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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #375 on: October 26, 2005, 04:08:50 am »
Hi, just a quick question:  James is 7mths next week,hehas his 2 bottom teeth and his eye tooth on the left has just broken through.  Still no top teeth in front, so it is going to look funny for awhile :lol: Anyway, the question is:  James is on 4 x milk feeds a day and 3 x solid meals.  I always give milk first and then solid about 0.5hrs or so later.  He has not seem to want to drink all of his milk even his 1st one of the morning (he sleeps from around 7pm till 6:30am and plays till 7am.  He doesn;t wake during the night).  Out of a 210ml bottle (sorry for metric ladies) he will drink all bar 80-90mls.  The first one I don't mind as I use this on his cereal, but the other three during the day are also the same.  I have been advised by a health nurse to give him his bottle and then solids straight away and then wait for the next 4-5hrs before next bottle.  This is okay for breakfast, lunch and dinner, but how do you fit in the 3rd bottle.?  Is this afternoon tea still around 3?  At the moment our routine is

7am:  bottle
7:30 ceral

11am:  bottle
11:30/12pm: lunch

3pm: bottle
5pm:  dinner
6:30/6:45pm bottle

Should our routine be more
7am: bottle/breakfast
11:30: bottle/lunch
3pm: bottle
6pm:  dinner/bottle

I am not sure if heis doing this because of teething or something else (like needing to tweak routine).  Has anyone else been having this problem?  I know they say appetitie can go when teething and it has only been happening for about 3 days, but I thought milk at this age was more important than solids?   :?  :?

Lisa - mum to James my textbook/spirited koala bear

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #376 on: October 26, 2005, 05:32:09 am »
Oh my... lots of things happening.  I am still here!  The lurking is still under my skin too! 
Lisa-Ben eats 4 times a day with BM and 2 times a day with solids, he is gaining weight and seems content.  I do worry that he is not getting enough.  I had my DH look up appropriate amounts of milk and he lied to me, telling me that Ben was eating enough so I wouldn't freak out AGAIN!  I figure if he isn't getting enough food he would let me know. 
Traci-One of our households easiest costume is a cowboy-pretty lame but it doesn't need an explanation and it is pretty comfortable.
Hayley-Ben didn't eat solids this morning but then went crazy for them this afternoon.  At times he will fuss at solid feeding time for a few days but then be back into them.  It is tough for me when I am dumping out his cereal that was made with my liquid gold!  He also had problems with his high chair but now has no problems with it.  I tell you this kid is very opinionated.  I love the pictures.  I showed them to my DH, hope he doesn't get any ideas.  I can see him having Ben push the saw!
Nancy-I have left Ben for the weekend and it was great.  Had a tough time on the way to the airport but once I had a few drinks I felt great.  It was very nice getting back to my LO though.  I found myself very refreshed.  He was with a babysitter from 10-10pm and I had a tough time with that.  A few phone calls later and he didn't even miss me!
Traci-Ben is eating 2 TBS of cereal 2x a day with 2 cubes of veggies/cereal.
Taylor-My babysitter forgot to feed Ben a bottle when we went to a wedding.  We came back in between the ceremony and reception to get something and found Ben screaming and an extra bottle in the fridge.  I cried all of the way to the reception.  I am sure your DH won't do it again :roll:
Micky-I currently an expert at my moms group.  I gave them plenty of info on making babyfood and activities.  Kept my big trap closed on sleeping.  I leave the group every time wondering why I talk so much.
Hannah-I am surprised when my LO doesn't spill on me.  Today I just rubbed it into my sweater sleeve and got in the car.  my perfume just gets better as Ben eats more solids!
All of the pictures are fantastic.  Some day I will get one picture on.  Can someone please make sure to post when you will be chatting and how to get onto the chat.  i will try to make it whenever it is.
Does anyone have a LO who gets red rimmed eyes really easily?  I know it is because he is tired but if he goes 15 minutes past the sleepy time they are so red.  I have had quite a few WHAT is wrong with his eyes?!
Cleaning-uggg I would love someone to come and do it.  I think it is going to take me getting pregnant again.  Our budget is so tight.  I have a hard time getting my DH to pick up after himself but he has been making dinner lately so I guess I am lucky in that area.
Happy days to you and of course happy sleeping.

Offline Little Bear's Mum

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #377 on: October 26, 2005, 07:19:01 am »
Lisa, Daniel is pretty much on the same routine, although I try to leave his meal 1 hour after a b/feed. As you may have read I've had problems with him not eating his solids the last week, but prior to that he was gobbling down solids and not so much b/milk. My plunket nurse said he should still be getting about 1 litre per day at this stage, but if they won't take it, what can a mum do? As Daniel's fully b/fed I have no idea really how much he takes. It's only a guess.

Hannah, the teething powder is by a NZ homeopathic company called Weleda. It consists of Chamomilla root & conchae in lactose base. You can probably get something similar o/seas. I noticed today how much happier Daniel has been and I only gave it to him twice. He can have it up to 4 x a day or even more if required. So I feel better giving him this than normal pharmacutical medication.

I told  DH about all your comments on the photo, I think he was quite chuffed to have made such a good (?) impression on you all! The family all love the photo. I think I should find a baby photo competition and enter it!

DH is working tonight, so I'm going to have a super early night and curl up in bed and watch tv while I drift of to dreamland. Goodnight everyone  :wink:
Ohakea, New Zealand


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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #378 on: October 26, 2005, 08:43:24 am »
Well my doc advised against the biopsy as a first means of testing for celiac and suggested doing the elimination diet.  I checked out a website tonight with all foods in NZ that are gluten free and most of what we eat is fine or there is an alternative brand available.  The main issue will be bread I think and probably from a social point of view and no takeaways (not that he has then anyway atm, but as a teenager I can imagine it will be a sore point). 

I'm feeling quite positive about it and actually can't wait until he's free of gluten and see if there're any changes in his behaviour/sleeping etc and maybe he'll have a growth spurt LOL.  DH is 6'1" and I'm 5'1" so I'm hoping his shortness is due to the allergy and not my short genes LOL.

I am going to speak to my homeopath though and see if she can work on his case a bit more, we haven't been able to crack it yet, but maybe now we'll make some headway with it.

Now, back to Danielle, since this is a baby thread LOL.

She scoffed down her pumpkin and corn today followed by apple.  This is a huge improvement and is even starting to sometimes open her mouth for a bite rather than lick/slurp.  I didn't offer rice cereal today either, which is good, cause I'd rather go the fruit/vege route mostly.  Now to decide what to offer next - I'm kinda getting sick of Nathan announcing to everyone that "Danielle's got pumpkin poo!" LOL.

Night all.

Offline BiancaB

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #379 on: October 26, 2005, 10:11:32 am »
Hello Girls :D
Big  announcement!! Sienna officially rolled from back to tummy today!
My little girl is starting to make some moves!! :)
Nikki-Glad to hear that it won't be a major hassle for you regarding Nathan's diet etc--Be interesting to see how he responds.
Naomi-Riley looks so cute :wink:
Take care everyone.
Bianca{Ky and Sienna}

Kyan Scott 21-05-03

Sienna Charlize 21-03-05

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #380 on: October 26, 2005, 11:12:18 am »
I just read about 4 pages so forgive me if I don't remember who said what.

Micky - Yes, We are taking dd camping. We have a camper-trailer which is really just an overpriced tent  :lol: It's large enough to fit her travel cot next to our bed. We are only going about 1.5hr drive away from home and just for one night. We used to camp all the time and all we needed was the esky (full of beer of course) and a good book. Now I guess we will have to take half the house with us. Certainly much more planning will be involved. :roll: Not sure how much surfing DH will get done :lol:

Andrea -I worry about going out and getting off the routine as well. But then I think if I didn't get out I would go crazy.

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #381 on: October 26, 2005, 11:59:59 am »
Naomi-how did I miss your butterfly last night???  Love the wings...please post it with her tights showing too.  I can see them peaking out and they look adorable.

Hannah- the calculation i was given for EBM is weight X 2.5 / # feeds =oz.
this of course was before solids are introduced. eg 16lbs X 2.5 = 40/5 feeds = 8 oz.  It makes it more difficult with solids.  I would just let her guide you.  She'll let you know that she's full.  Makes me think that's why Cole only took 2 oz. from his bottle on Sunday.  That and/or teething.

okay, that's all I have time for right now.
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Offline Richelle

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #382 on: October 26, 2005, 12:38:41 pm »
Just have time for a quick post.  I just wanted to add a pic in regards to the TV debate.  We have the TV on all the time, I don't know why - we didn't have TV for 2 years at one point, I had just never really thought about it. 

I also got a glare from a lady yesterday after I gave Sophie her toy back that had fallen on the floor of a restaurant :oops:

Bad Mommy.....

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Offline Jayri

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #383 on: October 26, 2005, 13:01:49 pm »
ok, so I must be the worst mum ever, haha, I put the tv on in the morning, it is on pretty much all day, more for background for the kids.  We do have guidelines what is appropriate for them to watch.
Traci and anyone else who is trying bottles, what kind do you use, we found that the platex advanced nurser system was really good, also the method used in BWSAYP was really good, and now riley has one or two bottles a day.
Man last night I went to bed on page 37, and woke up to page 39.
Thanks for the compliments on Riley, i came home last night from the mall, and she was still awake, so I thought I would try it on her then, but she laughing as I was putting it on.
haven't heard anything back from the job, probably won't till the end of the week, but I will be sure to let you know. I would like to get it, but no biggie, just means I get a little more time at home with the kids.
Okay, the chat, seems everyone likes sunday in the us and mon in AUS and NZ.
I can do 10pm my time, so I guess it would probably be best to stick to the same times as the regular chat. Anyone up for this sunday to start.
For those of you who haven't dome it before, in the lounge there is a chat room link, click on that and set up an account on you don't have one, and then sign in and chat.
I will put up a link for it on sunday to make it easier than searching around.
I will make sure I put the pics of riley's full outfit up soon.
enjoy your day ladies, where ever you are, oh, almost forgot, so nice to see the newest members of our clan post again, bianca so nice to hear from you again, and yay for sienna on her rolling.
Naomi mum to ds 17.06.03 and dd 26.03.05
&dh together since 23.02.01


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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #384 on: October 26, 2005, 14:10:45 pm »
Naomi-we use Avent bottles.  Have since the start.  he used to take a bottle no problem before but DH then didn't have time to do it regularly.  I think I'll just have to try more often during the day.

Holly and everyone else-sorry for commenting on the 2 hour nap thing.  i go and spout off like i know what i'm talking about and wouldn't you know Cole is going on his first 2 hour nap in months!  Actually-maybe i should check on him, it's so unlike him.  He woke at 40 minutes, cried on and off for 10 minutes and hes been back down for 1:10 more!  Didn't have a good night though.  Settled fine at 6:15 but woke on and off until 7.  Then we tried the bottle which he wasn't impressed with, woke at 3am, fed one boob, woke at 5, fed one boob, didn't really go back to sleep...stayed in room til 5:45.  HEY-now he's up.  hee hee.  i think he knew i was posting.

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #385 on: October 26, 2005, 15:14:40 pm »
Traci about the bottle refusal.  It may have nothing to do with DH at all really.  Zoe took to bottles no problem and then suddenly one day around 3 or 4 months decided she wasn't having anything to do with them again.  She'd been getting a bottle of ebm every other day or so from 2weeks.  Then one day she started with the bottles again no problem.  She then had two days where she wouldn't take the boob for her two middle feeds only the bottle.  So fine I thought we'll just start weaning - well nope she switched again and refused the bottles AND her solids for 3 days.  She was one tough nut.

I was going to comment on the nap thing with dh too - I find that Hannah almost always wakes early if I leave the house - even if I leave AFTER she's sound asleep.  It's like she knows.  And it doesn't matter what dh does she wants me and only me and nothing else will do.  If I leave while they are still awake they're good for about 30minutes and then they scream and scream and scream until either I come home or they pass out.   :cry:  :cry:   And dh spends a ton of time with all the girls so it isn't like they aren't used to him.

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #386 on: October 26, 2005, 15:36:24 pm »
Yeah, Traci!!  I was laying in bed trying to go back to sleep after Ryan woke up again (only 2 times last night...with humidifier, thanks for the reminder, Erin!) and was thinking the same thing.  Why am I thinking about BW in the middle of the night instead of sleeping?   :roll:   It never hurts my feelings if you don't comment on a fact it can be a bit intimidating to log on and see 5 pages!  Hopefully this reminder will cut down a bit of extra space.  Maybe this is why the newbies have dropped off?  I'd say if there are a few things that you want to comment on that's perfect, then get your vent on.   :wink:  (Hope that sounded nice...we've discussed the tone thing hard when you're only typing!!!)

Here's my vent/question of the day:  Ryan HATES putting on his winter coat and/or getting into the car seat.  I guess it's the containment thing?  He screams and cries and, since he generally doesn't do that, it's upsetting for all of us.  Anyone else had to deal with this?  Any suggestions?  TIA!

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #387 on: October 26, 2005, 16:02:02 pm »
Richelle, that picture is too funny.  I love it.  Not bad mommy...real mommy And yes, I think we should try for the chat this sunday if anyone's up for it.
I am coming down with a cold I think...yuck.  DH and dd are too?? I'm off to nap while she does.
Thanks for the numbers Traci.
Talk to you all later.

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #388 on: October 26, 2005, 16:47:05 pm »
hi guys!  I got this from my ped. last time I was in :

Approx. Daily Food Intake for 6-8 months
dry infant cereal----4-8Tbsps
veggies--------4-8 Tbsps
fruit----------4-7 Tbsps
meat------3-6 Tbsps
juice (optional)----3-4 oz.

offer veggies and fruits once cereal is accepted
veggies should be unsalted
fruits and juices should be unsweetened
offer single pureed meat after fruits and veggies are accepted
well-cooked egg yolk can be given.  Egg wihte should not be given until one year because it is a common allergen.

When we get there I can post the 9-10 month suggestions.
mom to 2 beautiful boys!

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #389 on: October 26, 2005, 17:00:25 pm »
Thanks hannah, I came back on and thought oh my no one has said anything they DO think I am a bad mommy lol  :lol:.  Just kidding but I should have included the story :roll:.  I had put her on her blanket in the middle of the floor where she was squealing and rolling around as I emptied the dishwasher.  All of a sudden it was really quiet and I went in to find her like that in front of the TV! :shock: 

I suppose now I will be more aware of what she watches, she never seems interested in the TV unless it is Einstein which she will happily watch for 45 minutes (yes I have timed her).  I hope when I am finished work i will have more time for her, I just have so much to do around the house on my days off or else I am running errands, which she is such a good sport about ...sigh...

Riley is so adorable as the butterfly!!!

About the sippy cups.  I tried to find the nuby cup here but knew I was dreaming but got the Avent sippy cups and they are really good.  They have the vent that prevents spilling but it is really easy to get water out of it by either sucking or biting.  It also has a rubber spout so Sophie loves to chew it and get water it is great to watch and she is finally getting the hang of tipping it up!

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