So...not really any solid advice....just my personal exp.  Maybe you can pull some kind of information from what our little ones are doing and see how it may pertain to the Aidan and Anthony.  Keep us posted.

Hey, Amy...what time was Luke born?  Just curious.( have I asked that already???  sorry)  I have been feeling for teeth, but nothing happening.  But man!!!  The drool!!!  She has irritated the left side of her upper chest, neck and her 1st chin  :roll: with all of it.  She looks like a bad case of eczema gone crazy!!!!

S-not having the clingy thing going...yet.  I didnt' go through it till much later with Ryan so hoping to repeat with Cait.  What is going on with your Kaitlyn?

Living mom-  With our schedules, during the week, Cait usually gets her capnat on the 40 minute commute home. At 8pm, we settle down with our cereal and bottle and she is off to bed by 8:30pm.  I can definitely tell when I am pushing it past her "bedtime" window.  She is a creature of habit and she goes down real easy after that.  Some ppl have a bath routine, we have dinner routine.  Whatever works.  :wink:


Super Mommy to Ryan,Cait and Alex!!!!

Offline babesx2

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June/ July 05 Mom's Chat
« Reply #311 on: October 14, 2005, 11:29:43 am »
im in the uk have ammened my profile,been tryin get apic of our 2 little tinkers on as well but with out sucess  :?

sounds like our gripe water,yes they are both havin it in there bottle,along with colief drops which breack down the lactose make it easyer for there tums to digest,anthonys not to bad with wind but aiden has few realy bad days with it,think it get traped lower down cuz when hes realy bad it comes out bottom way  :wink:  and realy loud i can tell u lol
have decied not to wait and am trying him on No2 formular for hungerer babies,i THINK   :? he had it this morning but not 100% that i didnt get there bottles mixed up.will have c how we go,mum has said about baby rice but hv has said not to b4 6months !!!!!!!!! guess if No2 form doesnt work then will try,have go with your gut feelings dont u.

my 2 are on between 4-7oz anthony rarely takes more than 4 on last feed ?? have no idea y

how much does Cait weigh now ?? lovely name btw

oh ps i certainly cant complain about there sleepin at nite,which make me wounder if aidne was hungry wouldnt he wake at nite ?????? now im confusing myself even more lol

sarah xx

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June/ July 05 Mom's Chat
« Reply #312 on: October 14, 2005, 15:41:27 pm »
New here!
My name is Adria, I live in Colorado USA, I am 23, I have been married for 3 years, I am a first time mom to Jency Paul Douglas born June 30, 2005.  We also have two messes of dogs named Brandi and Oliver.  Jency loves to watch them.
We pretty much are going through the same things as everyone else.  The only difference is that at night Jency will wake up screaming bloody murder at least once a night about an hour to two hours after a feeding.  The only thing that calms him is bouncing on my exercise ball then he will burp or let gas.  We have been working on naps off and on for awhile now and just this week he has gotten the hang of going back to sleep.  He used to only sleep for 30min at a time but now he goes 45 min and then I pat/shsh him for 5-20 min and then he will sleep for another 15-30min.  He just started this week.  I am so happy.  Yesturday I didn't even have to pat/shsh him I just stuck the pacifier in for less then 2 min and took it out and put my hand on his back and kissed his cheek and he tossed off and on for awhile and then went to sleep.  Today I only had to give him his pacifier pat/shsh for 3 min and he was gone.  ALthough I couldn't get the pacifier out.  Nights are hard.  He still gets up two-three times to eat and then he has 1-2 scream seshions and then from 6am on he is up and down every 30min.  We just moved him to his own room last night and my mom is visiting for 3 nights and will be staying in there with him for the transition.  Once we get him used to that room and sleeping good at nap time we will start working on night time stuff. He used to sleep good at night and then at around 6 weeks it started to go down hill and by 12 weeks it was gone.  He has really bad gas and I think he has gas pains for laying down all night.  I don't really know what's up.  Took him to the Dr. 2 days ago and he said it was just habitual waking.  I am going to take him for his 4 month app. on the 31st and ask him to check for reflux.

Should we start a new thread?
~Adria, wife to Paul 9/7/02
Momma to Jency 6/30/05 & Tesher 12/31/08

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June/ July 05 Mom's Chat
« Reply #313 on: October 14, 2005, 15:54:59 pm »
Judy- Jake sounds a lot like Zoey, he takes about the same amount of naps. Two big ones and a 40 min. catnap. Right now, his bedtime is about 8:30 p.m. with the bath/bedtime routine starting about 8 p.m.

Depending on when he had his catnap he is not always tired but we still stick to that time. It seems he can stay up 2.5-3 hours at the most at the end of the day and if his catnap ends before 6 pm we usually end up with a tired baby. But if his catnap is between 6-7 pm he seems okay and not really tired but still goes down at the same time. The timing all depends on when he takes his afternoon nap. I think a set bedtime is good, it helps set their internal clock. We try not to let him nap any later than about 6:45 pm so he can stay up awhile before bedtime. If he has had a good nap day, it works out great.

I am not sure when we can drop that catnap, right now there is no way he could stay up from his afternoon nap which usually ends about 2:30-3pm until bedtime, he defiantly needs a little shut eye!

Mom to Jake born 6-16-05 and Julia born 8-29-07

Offline ry,cait&alex

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June/ July 05 Mom's Chat
« Reply #314 on: October 14, 2005, 16:02:25 pm »
Sarah, I am all about listening to your gut.  If you think cereal might benefit the boys, then I say try it.  No one said that once you start it and it doesn't work right now, doesn't mean you HAVE to keep it up. Put it down and try again in a week/2 weeks.

Cait is 16.5 lbs and let me tell you....she is not slowing down in the feed bag dept.  This kid can put away some food!!  So much for having a sweet petite little girl!   :roll:   And thank you for the compliment on her name.  Her name is actually Caitlyn, but she looks much more like a Cait to me.  :)

Welcome Adria!!!  Sounds as though you have a very sweet little boy.  I can't really help in the nap dept.  Our naps are still around 45 minutes in the morning.  Dh can get her to take a long nap in the afternoon and then just cat nap before settling down for the night.  So one of these lovely ladies I am sure will be able to tell you a thing or two on how to resolve this problem.  Who knows, maybe I will learn something also!!

So I have a question.  Cait sleeps in her own room, in her crib and has since she was about 3 weeks old.  (My children outgrew the bassinette very quickly)  We have a connecting door from the nursery to our room.  I sleep on my side of the bed and am 6 feet or less from her crib.  I leave her door pulled to, but not closed.  Does that make sense?  Well last night was kinda rough, she kept waking up enough to find her hands and suck on them, making ALL kinds of noise.  I never had to get up with her and she always soothed her self back to sleep.  So my question is, should I close the door all the way?  Actually....don't answer that, I can't do it yet.  I am terrified of SIDS.  So here is a another question.  How far away are you from your LO and do you have a monitor on at night?  Or is LO still sleeping in your room?  Just curious to see where everyone else is at this age and on this subject.


Super Mommy to Ryan,Cait and Alex!!!!