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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #240 on: October 22, 2005, 15:58:07 pm »
Way to go Danielle!!!  That's good to know Nikki - I was starting to consider throwing in the towel on solids for a bit but maybe we'll just continue to plug along.  I've tried letting Hannah slurp... she doesn't really slurp much but she's not annoyed by it as she is by having a spoon of food put in her mouth.  We'll see....

Offline Olivia's Mommy

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #241 on: October 22, 2005, 15:59:50 pm »
Hey girls! Sorry I haven't posted in a while, but I've been reading along and trying to keep up!

I know what you mean, Andrea and Traci, about people looking at you weird when you talk about your LOs bedtime. We start the ritual at 7:00 and she's usually in bed by 7:30 although sometimes she doesn't go to sleep until 8:00. I was telling my friend, who has a DS 3 weeks older than Olivia, and she said, "I so wish my DS would go to sleep that early! Do you put her to bed, or does she just go to sleep and sleep through the night." And I just thought, "Well, it's not like she comes up to me and says, 'Mother, I think I'm ready to turn in for the night.' We're the parents so we set the bedtime!" But of course, she and her son are on NO type of schedule whatsoever, and that would drive me crazy. Luckily he's an angel baby, so she can tote him anywhere and he's fine. On the flip side though, my best friend just found out she's pregnant with her first, and she's already asking me for the BW book for her shower! She's already a believer!

To each his own, I guess!

Well, we have company for the weekend, so enjoy, everyone! I'll check in later.
Missouri, USA

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #242 on: October 22, 2005, 17:29:41 pm »
Nicki, that is so funny waht Nathan said about Danielle and thebooby!!! :lol:   Kids say the darndest things!

Judy-yay for you and Kaia!  Hopefully sis will catch on soon.

As far as sleeping through I think it is at least 5-6 hours a stretch w/o food right?  not sure, but I think in general we are all doing EXCELLENT with having our lo's in bed at a decent time and waking up at a decent time.  Yes, they may take a feed here and there, and do the occasional wake up where they need our help to go back to sleep, but overall they are all independent sleepers, right?  that is what I tell myself to keep positive, like when she woke today at her uisual 5 am for a little patting! :roll:

Anyhow, solids continie to go well!  she loves the homemade applesauce I made for her.  Tomorrow we are trying yogurt!  Someone asked about organic fruits and veggies for those of us who make our own.  I do not buy organic.  Bad mommy???  I think not, because hey, at least I'm making her food right?  that has to count for something! :)

Yesterday I met with 4 other BW moms in Dana Point and it was so much fun and such a breath of fresh air!  I will post pics later in the photo gallery if anyone is interested.

Gotta get ready...we are taking T to take her 6 month pics later.

BTW, sorry I missed the chat last night.  DH and I watched Batman Begins...not bad but can't stand Katie Holmes! :roll:

Taylor-Textbook Baby
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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #243 on: October 22, 2005, 17:51:33 pm »
I make my own baby food too but don't bother buying organic stuff (other than what we grow in our own garden).  The whole organic industry isn't really all that well regulated as yet.  I think what regulations there are can be a bit misleading and such from what I've heard.

Plus, as was said, at least I'm making it myself - gotta be some credit for that right? :)

Offline Taylor's Mommy

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #244 on: October 22, 2005, 18:07:12 pm »
so I must be starting my period soon because I am feeling ultra paranoid/sensitive.

First, I hope when I said "at least I make her food" I wasn't sounding too self-righteous or anything.  Def. don't want to offend anyone!   :oops:
Taylor-Textbook Baby
DOB 04/19/05

Sydney-too soon to tell, but looking EASY
DOB 05/20/07


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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #245 on: October 22, 2005, 19:13:41 pm »
Oh Andrea!  :D  :D   I hardly think you could offend anyone!  No worries!  :D  :D

Maybe it's just one of those days.  I'm feeling rather glum myself.  It's grey as grey can be outside and chilly chilly CHILLY.  Hannah's in a funk - getting a tooth and can't fit enough fists in her mouth.  I made a huge pot of homemade minestrone soup and no one else in the family will even taste it.  :roll:

Other than that we've done nothing but sit around this house today - not so different than every other day but I guess by the time the weekend comes and dh is home I kinda wish we could DO something.  *sigh*


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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #246 on: October 22, 2005, 19:29:42 pm »
Andrea, I didn't even notice what you wrote about homemade food so definitely no offense. :wink:

I also make my own food (well intend on it when she eats much LOL), but don't buy organic.  I do often buy the tinned baby fruit though since it's so much nicer than what I make.

I personally don't tell many people I come here or that I do BW unless they're a good friend or people who don't have babies and I know would have no interest hanging out on a baby website. LOL. I've never told my playgroup who is my antenatal group from Nathan, they're all total "wingers" and would think I'm a routine-nazi even though my EASY is a very loose version, but I have always tried to be home for naptime but don't tell them why I'm leaving.  :roll:  :lol:

Well gorgeous day today and it's Labour Weekend so we're off to a trip out, so a total "wing it" day.  8)

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #247 on: October 22, 2005, 20:24:05 pm »
Yay for Danielle and eating solids!!!

ANDREA-that was totally not offensive. I also try and make my own food but Sam does get some tinned stuff because as Nikki said, it is much nicer than anything I could ever make. I do not do organic either. Contemplated it but agree with Judy with the non regulation etc.

I am exactly the same as Nikki when it comes to BW and telling people although I mention routine when they ask me why Sam is always happy and smiling when we are out. I am quite a stickler to routine and therefore often make appointments etc around the routine. Although, must say that I was much worse before I came on here and got advice from the more "experienced" mums (thanks Nikki, Erin, Naomi etc!) :D

It is a glorious day here and it is a long weekend so we are also totally winging it this weekend!
Have a great day all.

PS: TRACI-our bedtime seems to be getting earlier and earlier. What time did you say Cole went to bed. For us, last night it was 6.20 pm. Asleep by 6.40pm and woke this morning at 7. I think it was fluke but I am happy with anything after 6 am!

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #248 on: October 22, 2005, 20:33:15 pm »
I don't tell very many people about BW unless they ask.....I did rave about it when we first got Jack onto it because it made such a difference but since then noone has asked so I don't bring it up either.  I don't want to sound too fanatical  :roll:  :D
I've made some of my own food but not very much only peas, sweet potato, banana, peaches, lamb, turkey, and spaghetti....he loves pureed spaghetti.  Maybe just has more flavor.  I guess now that I list it down I actually have made quite a bit.  :D   Yeah for me!

Talking about people that have no clue (I don't claim to be any know-it-all) but I was hanging out with a girlfriend the other day and her neighbor came over with her LO.  We started discussing solids and how much they were eating.  (her LO is 5.5months)  She said her little boy was just about weaned completely off milk and only eating 3 meals a day!!! :shock:  :shock:   I couldn't believe my ears!!  She said he was eating about 20 Tbsp of cereal for breakfast!!!  Can you believe that??!!  Anyways, I bit my tongue.  She can talk to her pediatrician about it.  Poor little guy I have no idea if she is giving him any liquids!  Needless to say  I think we are doing is all relative!!! :shock:  :roll:  :D
mom to 2 beautiful boys!

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #249 on: October 22, 2005, 21:07:43 pm »
Hey ladies, well we made it through last night.  She didn't wake until 2, fed her then awake again and 4:30, fed her, woke at 5:20, put herself back to sleep :D  then for the day at 6:45.  Not too bad, but can't wait until DH gets back.  I also don't like being here alone.  Every noise creeps me out.  We have 2 dogs, but they're big sissies!

Nikki - too funny about the boobie business.  Isn't it funny how the rest of the family gets so comfortable with breasts.  DH says he'll never think of boobies the same again.  :?

I don't make Claire's food, but would love to try.  Can anybody suggest a good book on it?

I don't talk to other people about BW either, except for my mom.  She was really supportive when we were going through nap training.  I don't even talk to MIL about it.  It gets a little hairy when she invites us over for dinner at 7pm.  We've gone several times and just leave Claire with a sitter, but I know they want to see her too.   DH is really great about defending our routine and they are pretty respectful.  They even bought a crib so Claire can take naps at their house.  Which she did today for the first time!  It was only 45 min. and I had to use the paci, but I figure its a good start. :D
Have a  great weekend

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #250 on: October 22, 2005, 23:42:57 pm »
Hi Everyone,

We're back from ILs house.  Decided to come home before bed as Cole was up a few extra times last night and had short naps today...well, all except his catnap that was an hour and ended at 4:45 :oops:   I just had to let him sleep-he was so tired. As a result we didn't end up leaving until 5:25, home by 6:25 and he just went down at 7.  Poor guy cried the whole way home. (one hour) I think it was a combo of hunger, gas and teething.  DH reached back and gave him his hand when we were at a stop light when we got off the highway and cole grabbed it and starting chomping on his finger.  Then when he did feed he had a huge poop and lots of toots.  He fell asleep on the boob, but woke up going up the stairs and still went down without a peep. 

We arrived, dogs were barking etc. but Cole was great.  They made no offer to put them outside or in a bedroom or anything.  So I had to hold cole the whole time.  They eventually got used to him, sniffed him a couple of times and left him alone.  At one point we spread out a blanket so he could play and about 5 people just created a circle around him in case the one dog got off the couch (did you read that on couch, people on floor :twisted: ) and the other one was in the kitchen with MIL.  Anyway, it was an okay visit.  Cole was great in his high chair while we ate dinner, and he ate his own dinner before we left.  I have a DH rant...but not sure I have enough time to type it before he's home from the movie store.  more on that tomorrow or Monday.

Karen, Cole is asleep normally by 6:00-6:15 and on good days he's been getting up 6:15-6:30 :D   I do feed him at 10pm and anywhere between 2 and 4am

I tried wake to sleep last night as he's been getting up at 1:30.  Did the jiggle at 12:30.  He woke at 12:50 and cried a few minutes!  Then woke at 2.  I didn't want to feed him as I want to break him out of this middle of the night feed and at least get him going til 4 but I was tired.  Fed him, he woke at 4 and went back to sleep, woke at 5:30 i gave 1 boob and he slept til 6:15.  Not a stellar night at all.  Think the mom and baby show wore him out.  I hope his bad ride home doesn't totally wreck his sleep tonight.

Supposed to go shopping tomorrow.  I'll still go but asked future SIL to come out this way so Cole could stay home and have all his naps in his crib.

gotta go, DH home, talk tomorrow.
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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #251 on: October 23, 2005, 00:40:00 am »
Traci, I'll bet you're glad the IL trip is over at least and actually it sounds like it went well. 
Our Little Tiny Girlfriend (as dh likes to call her) is awake...gotta go deal.   It's been a crazy day :)
naomi thanks for the chat last night.
Hugs to everyone.
More later.

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #252 on: October 23, 2005, 02:44:37 am »
hannah you are more than welcome for the chat last night.
Well things have knida reached a head here. I have hammered it into dh and the friend we have looking after the kids of how important the routine is. I asked dh what time he fed riley at this morning and he said "I don't know".
I told him later that that kind of answer didn't help me out and threw her routine off for the rest of the day.
So I have asked them both to write down what , when and any notes,kwim. I figuered with three of us with the kids it is the easiest way to do it.
Jay now has an ear infection from his cold, Oh yippee!!!! So things are a challenge with that, but he is able to use words to tell us what is wrong with him. I still can't get over the words he uses.
Just thought I would pop in and say hi to you all, sorry for not answering anyone, but things have been quite hectic around our home lately.
Take Care everyone, I will chat again with you all soon.
Naomi mum to ds 17.06.03 and dd 26.03.05
&dh together since 23.02.01


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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #253 on: October 23, 2005, 03:03:36 am »
Naomi-hope jay feels better soon.  Did you still go for pictures today?  I think that is a great idea about writing it all down..I feel you on the "I don't know" answers..kinda drives you batty!

Jessica- good for you defending the routine with mil.  I have had to do the same thing.  Actually, I asked dh to talk to mil for me and actually, things have been MUCH better fact I think she is more stuck to the routine then I am sometimes. 

Micky- I am curious, spaghetti??  How did you fix it originally, what kind of sauce...that is so cool.  My dh was having a blast after I told him that thinking of all of the meals we could puree for her (like salad  :roll: ).  Funny.

Judy- it's funny, I guess the grass is always drives me crazy that dh always wants to do so much on weekends because it's so much harder to do things then to just stay home...and I am saying this with only one child!!!  Truly pathetic I tell you.  Although I do understand cabin fever as I was a little stuck here yesterday with a flat tire (I could have fixed it myself I suppose but I was feeling a little wimpy).  Oh yeah and BTW, I would have eaten your minnestroni  :D

Andrea- How did T's pics go? Can't believe you missed the chat for batman returns ---just kidding!  I never thought of the telling other mom's about the site thing.  I am actually really glad you said that because I don't think I will really tell anyone else...although be assured you said nothing that anyone could find offensive.  Also, thanks for the sleep pep talk, I don't get to see alot of other moms so it's good to hear that we are doing well.  Finally, yogurt? Are they allowed to have it before one year?

Nancy- I thought that was so funny what you said about it's not like Olivia comes up to you and says "Mother..."  I mean drives me crazy when people think Sophie is sooooo easy...I want to say well you know, I have had to work out a FEW kinks...and whenever they want me to trash the sched. they say, but she's always so good...duh! Why do you think?

Nikki-Yeah for Danielle!!  And yes that was hysterical about Nathan and the booby comment.

Traci- didn't mean to sound insensitive in my earlier post when I said it sounded like all went well...kinda skipped over the part about him crying all the way home.  We've had that situation before.  Not fun.  I hope you have a good night!

As for us, we have had a nightmare day...don't really no why.  Seemed like Sophie was on a hunger strike yesterday...hmmm. She did take a good df, but was up at 4:30 and would not go back to sleep.  Finally fed her at 6.  And she was really hungry.  I felt bad for waiting so long, I guess I should have known.  Anyhow, that threw the whole day off because she went back to sleep till 8:30, dh let her sleep while I went for a run with a friend.  So then it was PU/PD for both naps and bed time she took about 30 mins to settle.  She did finally eat though.  I fed her a ton of prunes cause I haven't seen a poop in a few days...I am sure I'll learn a lesson about that sometime in the  middle of the night tonight.

As usual, I couldn't live without you...dh calls you my "imaginary friends" (but in a nice way
 :lol :lol:
Take care,

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March/April 05 Thread #2
« Reply #254 on: October 23, 2005, 03:22:35 am »
hi all!!
naomi: i hope things start going better around your house.  And I hope Jayson is feeling better soon!!

hannah:  I just made spaghetti how I usually do....extra lean ground beef, tomato sauce, onions, garlic, basil, red pepper flakes  :D   (Jack has already tried regular baby food beef-absolutely disgusting!!)  Then just pureed with water.  He gobbled it up.  My mom thinks I'm crazy.  But we just had an article in the newspaper (gospel-right??)  that said spices were fine to feed tonight I made ---are you ready for this----red curry chicken with tomatoes and onions (medium spice).  He loved it.  It didn't even phase him :D   In the newspaper article it said if you had a varied diet while pregnant than so would the baby.  I ate jalepenos like they were going out of style while I was pregnant so I'm not surprised that Jackson is so far enjoying a little spice!!  :shock:  :D
mom to 2 beautiful boys!